The Good Place season 2 episode 2 proved Michael’s experiment was just never going to work. This sitcom is set in the titular afterlife location, with the setup following Kristen Bell’s Eleanor as she adjusts to her next existence there. The problem is they have the wrong person, as this Eleanor lived a fairly crummy life before her death. Her goal is to avoid ending up in The Bad Place – AKA Hell -and she hopes to covertly earn enough points to stay where she is.

The Good Place spun a great concept into one of the most unique sitcoms of the last decade. It managed to subvert traditional sitcom cliches and added some freshness to the genre, and was greatly aided by a talented comic ensemble. It also tended to burn through storylines fast and rarely lingered on one scenario for long. Rather than outstay its welcome, The Good Place came to a satisfying conclusion with its fourth season, and a revival doesn’t currently appear likely.


The Good Place season 1 ended with the shocking reveal the “Good Place” Eleanor and friends were in was just an experimental version of The Bad Place. Even worse, their cuddly architect Michael (Ted Danson) is really a demon behind the whole thing and erases their memories of the first season so it can start fresh. Forward thinking Eleanor managed to plant a clue for herself on the next go around that involved a piece of paper from one of love interest Chidi’s (William Jackson Harper) books. This starts paying off in The Good Place season 2 episode 2 “Everything Is Great!”

Episode 2 is actually half of a two-parter, which deals with Michael’s retooled version of the “Good Place.” He’s paired Eleanor with a hot bodybuilder who is always running to the gym, while Chidi, Jason (Manny Jacinto) and Tahani (Jameela Jamil) are also given ill-fitting new soulmates to make them miserable. Despite feeling his new design is perfect, it gradually unravels as Eleanor discovers the note, and one by one the human subjects begin to suspect something is not right.

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The Good Place season 2 episode 2 ends with the gang confronting Michael and Eleanor declaring they’re not really in The Good Place. Michael feels this is all down to her note and resets the test again – despite his demon boss Shawn having previously stated no third chance will be allowed. Michael feels confident third time will be the charm, but even he starts to feel the experiment is doomed. Since the next episode sees him fail and restart hundreds of times, he soon finds himself stuck in the same place as his own subjects – and it’s not a good place.

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