Warning! Spoilers ahead for Avengers #35

It turns out, Moon Knight’s not so crazy after all. He does indeed serve Khonshu, the Egyptian Moon God as his champion. With the dark demon overlord Mephisto on the rise with plans that will no doubt destroy the world, Moon Knight and his god take it upon themselves to come up with a solution by whatever means necessary. As a result, they end up becoming just as much a threat to the world as Mephisto would be, creating a large amount of conflict with the Avengers, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. As The Age of Khonshu continues in Marvel’s Avengers comic series, it turns out that there may be no actual way to stop Mephisto, as he just keeps on coming no matter what the Moon God does.


While Marc Spector has long been an agent of Khonshu, many other heroes in the Marvel Universe believed that it was just an additional aspect and fiction of Marc’s troubled mind, as he also has multiple identity disorder. However, with Khonshu’s desire to take a more active role against Mephisto, he’s become much more real to them. Believing that the only way to defeat the devil is to gather the primordial powers that have been in existence since the dawn of time, the Moon God sends his Moon Knight to steal said powers from their current wielders. Those powers include the powers of the Iron Fist, Thor’s Hammer, the Starbrand, the Black Panther, the Sorcerer Supreme, the Phoenix Force, and the Ghost Rider’s Spirit of Vengeance.

In Avengers #35, written by Jason Aaron and Javier Garrón, Moon Knight has gathered some, but not all the powers requested by Khonshu, still needing to get his hands the power of the Starbrand which is being protected by Iron Man and Captain Marvel. Meanwhile on his throne in New Thebes (what was formerly Manhattan) Khonshu is warding off attacks from Mephisto and promptly kills him with his new powers. However, the catch is that Mephisto keeps on appearing. For every Mephisto Khonshu kills, another arrives to continue the assault.


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Apparently, the new powers Khonshu possesses are not enough. He still needs the Starbrand if he is to have a chance of ending Mephisto once and for all. Each time Mephisto appears, it’s as a different form, seemingly from different times or realities. Perhaps Mephisto has amassed an army of his own self from across time and/or the multiverse? That would certainly be a future that could terrify a god.

If anything’s for certain, it’s that Mephisto is no joke. He’s been responsible for several major shake-ups in Marvel’s history, and it doesn’t seem like now will be any different. Fans have known that the Devil of Marvel’s Universe has had something big in the works for quite some time now. Hopefully, the fugitive Avengers will be able to talk some sense into Moon Knight, and they can work together to reclaim their power from Khonshu, and unite to deal with whatever Mephisto has in store for them in the coming days ahead.


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