Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash season 7 episode, “The Speed of Thought.” 

The Flash sent Iris West-Allen into the Mirrorverse halfway through season 6 and it’s certainly changed her in a myriad of ways. The intrepid reporter can now read everything in the Mirrorverse despite it being backwards and her headaches from being inside the world all this time have dissipated. The Flash is fast approaching the end of the Mirrorverse arc, which means the series must now contend with the ramifications of Iris’ time inside the reflective world. 

The effects of Eva McCulloch’s world have proven detrimental to Iris even more so now that she’s back in the real world and it could lead to her temporarily gaining powers. Barry Allen finally gets his wife out of the Mirrorverse at the end of season 7’s second episode, called “The Speed of Thought.” While Iris was thrilled to see him, she refused to leave the Mirrorverse without Kamilla and David Singh in tow, both of whom had collapsed from being inside the world. Barry, whose emotions were severely dampened by the artificial speed force, brought Iris back despite her wishes. She also didn’t react too well after returning to the other side of the mirror, immediately dropping to the floor and writhing in pain, seemingly unable to speak. 


Seeing her in agony caused Barry to finally snap out of his emotionless stupor, but the damage was already done. It seems Iris’ mind and body were not reacting well to being removed from a place she had gotten used to. What does this mean for Iris moving forward? Iris will likely need some time to readjust to being back in the real world. But, when she finally gets used to no longer being in the Mirrorverse, she may come to find that she can achieve the same things Eva can because of the residual effects of the reflective world. 

It’s possible that Iris will obtain new powers that will allow her to control reflective surfaces like Eva, at least temporarily. The Flash has already hinted that Iris is slowly gaining these abilities — she’s the only one in the Mirrorverse aside from Eva who can navigate the world without any mental repercussions and she almost successfully destabilized the mirror portal that Barry opened to get her out. Knowing that something wasn’t right, Iris tried to close the portal altogether, signaling the powers she might now possess. If nothing else, the scene proves that she is much stronger now than she was when she was first pulled into the Mirrorverse. 

Iris may even prove to be more powerful than Eva since she seems to have better control of her mental faculties, whereas the Mirror Mistress is slowly losing her grip on reality. What’s more, Eva’s realization that the real world could be her world suggests the Mirrorverse will come into play for the final stretch of the arc. Once Iris comes to, she could return to the world she just left to fight Eva, who has already begun bringing others into the Mirrorverse where she can more easily control things. A showdown between the two makes the most sense considering all that Eva has put Iris through. Having Iris defeat Eva with her own mirror powers in The Flash season 7 would certainly even the playing field and ensures that Iris’ time in the reflective world is developed even further. 

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