With a legacy that spans five decades, The Godfather series has remained popular despite the passage of time. While the movies have certainly been seen in repeated viewings by fans, individual scenes have been rewatched due to the excellence in direction and the thematic qualities they carry.

These are based on the view counts found on YouTube and the overall popular reception that has led to certain scenes being analyzed by fans and critics over the years. Each film in the series has had memorable scenes that deserve a rewatch, and it’s worth checking out why they are praised to such degrees.

10 Meeting With Sollozzo: The Godfather

This scene showed Vito Corleone’s class, who turned down Sollozzo’s offer to go into the drug business. Never raising his voice or showing disrespect, Vito informed Sollozzo that he thought drugs were a dirty business and that his political influence wouldn’t take kindly to him being involved in such a trade.

The scene is also notable for Vito disciplining Sonny, as he didn’t appreciate Sonny speaking up without being asked, or as Vito put it, “talking when he should be listening.” It also shows Vito as cunning, as he was able to dissect Sollozzo’s personality purely through this interaction.

9 Bonasera’s Request Of Vito: The Godfather

Its repeated viewing has remained high due to some of the most popular quotes in the series being uttered in this scene. Apart from that, the scene remains a masterclass in subtle filmmaking, as it’s an extended look into the mindset of Vito.

It showed how Bonasera, despite showing respect to Vito, didn’t actually respect him since he considered the latter to be a gangster who killed for money. The scene established Vito as a man of honor, as he denied the request to kill, instead promising to teach the hooligans who attacked Bonasera’s daughter in exchange for Bonasera’s favor and full respect.


8 The Baptism Scene: The Godfather

The sequence of the heads of the families has been memed to great effect by fans, which contributes to the repeated viewings, although the epic quality of the scene remains acknowledged. The climax of The Godfather shows Michael in the baptism of his nephew denouncing the devil, but having commissioned devilish acts of murder.

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It’s also cathartic to see the villains of the movie get their just desserts, as they’re taken down one by one in the most creative ways, all the while, Michael keeps a stoic expression, even though he knows his plan is working to perfection.

7 Vito Negotiates Michael’s Return: The Godfather

The argument of who, between Michael and Vito, is the better Don usually sees Vito as the victor, with this scene being one of the examples as to why. Fans love to watch this scene on repeat due to Vito’s subtle threats to the other heads of families, promising he wouldn’t be the one to harm them when in reality, he already has a plan to have them killed after his own demise.

Despite having lost Sonny to a violent death, Vito remained calm and composed at this moment, as his intention was to negotiate Michael’s safe return, while slyly figuring out who in that room conspired to have Sonny killed, correctly deducing it to be Barzini.

6 Vito’s Revenge: The Godfather Part II

As far as catharsis goes, there’s no better scene than this one, as Vito finally got the revenge he sought for decades. Having posed as a potential business partner, he gained access to Don Ciccio, the man who had Vito’s family killed and left him an orphan.

Even at this moment where he should have let his emotions get the best of him, Vito remained composed as he delivered the killing blow to Ciccio after revealing his true identity. This was a long time coming and it was just as satisfying for Vito as it was for the viewer.

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5 Michael Shoots Sollozzo & McCluskey: The Godfather

Fans like to revisit this scene to see the moment where Michael irretrievably entered the criminal world and was never able to look back. Here, he met with Sollozzo and McCluskey under the guise of negotiating a truce, when his intention was to shoot them dead.

And he went through with exactly what he intended, as Michael got up all of a sudden and shot both McCluskey and Sollozzo. Despite the viewer being aware of what was to come, the scene still carries a sense of shock due to its realistic portrayal of violence.

4 Michael’s Courting Of Apollonia: The Godfather

This scene is a favorite for viewers due to it being the final time where Michael displayed humanity, as his love for Apollonia was pure in every sense of the word. Al Pacino portrayed Michael in a very likable way here, with his character falling in love at first sight.

It makes for a great change from the norm in The Godfather, with the scene bringing a peaceful break for the viewer amidst such tense moments back in America. In Italy, Michael courted Apollonia, showing his honorable side as he asked for her hand in marriage from her father and had a genuinely happy time for perhaps the only time in his life.

3 Michael Offers The Senator Nothing: The Godfather Part II

Senator Geary made his racist views against Italians clear to Michael after having put on a front in public. He told Michael his intention to squeeze $250,000 from Michael as a bribe to obtain a gaming license, which was supposed to actually be valued at $20,000.

Michael then delivered one of the best quotes in the series by claiming his offer to Geary was “nothing.” He claimed the Senator would give him the license for free, showing zero fear of Geary or any of his political influence. The scene is a superb highlight of the cold glare that Michael displayed to show he was in no way intimidated.

2 Revenge On Carlo: The Godfather

Sonny’s death remains one of the saddest scenes in The Godfather, as he was massacred to the point that his body had to be “fixed” by Bonasera. Michael didn’t forget about this, having found out that Carlo was the treacherous character who set Sonny’s death up.

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To this end, Michael and his men confronted Carlo, where Michael reduced him to a blubbering mess by revealing that all the heads of the families were now dead. The scene is incredible in the way Michael completely crippled Carlo’s spirit within a matter of seconds, and for how Carlo got whacked for his treachery.

1 The End Of The Series: The Godfather Part III

While the rerelease of the third movie brought changes to the ending, the original conclusion remains a favorite for rewatching, as it highlights Michael’s ultimate fate. It transitions from the death of Michael’s daughter and flashing back to all the women he lost, to finally, his last moments.

The winning quality to this sequence is the music, as no dialogue is uttered since the melancholic soundtrack signifies Michael’s inner turmoil. The final shot of him alone, broken down, and still in grief as he dies shows how all the power and influence he had garnered in life didn’t mean anything in the end.

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