The Flash is one of the major shows that make up the Arrowverse. It’s full of DC characters that are fighting for the attention of the series’ massive audience. There’s plenty of lesser-known comic characters who have gained a new following thanks to the TV series.

However, not every supporting character has been given the right amount of screen time over the last 6 seasons of the show. Here are 10 supporting characters in The Flash that absolutely deserve more screen time or, at least, to return to the show in some form.


Allegra Garcia is a brand new character who already feels like an afterthought in many of the episodes of The Flash. The character has an interesting set of powers for a metahuman and a tragic back story with some villainous family members.

However, Garcia has now been working under the tutelage of Iris West who seems to take joy in suppressing her abilities. While there could be a great reporter in Allegra, she keeps getting pushed back and isn’t given nearly enough screen time to truly shine.


Ronnie Raymond was the original Firestorm and the fiance of Caitlin Snow. Presumed dead, he made a grand reappearance and was featured on The Flash for a short amount of time, before becoming killed off permanently once again.

We’ve seen an alternate reality version of the character make an appearance but it’s a shame that this original Raymond couldn’t have been brought back, perhaps to even bond with the new version of the character. Raymond had good chemistry with the team and offered something different.



Gypsy was featured on and off again for a couple of seasons before getting murdered off-camera. The recent episode left many fans shocked as the character was pretty well respected for her take-no-prisoners attitude and impressive abilities.

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Gypsy’s relationship with Cisco may have finished but the couple still provided some of The Flash‘s most romantic moments. It would have been compelling to see Gypsy in action post-break-up or even have her join team Flash as a permanent member.


The police chief David Singh is only featured every now and again, but when he is included, he’s treated as a very important character. When his life has been in danger in the past, viewers genuinely felt worried for him, an impressive feat consider his amount of screen time.

Singh has always had Barry’s back and is even aware of the Flash’s alter ego. He named Joe as his successor as well, cementing his legacy. Singh is a really written and beloved character and should have been written into more adventures with the team.


This may seem like a strange choice as Ralph Digby is one of the most heavily featured characters on the show. However, while Ralph enjoys too much screen time, his alter ego, the Elongated Man, is barely featured on TV at all anymore.

Perhaps, it’s because his power set requires a larger CGI budget or because there’s less to do with the character in this form, but we’d love to see Ralph actually suit up more often, especially since he’s been named an official hero of Central City.


One of the most heartbreaking things to ever happen to the Flash family is losing Nora West-Allen to the time stream. When Nora first arrived in the past, she was seen as immature and a character who was not to be trusted.

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As time went on, Nora went on a significant journey which culminated in her becoming a selfless hero. Once she faded away, it became obvious how much Nora offered to the show. If only Nora could return and garner the screen time she deserves.


The multiverse has been a heavily featured part of the Arrowverse and Jay Garrick has been a key player in this. After the fake reveal of Jay Garrick early on in The Flash, viewers were introduced to the real version of the character.

Garrick has been in and out of the show, but his wisdom and experience (and killer costume) have made him a valuable asset and a lot of fun to watch. We’d love to see a few more team-ups or perhaps even more alternate versions of Garrick rather than Allen.


Jesse Wells, or Jesse Quick as she is sometimes known, is a complicated character. While her relationship with Wally felt a little off and the heartless way she broke up with him said a lot about the character, we’d still love to see more of her on-screen.

While the show hasn’t really shown what Jesse is up to right now, she is an extremely experienced speedster with a completely unique life. Jesse and her father added a unique dynamic to the team and it would be awesome to see her return to teach a thing or two to Barry.


Chester was introduced in Season 6 and is based on the comic character Chunk. While The Flash made many changes from the comics, the charismatic Chester has been a treat to watch. He debuted as one of the threats the team had to overcome.

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After opening up black holes, Chester was affected strongly by his experiments and had to stay in S.T.A.R. Labs for some time. After his release, he had a couple of episodes before fading out of the show again. This hilarious scientist needs to get more opportunities to shine.


Tom Felton brought a menacing charm to Julian Albert, who served as a secondary villain to the big bad, Savitar. It’s fair to say that he didn’t have a lot of chemistry with the team, but this may be due to the fact he still felt an immense amount of guilt.

It was deemed that the character didn’t work though and he was written out of the show. However, as a character, Albert still has a great deal of potential that The Flash has yet to fully tap. If granted more screen time, Albert could become an intriguing anti-hero.

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