The CW’s The Flash is one of the most popular shows within the Arrowverse and, with its seventh season recently confirmed, it doesn’t show any sign of slowing down soon — pun absolutely intended. There haven’t been many changes to the main cast over the years, and as a result, the audience feels a lot more comfortable around them.

That isn’t to say all the new cast members are automatically shunned, though. New characters such as Cecile and Ralph have been welcomed into the fold. However, there have been other characters introduced on The Flash who haven’t proved as enjoyable as viewers would have liked.

10 Julian Albert

Julian Albert wasn’t a hated character as such, but his first appearance didn’t really count for much. After coming back from Flashpoint, Barry was stunned to realize that he now had to share his lab with another scholar, Julian. Viewers never saw Julian arrive, so perhaps that was why they never really warmed up to him in the first place.

Things just went from bad to worse for poor Julian, who was actually the secondary antagonist of Season 3 all along, without even realizing it. Julian’s alter ego was Doctor Alchemy, who went on to act against Team Flash on several occasions. It’s Julian’s inability to properly connect with the main cast that lands him a spot on this list.

9 Patty Spivot

Patty appeared in the second season of The Flash, requesting that she be allowed to help Joe with his metahuman task force. The latter was reluctant, as his old partner, Eddie, had only recently died and he didn’t want to put anyone else in danger unless it was strictly necessary. However, Patty remained persistent and eventually she became Joe’s partner.

During her time on the force, Patty noticed Barry Allen working as a CSI and they developed mutual crushes on each other. The two were quite cute together, and dated for a fairly long time. Unfortunately, both Patty and Barry were keeping secrets from each other, and viewers knew that Patty only existed to keep Barry and Iris apart.


8 Sherloque Wells

Sherloque was one of the more recent doppelgängers of Harrison Wells to have appeared on our screens, but for some reason, fans just didn’t warm to him as they had the others. Sherloque was extremely clever and proved to be a valuable asset to the team, but he did have his bad moments as well.

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Firstly, Sherloque was rather rude and condescending, especially towards Ralph. This is obviously not brilliant, but Harrison Wells from Earth-2 was both these things as well, and no one seemed to care then. To be fair, Sherloque also charged Team Flash for finding Cicada for them, only to realize that he was wrong.

7 Hunter Zolomon/Zoom/Jay Garrick

Hunter Zolomon (also known as Zoom) was the primary antagonist of Season 2. This in itself would prove to be a massive problem in the eyes of the fans, as Tom Cavanagh had already done such a brilliant job of portraying Eobard Thawne in the previous season. Any villain who came after would have to be seriously terrifying.

In all fairness, Zoom was a captivating, if not a little over the top, villain when he was in costume. Hunter Zolomon, on the other hand, was not. It felt like they had taken everything great about Reverse Flash and copy and pasted the results in Season 2. Surprise! The good guy who knows everything is actually the bad guy all along. Who could have seen that one coming…?

6 Harrison Wells (Earth-2)

Before we knew about the multiverse and all the different Earths within the Arrowverse, many fans just assumed there was only one Earth. How foolish we all were. In Season 1, it was revealed that Harrison Wells, mentor and father figure to Team Flash, had actually been dead for years and was instead the evil speedster, Reverse Flash.

Luckily, Barry defeated Reverse Flash with some help from Eddie, and Harrison Wells was no more. Or so we thought. Another Harrison Wells, this time from Earth-2, came to our world to help Zoom steal Barry’s speed. This Wells was arrogant, rude, selfish and actually, more of a jerk than his evil doppelgänger.

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5 Cicada 2.0

To be honest, Season 5 of The Flash was pretty weak in general. With a few notable exceptions thanks to the surprising return of Reverse Flash, the whole season just felt slow and not particularly exciting. Even the main villain was pretty lame. However, when the original Cicada’s niece took up her uncle’s mantle, things improved slightly.

This really isn’t saying that much, because both Cicadas were still pretty lousy antagonists. Their motivation for killing was fairly standard, and didn’t really have any impact on Barry or any of the main cast. Grace was a stepping stone for The Flash in that she was the series’s first main female Big Bad, but other than that, she didn’t really contribute anything.

4 Jesse Quick

We’re sorry, but Jesse was just annoying. Like, what was the point of her? At first, we all had sympathy for her because, through no fault of her own, she had been captured by Zoom to encourage her father, Harrison Wells 2.0 (who, incidentally, was also fairly irritating), to steal the Flash’s speed.

Once she had been rescued by Team Flash, Jesse stayed on Earth-1 for a while, striking up a relationship with Wally West. However, this coupling just seemed totally forced and it was severely lacking in any kind of chemistry. What was worse, though, was how Jesse broke it off with Wally, essentially dumping him via text message.

3 Savitar

This wasn’t entirely Savitar’s fault. He was the main villain of Season 3, and he was the third evil speedster to go up against Barry. At this point, viewers were just getting tired of watching Barry run around for a bit, get upset, run around a bit more and then do something really quickly that saves the day.

The season needed a different type of villain, but it was too late. As an antagonist, though, Savitar worked quite well, and the revelation that he was actually an evil Barry Allen was genuinely surprising. However, when he killed Iris (another big shock), he turned the Flash into a whiny, moody child for the rest of the season, which no one found engaging.

2 Grodd

Many fans love the Arrowverse’s depiction of this big gorilla, but we honestly find the episodes drop in quality whenever he appears. Though the CGI is quite impressive, and Grodd always comes across as convincing in his movements, unfortunately, that’s about the only good thing about the killer gorilla.

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Grodd is supposed to be deeply intelligent, and has posed a significant threat to Team Flash multiple times in the past. So why is it that he cannot grasp how to use verbs? Or the first person? When you’re faced with a villain who has the linguistic ability of a two-year-old, it’s hard to take them seriously.

1 Cicada (The Original)

As previously stated, Season 5 was not one of the strongest seasons of The Flash. There were a lot of storylines that took too long to play out, and the resolutions to those plot points were not particularly satisfying. However, the main issue with the fifth season was that the villains were just not that interesting.

Firstly, Orlin Dwyer had a lame voice. Not all villains have to sound so gravelly and monotonous. The second, less petty reason is that he just wasn’t that compelling for a Big Bad. I mean, granted, Zoom’s need for speed was a bit lame as well, but Orlin wanted to kill all metas just because one metahuman was responsible for his niece’s coma. It wasn’t very original.

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