For Harry Potter fans every individual can be sorted into their appropriate Hogwarts house with enough examination of their personal characteristics. Those with more evil or ambitious tendencies would probably fit in well with Slytherin, while conventional and headstrong heroes would feel more welcomed in Gryffindor thanks to their endless supply of leadership and bravery.

Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe has several characters that fit on both sides of the spectrum, and in the houses in between. Here is a list of where fans’ favorite Steven Universe characters would be placed.

10 Steven Universe: Hufflepuff

When one thinks of Hogwarts’ houses, they initially think of Gryffindor as being the house of heroes, but that isn’t always the case. Heroes can be found in every house, even Hufflepuff! Steven Universe is gifted with many positive traits, but unlike many heroic characters, he can be a bit naive. This naivety usually results in him being caught in precarious and unnecessary situations. One of his strongest traits is loyalty. Not just to his father, but to everyone he cares about.

9 Garnet: Gryffindor

Some people are just meant to be leaders. People will follow them to the ends of the earth if they say to do so. While there are many heroes in Steven Universe, few actually have the leadership abilities to stand out. Garnet is one Gem that is capable of staying calm in even the most stressful of situations. She is never unnerved, even when it is her own life at stake. She can also convey clear, concise messages to Steven when needed.


8 Amethyst: Slytherin

Slytherins are usually excited for a fight. They are the troublemakers who keep Dumbledore up at night. While they are known to have a sinister reputation, not all Slytherins fall under the evil category. This is partly because their ambition and resourcefulness are primarily what make them great Slytherins.

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Amethyst is fun-loving but always the first to a fight. She enjoys violence and testing her strengths to the max, something that has placed her and her friends in a whole heap of trouble from time to time.

7 Pearl: Ravenclaw

Ravenclaw demands brilliance and creativity from those who are sorted into their house. While creativity and intelligence are mandatory to be in this house, their values regarding good and evil can vary widely. But for the most part, those in this house use their powers for good rather than evil. Pearl has a brilliant mind and can create amazing things with her quick wit and powers. She can be a bit of a perfectionist and isn’t exactly the best candidate to handle a situation involving drastic change.

6 Peridot: Slytherin

Usually, when one thinks of someone with loyalty, they believe it to be an admirable trait. But just as often as it can be a virtuous characteristic it can also be used as a manipulative tool for zealots. Peridot fits into this category as she is the closest thing to a company woman that a gem can be. When given orders from a superior, she doesn’t provide even the slightest flinch of hesitation, even if those orders involve killing innocent people. This ruthless aggression is what makes her such a feared enemy.

5 Connie Maheswaran: Ravenclaw

Connie’s a bit of a toss-up. Her helpful nature and willingness to lend aid to her friends make her a good fit for Hufflepuff.

However, Connie Maheswaran is a diligent student who takes her studies seriously. She’s incredibly dedicated to her scholarly pursuits and interests, and if that doesn’t make her an absolute pick for Ravenclaw, we’re not too sure what would.

4 Spinel: Slytherin

Some people are just born evil, while others are made into evil beings. Spinel was created to be Pink Diamond’s friend, but friends don’t leave friends for thousands of years to play the worst game of hide-and-seek in the history of the game. Upon learning that she had been duped for all these centuries, Spinel sought revenge. Her malice clearly shows on her face as she recalls her years of torment. Her thirst for power clearly drove her insane, though being evil isn’t her default setting.

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3 Jamie: Ravenclaw

Members of Ravenclaw have to have a wit that exceeds many people’s natural ability. It is not just what makes them unique, but is essentially what makes Ravenclaw different from the other houses. Jamie is a self-described thespian of the arts. He is obsessed with Shakespeare and wants to be an actor himself. This makes him a perfect fit for the house.

2 Blue Diamond: Gryffindor

Some people have a natural affinity to be good and honest. It is a natural trait that will most likely see them land in a position of leadership. Not usually because they crave power, but because of their concern for others. Unlike some of the members of The Great Diamond Authority, Blue Diamond never let her power go to her head.

Instead of gloating or being condescending to those around her or underneath her, she instead was very polite and forgiving.

1 Yellow Diamond: Slytherin

Sometimes, no matter how capable someone is, they can be ill-equipped for holding power, particularly if they are unable to understand how to treat those around them. Once resentment begins brewing it is hard to repair such a relationship. Yellow Diamond is not one to toy with since she has very little patience for anyone. Once angered, she is quick to violence and doesn’t ever try to conceive of an alternative. She hates waiting and will discipline her subordinates when they are taking too much of her time.

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