In DC Comics, the Green Lanterns are an eclectic group of space cops that protect and serve the cosmos, and while there are many well-known and powerful members among the Green Lantern Corps ranks, the very first one, Alitha of Galactica, deserves more recognition! Alitha may have existed over ten billion years ago, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s one of the most badass Lanterns to have ever lived.

First revealed during the 2017 series titled Green Lanterns, by Sam Humphries and a rotating crew of talented artists, Alitha is a character fans of Lantern lore should know about. Conjuring up constructs billions of years before the iconic Green Lanterns of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner made it onto the scene, Alitha has a backstory that would make even these greatest of Green Lanterns blush.


Part of the Third World, or the universe before the Fourth World of New Genesis and Apokolips, Alitha hailed from a war-torn planet called Galactica. Looking like a kind of gladiator dressed up in a full bodysuit, a single shoulder guard, and a sweet set of face gear, Alitha’s story as a warrior turned Green Lantern begins when a member of her planet is called upon to inspire, teach, and “serve as an example” for the rest of the cosmos.

Wanting to do just that by quelling the violence across the galaxy of the Third World to “ensure there will not be a Fourth,” Alitha volunteers for this mission into the unknown of space, attracting one of the newly created Green Lantern rings in the process. Whisked away after the ring slips onto her finger and transforms her into a Lantern proper, Alitha is tasked — along with six other “first” Lanterns and a time-displaced Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz — to help bring down the Lantern villain named Volthoom.

Unable to fully unleash the power of a Green Lantern right off the bat, Simon trains Alitha in a way that allows her to feel as “powerful as I feel on the inside,” her ring channeling green energy and turning her into a hulking warrior of might and power, officially marking the moment where she transcends from being a normal citizen of the Third World into something so much more. Helping to beat back Volthoom with the assistance of the other gathered Green Lanterns, Alitha proves her immense strength and willpower in a hard-fought battle against this staple Lantern baddie and solidifies her place in the pantheon of Green Lanterns in the most badass and memorable way possible.

So although Green Lantern Alitha has long since passed through this mortal plane of existence (and unfortunately many fans’ minds), her wild legacy should be remembered for the epic story that it is. Alitha of Galactica may not be the first kind of Lantern in existence to wield a power ring channeling the light of the Emotional Spectrum, but she was the very first Green Lantern to do so successfully, and for that, she deserves to be famous.

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