Philip Banks is one of TV’s greatest fathers. The character, played by James Avery, touched viewers and co-stars alike. With TheFresh Prince of Bel-Air’s continued popularity today, thirty years after it was first broadcast, James Avery remains iconic for portraying the Banks family patriarch.

Of course, part of the iconicity of Philip Banks is his character. He was a flawed man who, despite everything, showed up for his family every day. Secondly, viewers enjoyed Philip’s anger when his children did something stupid – most especially Will. Despite his anger, or because of it, audiences enjoy watching the TV dad, because he reveals how much he cares for his children in every scene.

10 He Takes The Fat Jokes In Stride

The family – especially Will – is very often seen fat-shaming Phil. Even Jazz joins in, throwing in some funny jokes at Uncle Phil’s expense. Although Will moves into Uncle Phil’s house to live with the Banks, he feels comfortable and welcomed enough to make jokes about his Uncle.

This reveals Phil’s good heart, which Will clearly takes for granted. Indeed, the lawyer-turned judge takes the fat jokes in stride, except when Jazz makes them, at which point he promptly throws him out the door.

9 He Teaches His Kids To Own Up To Their Mistakes

When Carlton accidentally takes some pills that Will was keeping in his locker at school, he is rushed to hospital for emergency care. Will confesses to Uncle Phil that the drugs were his. Angry and scared, Uncle Phil does not spare the truth. He tells Will, “My son could have died because of you. You hurt him, and you could have hurt yourself.”

Even though Will tries to make excuses for the drugs, saying he had too many responsibilities, Uncle Phil refuses to budge. “Welcome to the real world, Will! That’s not an excuse. It’s never an excuse.” He, furthermore, forces Will to apologize to the family, hugging Will when he begins to cry.


8 He Tries To Be Better For His Kids’ Sake

Notwithstanding the fat jokes, the Banks consistently try to get Phil to lose weight for health reasons. Uncle Phil eventually has a heart attack in Season Four. Indeed, Ashley has to put him on a diet and exercise program, and he begins to workout heavily, only to find out that he also has to cut out all this favorite foods.

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He reminiscences about “turkey with pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes. Butter-drenched dressing. Tiny onions swimming in a sea of cream sauce.” He would eventually crack, bribing Will to buy him fast food on the down low. Food is a vice for Uncle Phil and a battle he fights throughout the show.

7 He Stands Up For His Kids

In a classic episode that deals with police brutality and racism in the US, Will and Carlton, assumed to be car thieves, are arrested and jailed. Operating outside the perimeters of the law, the cops force a false confession out of the boys without a lawyer present. They also do not notify Will and Carlton’s parents.

Uncle Phil, angry at the racist police officers, stands up for Will and Carlton, and threatens the cops with litigation should they refuse to release the two immediately.

6 He Spends Quality Time With His Kids

Despite his job as a hot shot lawyer, and later, judge, Philip Banks makes time for his all his children. He makes sure that he is present for breakfast and dinner with his children and wife so that he keeps up to date with what is happening in their lives.

When Will loses his money in a pool hall hustle, for example, Uncle Phil takes time, after a long day at work, to follow him back to the pool hall to win the money back.

5 He Accepts His Children

Philip Banks always wants the best for his children. He has worked hard all his life to provide the best for them. In particular, he expects all his children to get great education and learn to become independent. In the same vein, he coached Carlton all his life to get into Princeton like he did.

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Unfortunately, Carlton’s Princeton interview does not go well, and his application is rejected. Carlton is scared to tell his father that he did not get in, but Phil is supportive of his son when he hears the news.

4 He Always Provides

The Banks are a very wealthy household, often dining with celebrities, politicians and legislators. Phil owns his own law firm and has found career success in Los Angeles. He provides more than enough for his children, all of whom are spoiled as a result. When Will decides he is becoming too spoiled like the Banks children, he gets a job as a waiter, which begins to negatively affect his education.

Once Uncle Phil finds out, he tells Will that there is no shame in accepting help when it is offered. He reassures Will that others were there to help him on his road to becoming a successful lawyer.

3 He Doesn’t Tolerate His Children’s Nonsense

The vein in Uncle Phil’s head is a good measure for how angry his kids have made him. Dealing with teenagers and a woman in her early twenties, Philip Banks is often angry. In a particularly funny scene, Carlton decides to become “hood” forever, rejecting his upper-class Bel-Air upbringing.

Will dreams of Uncle Phil’s reaction when Carlton tells the family the news that he will be dropping out of school. Uncle Phil is a good disciplinarian, ensuring that the children do not step out of line. As a result, in Will’s dream, Will pictures Uncle Phil strangling him comically for influencing Carlton into dropping out of school.

2 He Wants Will

The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’s most famous scene takes place in the episode where Will’s dad comes back. After walking out on him as a child, Will’s father shows up out of the blue to make amends with his son. Will is happy to have his father back, and immediately forgives him, getting his dream of finally having a father he can bond with.

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Just as quickly as his father arrives, he also leaves, making pathetic excuses as to why he can’t take Will on a trip which he initially promised his son. Heartbroken, Will asks why his father does not want him. Uncle Phil comforts him, proving that he is Will’s true father.

1 He Exemplifies A Good Husband To His Children

Philip Banks is not only a good father, but also a good husband. He is kind, loving and loyal to his wife, Vivian. More to the point, he respects her totally in front of his children, and always provides a unified front with his wife. Philip supports all of Vivian’s dreams, and works hard to keep the romance alive in his marriage.

The character exemplifies to his children what a good husband should act like, proving once and for all that Philip Banks is a good man, and a great father.

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