Attempting to survive in The Forest is not an easy experience. Players are forced to manage their health, hunger, thirst, and stamina while exploring the world, but those are nowhere near the most dangerous things that the player has to worry about. No the most terrifying threat to the player’s existence are the cannibals and mutants stalking them through the world as they try to kill them.

While players can fight these enemies directly if they wish it is best to try to avoid combat as much as possible. The most effective way to avoid combat in the game is by building a strong base that can withstand an attack from a host of enemies, but this process will take a huge amount of work on the part of the player. This guide shows players how to build a good base in The Forest.


The Forest: Tips For Building A Better Base

Before getting into tips about building a base in The Forest, it should be made clear that this guide is for building a permanent base. The first one or even two bases that the player drops down will most likely be temporary camps that will wind up abandoned soon, especially if the player is relatively new to the experience. This guide instead is meant to show players how to construct a more permanent base that they can use as a staging ground for excursions into more dangerous areas of the map.

Pick a Defendable Location – The location of the base is almost more important than the materials that its defenses are made of. There are many different things that go into deciding the best place to put down a base in this game. The first thing that the player will want to do is eliminate all areas of the game that are near cannibal encampments. This will ensure that the player is able to stay relatively well hidden while they work on getting their base built up. The player will also want to pick an area that gives them a good view of the surrounding area, has access to a lot of resources and can be easily defended when enemies attack.

Decide What Kind of Base You Want – There are three main types of bases that the player can choose from and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. The basic kind of base has the player building their structures directly on the ground. This is the most dangerous option, but players are able to more easily gain access to resources and materials. The player can build up in the trees, which is a little safer than on the ground. The downside is that building thing will take a little more time and if the trees are knocked down then the structures will be destroyed. The third option allows the player to build out on an island or on platforms in the water. This is by far the safest option since cannibals and mutants can’t swim, but it can be incredibly difficult to transport materials to these places.

Invest In Inventory Improvements – To ensure that building goes as quickly and efficiently as possible, one of the first things that players will want to do is invest in crafting inventory improvements. There are several items that can be crafted that will allow the player to carry more sticks, rocks, other items that are often used for crafting things. On top of this the player can also craft the log sled, which can transport logs, sticks, rocks, and even bodies extremely quickly. This item is perfect for when the player has drained all of the resources in their immediate area and need to travel a little farther to cut down trees or collect rocks.

Terrain is Just as Effective as Walls – While defensive walls are a great way to impede the progress of enemies, they can eventually be broken down if the player doesn’t stop the onslaught of cannibals. A great idea is to include parts of the environment like they are part of the defenses. Building the camp against a cliff face or rock wall of some kind is a great way to not have to invest in building walls on one side. The player can also ensure that this is one whole direction where enemies can’t approach from. Boulders work great as walls as well. If they aren’t tall enough the player can always add a small stick or bone fence to ensure nothing climbs over it, but still not have to waste precious logs.

Defenses are Your Best Friend – Walls aren’t the only defenses that players need to keep their base from being overrun though. Players will also want to strategically place as many traps and defense-oriented contraptions around their base as physically possible. Right around walls players will want to place spikes and wall reinforcements to stop enemies from being able to get close enough to break their walls. Further out than that the player will also want to put up traps to kill and/or impede the progress of enemies. The best investment trap wise is the Deadfall trap. It only costs 3 logs and sticks to make, and it also very easy for enemies to trigger (while still being incredibly easy for the player to avoid).

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Use Water To Your Advantage – Water can be very advantageous for the player when constructing their base. For one water is a natural barrier that is more effective than any other form of defense. None of the cannibals or mutants in the game have the ability to swim, so using a body of water as one or two of the player’s “walls” is highly recommended. The upside to this is that even if enemies do manage to make their way inside the player’s base, they will then have access to a surefire escape route no matter what. All they have to do is hop in the water and no one will be able to follow. Having access to a body of water is also useful in that the player can also construct a boat, which in turn makes it easier to move a lot of resources from other areas back to the player’s base.

Expand Outwards For Maximum Safety – One of the best ways to ensure that the player is as safe as possible is to begin expanding their base outwards when they can. After building all the necessary parts of the base and constructing a wall around it, players should then invest time in building more walls and defenses further and further away from their inner base. While it may not be completely necessary, if the player is able to get up two or three more sets of walls and defenses around their base, then the odds of enemies forcing their way in will become basically zero. Players should not start building further away from their base until they are sure that the immediate area is safe and defendable. It’s better to have one heavily fortified line than several easily breached walls.

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The Forest can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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