One of the most popular theories surrounding The Flash is that the second Barry Allen seen in the trailer is in fact the Reverse-Flash. Ezra Miller’s Flash, who most recently appeared in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, stars as the titular hero opposite both Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton as Batman, in a film that promises to introduce the DC multiverse to the big screen. However, the lead’s role has recently been revealed to be a dual one, as the second Barry Allen, also played by Miller, appears in the first trailer for the film.

There are still many unknowns surrounding the film. It is known that the two iterations of Batman will appear alongside Sasha Calle as Supergirl and the Barry Allen duo, but it is unclear exactly how all of these pieces will come together in the final product. Most notably, no villain casting has been announced despite the Flash boasting one of the most prolific rouge’s galleries in the genre. It has been widely reported that the film will take cues from the popular Flashpoint storyline, a tale that saw the Flash suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar alternate timeline. This tracks with the film’s venture into the multiverse, and theorists have turned to that source material searching for insight into the identity of the mysterious second Barry seen in the trailer.


The theory (via Den of Geek) posits that the second Barry Allen seen in the trailer is none other than Eobard Thawne, aka Reverse-Flash, one of the Flash’s most notorious villains in comic book lore. Thawne, a villain capable of super speed to match the Flash, is a time traveler from the future and one of the most frequent antagonists of the hero. The rivalry runs deep: through time travel, Reverse-Flash is responsible for killing Barry Allen’s mother. The theory is rooted in the fact that Thawne has risen in prominence in recent years, thanks in large part to his role in Flashpoint and the animated films and television shows that have already adapted the storyline, and that Reverse-Flash often imitates the appearance of Barry Allen in comic lore. If The Flash is taking cues from Flashpoint, it stands to reason that it will feature the same villain.

There are even more reasons to buy into the theory though. While it is easy to assume that the second Ezra Miller character seen in the trailer is a Barry Allen from an alternate timeline — as seems to be the case with the Keaton and Affleck versions of Batman, it is possible that Reverse-Flash is using that very assumption to keep his enemy close. This would help from a cinematic perspective, offering a perfect opportunity to keep the film’s antagonist onscreen as much as possible as he travels alongside the hero, and then to hit audiences with the twist later. It also feels quite on-brand for Reverse-Flash, as his vendetta with Barry is so personal that he would never pass up front row seats to his suffering.

The true identity of the second Barry will likely not be officially revealed until The Flash releases next year, but the Reverse-Flash theory seems like a safe bet. The Suicide Squad already expended Captain Boomerang, and Gorilla Grodd is too quirky a character to include for the Flash’s first solo outing, leaving Reverse-Flash as the perfect antagonist for a Flashpoint inspired film. While it is possible that the second Barry is actually from another timeline, Reverse-Flash is too fitting a villain to pass on. The theory is likely spot on, and his appearance will make for a good opportunity to set up a twist that audiences unfamiliar with the source material will never see coming.  The big reveal is likely staring us in the face — and with a familiar face at that.

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