The Flash season 7 has reintroduced the original Speed Force, but for some reason, it still looks like Barry Allen’s dead mother, Nora Allen. Ever since the beginning of the Arrowverse drama, the Speed Force has always been a crucial component of Barry’s superhero story. The Speed Force has been in The Flash’s mythology since the beginning and will always continue to be in any iteration whether it’s in comics, live-action, or animation. The Arrowverse take on the incredible power source was founded on the idea that it would be a character in itself throughout Barry’s journey. Anytime the Scarlet Speedster came into contact with it, the Speed Force would always take the form of people Barry loves in his life.


But The Flash season 6 changed the status quo of the Speed Force after Crisis on Infinite Earths. While Barry used it for a good cause, the energy that The Spectre had given him became The Flash’s undoing as it made his power source, for a lack of term, sick and caused the Speed Force to die. That’s why the latter half of the season as well as the start of season 7 had Barry create an Artificial Speed Force to get his speed back. But in The Flash season 7, episode 5 “Fear Me”, Michelle Harrison’s Speed Force version of Barry’s mom Nora resurfaced. A Speed Force Storm literally recreated the original source in from of Team Flash as it came to ask Barry for help.

While the Speed Force does end up explaining that other Forces have come to life, why did it still look like The Flash’s deceased mother? The last time Barry interacted with it, the Speed Force was dying and had maintained Nora’s form before it would pass away. In The Flash season 6 episode “Death of the Speed Force”, Wally West helps Barry realize that he was the one that got the speedster’s source of power sick because of his actions in Crisis on Infinite Earths. While its existence will always be a bit unexplained, for the TV show it makes sense that it mainly always looks like Nora given her big importance in Barry’s life.

That’s also a clever way for The Flash to still have a version of Barry’s mother around every once in a while without having to undo her tragic death. It also gives the show another emotionally charged element because no matter how much it sounds or looks like her, Barry will always have to remember that this isn’t his mom. Due to the introduction of DC’s other Forces, it’s still intriguing to see how the Speed Force now gets to play a part in it while also giving Harrison something new to do on The Flash. The additional Forces is also a fun way to introduce some of the recent ideas from the comics as this was established in the DC Universe only a few years ago.

With this being the next graphic novel arc for The Flash, it’s fair to assume that the Speed Force-looking Nora might be sticking around for a little while. Even though it’s under dramatic circumstances, it will still be intriguing to see how the other characters on Team Flash engage with it. Aside from Iris West and Joe West, none of the other characters ever knew Barry’s mother so this will allow some new dynamics to come about. But it’s still appreciative that The Flash after seven years still continues the concept of the Speed Force looking like Nora Allen as it does drive an emotional aspect for Barry’s journey.

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