Warning: contains spoilers for DC Pride #1!

The first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, just revealed a tragic side to his origin story. In a story titled ‘He’s the Light of My Life’ from DC Pride #1, Alan Scott explains to his son Obsidian that the accident that led to him becoming Green Lantern also led to the death of someone he loved. DC Pride is on sale now in print and digital.

Alan Scott is the original Green Lantern, debuting in All-American Comics #16 in 1940, and was created by Bill Finger and Martin Nodell. Unlike later bearers of the name, Alan Scott did not serve as a member of the Green Lantern Corps, although his lantern shares a common origin with the Guardians of Oa. This version of Alan Scott was wiped from continuity at the dawn of the New 52 era, but with Infinite Frontier in full swing, Scott has returned, recharged and ready to resume the life he thought lost. In Infinite Frontier #0, Scott came out as gay to his friends and family and now readers learn that his first, true love ended in tragedy – and the birth of a hero.


Alan Scott has not always enjoyed the best relationship with his children, Obsidian in particular. He asks his son to join him for lunch in an attempt to mend fences, and it turns out Obsidian’s chosen restaurant is one Alan has been to before, “back when it was a bar for, uh, confirmed bachelors.” Alan goes on to recount his first love with Jimmy, who he met while riding a train in the early 1940s. The two fell in love, and eventually Jimmy found work as a railroad conductor, with Scott riding the train whenever possible in order to see him. Sadly, their love was not to be, as Jimmy was killed in the railroad accident which led to Alan Scott becoming Green Lantern and embarking on a heroic career. Obsidian is shaken by this story, and it ends with the hope of reconciliation between the two.

Alan Scott has been a fan favorite for many years now and has persisted in popularity when so many other characters from his era have fallen by the wayside, and now DC has shown a more tragic side to his origin story. This new revelation adds depth to Alan Scott’s character, combining the triumph of his origin with a very personal tragedy. It also reaffirms why he is one of DC’s greatest heroes: he suffered a horrible tragedy that was compounded by the prejudice of the society around him but still chose to protect others as a hero.

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The decision to bring the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott, back to continuity was a wise one and revealing a tragic side to his origin makes him a stronger character. ‘He’s the Light of My Life’ – from Sam Johns, Klaus Janson, Dave McCaig and Tom Napolitano – just became an essential chapter of Green Lantern lore.

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