WARNING: This article features major spoilers from The Flash season 7, episode 18, “Heart of the Matter, Part 2.”

While The Flash season 7 finale wrapped up most storylines, there were still many unanswered questions that the Arrowverse drama didn’t tackle. The Flash writers have introduced different threats from the DC Universe into the Arrowverse with characters like Thinker, Cicada, Bloodwork, and Mirror Mistress for the last couple of seasons. However, for The Flash season 7’s second main antagonist, the Arrowverse series pit Barry Allen against a speedster villain: August Heart, a.k.a. Godspeed. Even though The Flash season 5 featured August for one episode, it wasn’t until the latest two seasons when the writers fleshed out Godspeed as a character.


Even though there was no major Arrowverse crossover this year, The Flash season 7 got to have a special event of their own. Not only did fans get to see Barry Allen take on a speedster villain again, but The Flash included some new and familiar faces along the ride. While Jay Garrick and Nora West-Allen, a.k.a. XS, made their big returns, The Flash season 7 also introduced Bart West-Allen, a.k.a. Impulse. Thanks to their participation, The Flash got to do its biggest speedster storyline in the show’s entire run. Ideally, this won’t be the final time that The Flash brings all the Arrowverse speedsters together for an epic adventure.

Luckily, viewers will not have to wait a year for The Flash season 8 like they had to with the seventh season. Despite The Flash season 7 finale wrapping up most of their storylines, there were some plot threads that the episode left unanswered. Whether or not next season will tackle some of the unfinished mysteries remains to be seen.

Is Iris Able To Become A Speedster More Regularly?

Throughout The Flash season 7 finale, Iris was able to join her family members in the speedster war by getting a boost from the Speed Force. What is unclear about Iris getting temporary speed is if the Speed Force can do this regularly or if this was a one-time thing. The Flash season 7 established that as well as Barry and Iris changing the Speed Force, Iris also had a piece of the original Speed Force inside of her, which could hint that this may not be the last time she has super-speed. However, The Flash season 7 finale did not get too specific about it, but they will hopefully address this next season. Because if Iris can get speed more regularly, it would be fun to see her run again with the rest of the West-Allen family.

What Is Up With Jay Garrick’s Status Post-Crisis?

While John Wesley Shipp is playing Jay Garrick again on The Flash, he will also be portraying the character in Stargirl season 2. Jay is set to show up in the ninth episode of Stargirl season 2, which is going to reveal that he lives on Earth-2 after Crisis on Infinite Earths. However, The Flash season 7 made it confusing after the last two episodes established that Jay and Joan live on Earth-Prime. What made Shipp’s return to The Flash stranger is how the characters seemingly knew that Jay was on Earth-Prime this whole time. Is this the same version of Jay that will also be in Stargirl season 2, or is Shipp playing two incarnations? While it wouldn’t be impossible for Shipp to play two versions, it always seemed like The Flash and Stargirl would use the same iteration of Jay.

What Is Next For Joe Following Kramer’s Departure?

The Flash season 7 finale confirmed that Kristen Kramer was, in fact, a metahuman this entire time, discovering that she could mimic anyone’s power. The only catch is that Kramer must be in the near vicinity of a person with abilities in order to copy their meta-powers. While Kramer is taking an indefinite leave of absence, The Flash season 7 finale didn’t explain what Joe is going to do next. Will Joe become the Central City Police Department captain again, or will he find a new career path in The Flash season 8? At this point, it might be better if Joe finds a new profession, which could give him a new refreshing role on The Flash.

Will XS & Impulse Be Back In The Flash Season 8?

The Flash season 7 finale is the first time in several years the show has ended a season without a major cliffhanger, but instead with a happy ending. While the “Heart of the Matter” two-parter was a huge Flash Family centric story, the finale didn’t confirm if XS and Impulse are going back to the future or if they may stay behind for a bit. Because Nora and Bart didn’t have a scene where they said goodbye before going back to 2049, might they be in The Flash season 8? The back half of The Flash season 7 spent a lot of time building up towards the big West-Allen family moments. Due to that, it would be hard to picture The Flash season 8 opening up with them not being there after all the setup they did in season 7.

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Did The Flash Season 7 Stage A Godspeed Return?

Unlike Zoom and Savitar, Godspeed did not get killed off in The Flash season 7 finale but was instead locked up in Iron Heights. Since this is the first time a speedster villain has survived a season finale, could that mean The Flash has plans for Godspeed in future stories? It would make sense if they wanted to leave the door open for August’s return, given the amount of time they invested into his storyline throughout the last two seasons. Since August now has organic speed running his system, there has to be a reason why the writers didn’t have Godspeed die in The Flash season 7 finale.

How Did Reverse-Flash Return Exactly?

Since Godspeed almost won, the heroes had no choice but to find a way to bring Reverse-Flash back so he could assist Barry. However, The Flash’s explanation only raised new questions about what they actually did to bring Eobard Thawne back. The only exposition about his rebirth in The Flash season 7 finale was how the Speed Force connected with the Negative Speed Force to get him back. However, that is very little information to go with, and it does establish that both Forces may now have a very dangerous power in their toolbox. Have both Speed Forces always been able to do this if they come together? Was resurrecting Eobard something they could only do once? A significant plot twist like that is something The Flash season 7 finale should have expanded upon as it is a massive deal that they could bring back Reverse-Flash. Hopefully, The Flash season 8 will expand upon how the Speed Force and Negative Speed Force could accomplish this.

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In addition to that mystery, it is funny how Eobard keeps returning with Harrison Wells’ face, rather than having Matt Letscher back as the original Reverse-Flash. While it is possibly due to actor availability, it is still humorous from a story standpoint that Reverse-Flash still looks like Harrison every time. The Flash season 7 finale ended the Godspeed storyline on a massive note, despite the unanswered questions. Not only did the landmark 150th episode of The Flash truly celebrate the show’s past, present, and future, but it served as a solid first part of the season finale. While there have been speedster showdowns in previous seasons, The Flash took it to a new level by having Godspeed clones and Barry using his family to fight them. Hopefully, The CW won’t make viewers wait for too long to find out what is in store for The Flash season 8 before it premieres in November.

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