Spoilers for Action Comics Annual 2021 Annual ahead!

Superman has sent some of the universe’s evilest villains to the Phantom Zone, and now DC has revealed the horrifying truth of the prison world. In Action Comics 2021 Annual, a number of Superman’s descendants are whisked off to the notorious extra-dimensional prison and learn just what exactly it is. The issue is on sale now in print and digital.

The Phantom Zone was introduced in 1961’s Adventure Comics 283 as a prison dimension where inmates exist in a ghostly form; they are able to witness the outside world but are unable to interact with it. The nature of the Phantom Zone has been modified over the years, as have the inmates in it, such as the Kryptonian supervillain General Zod and Doomsday. In one incarnation, the Phantom Zone was the projection of the consciousness of a dark god named Aeythr; this version slipped into obscurity due to various reboots over the years, but now Aeythr is back in Action Comics Annual 2021, written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson with art by Siya Oum and Scott Godlewski, colors by Hi-Fi and letters by Dave Sharpe.


The House of El has gathered for the wedding of one of their own, but it is interrupted by Pyrrhos, one of Superman’s evil sons. He produces a device that he calls a relic of his ancestor’s time – a Phantom Zone projector – and teleports his siblings there. In the Phantom Zone, they meet Hank Henshaw, AKA the Cyborg Superman. He tells them that the Phantom Zone was the projection of Aeythr’s consciousness; when Aeythor was asleep, the Zone was peaceful—a place where consciousness could exist and still observe the outside world. Yet, Aeythr has awakened, and this transformed the Phantom Zone into a living nightmare. The group is only able to escape the Zone thanks to a Mother Box.

The Phantom Zone has been a staple of the Superman comics for 60 years and some of his most infamous foes have been trapped there. Superman and other Kryptonians thought the Phantom Zone would be a humane place to send criminals, but it is clearly not. Reintroducing the Zone as a projection of Aeythr’s mind not only adds a sinister layer to the Zone, it also could account for the differences in the various Phantom Zones over the years: its nature changes with Aeythr’s mental states. The more calm, humane Silver Age version can now co-exist with the more nightmarish interpretations of recent years.

Previously, the Phantom Zone was seen as a civilized place to send the universe’s worse, but now DC has revealed its horrifying truth – that it is the projection of a gods’ consciousness, casting a whole new, nightmarish light on it.

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