The Lord Of The Rings gave fans only a taste of Dwarves, with the beloved Gimli serving as the main representative of his entire species. For those who loved Gimli, The Hobbit becomes the perfect offering of a stubborn, warm-hearted, hilarious, ridiculous cast of characters, displaying a variety of Dwarves from the dignified Thorin to the sweet and dopy Bofur.

Dwarves aren’t meant to be the brightest species in Middle Earth, but when they do say something it often cuts to the point and is worth remembering. From An Unexpected Journey to The Battle Of The Five Armies, the Dwarves leave viewers with an abundance of memorable lines.

10 Loyalty, Honor, A Willing Heart; I Can Ask No More Than That

The company of dwarves sit around Bilbo’s Hobbit Hole table and attempt to plan their coming adventure, lead, of course, by Thorin.

When Bilbo asks where the rest of the Dwarves are, it’s made apparent that these twelve are those who answered Thorin’s call–a group that seems meager, but which Thorin openly appreciates.

9 And I Thought To Myself Then, There Is One Who I Could Follow. There Is One Who I Could Call King.

Balin becomes the voice of Dwarf history throughout much of the films. It is necessary for viewers to understand Dwarf’s past, particularly Thorin’s, in order to get context for the trip they are currently taking.

Balin offers the necessary perspective, recounting a tale of Thorin conquering the White Orc, and how he came to stand as a symbol of hope for Dwarf future.


8 How Many Bairns? And Your Wife’s A Beauty, I Imagine?

Dwarves are known for being blunt and irritable, but Balin is one of the few who have a more easily accessible soft side.

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The Dwarves find themselves in need of aid in order to get to Lake Town, but none have the mind to appeal to Bard in the most basic of ways–but asking him about things they have in common, like the families they all aim to take care of and return to. Balin inserts some humanity into the moment.

7 There’s No Dishonor In Turning Back

The group is obsessed with making it to the mountain, but once they get there it becomes apparent just how difficult the task at hand is. Finding one particular stone amongst hoards of treasure is no easy task, coupled with it being guarded by the dragon Smaug.

Balin reminds Bilbo that he needn’t do anything he isn’t comfortable with, a calming assertion that it’s not always all about glory.

6 Never Ceases To Amaze Me, The Courage Of Hobbits

Bilbo time and time again proves himself a capable and helpful asset to the company of Dwarves, and some of them make a point to let him know that they notice.

Hobbits aren’t expected to function well beyond the confines of their cozy homes, and yet Bilbo takes his own stand in the outer world, making his courage all the more meaningful for the fact that it defies everything he knows.

5 If This Is To End In Fire, Then We Will All Burn Together

This line may seem eerily close to the attitudes Thorin begins to express once he has a hold of the mountain, showing increasingly little remorse or compassion for his fellow men, but in fact, it is one of the last things he says that is stated in his right mind.

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Rather than die hiding in fear, Thorin bands the men together to face Smaug with dignity and in the spirit of unity.

4 One Of Them Has Taken It; One Of Them Is False

Thorin pulls Bilbo aside to express his paranoia relating to the missing Arkan Stone. Not realizing Bilbo has it, Thorin only gives Bilbo further reason to keep the stone to himself by allowing Bilbo to see the irrational state of mind he is in.

Bilbo knows Thorin would never accuse his friends of betraying him if he weren’t under some influence, a testament to the toxic power the treasure has over him.

3 I Will Not Hide Behind A Wall Of Stone While Others Fight Our Battles For Us

Kili has finally had enough of Thorin’s selfish, brutish behavior. Even if he is under the influence of “dragon sickness”, as Balin calls it, the Dwarves only have so much they can take until Thorin’s orders require them to completely go against all they believe in.

In this case, watching the Dwarves of Durin go into battle while Thorin has his company hold back and let the battle play out for them.

2 I Have No Right To Ask This Of Any Of You, But Will You Follow Me One Last Time?

Thorin shows that he is back in his right mind when he acknowledges just how little of a right he has to ever ask the Dwarves to follow him again.

This is saying a lot, as the loyalty of Dwarves is emphasized numerous times in the film, proved so strong as to cause them to follow a man who would lead them into war and have them go against their sworn word to the people of Lake Town.

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1 If More People Valued Home Above Gold, This World Would Be A Merrier Place

Thorin’s last words to Bilbo speak volumes to the themes of the films and beyond.

The entire aim of the journey was to reclaim the Dwarve’s home that was taken from them by the dragon Smaug, and yet when they finally get there the entire focus is put on hoarding treasure, causing Thorin to lose sight of their cause and ultimately to risk them losing the very home they just returned to.


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