In the world of comic books, one eternal battle reigns supreme above all others in terms of ferociousness, brutality, and length, and that battle was raged between the Hulk and Pitt. While the Hulk is a staple in the Marvel Universe and Pitt is one of the strongest characters in Image Comics, their paths crossed in a reality-bending story that saw them fight from the dawn of time to the end of the world, an ultimate battle that took the Hulk beyond Marvel and DC Comics. 

The crossover one-shot Hulk/Pitt from Peter David and Dale Keown took the storylines of the Hulk and Pitt and mashed them together in an otherworldly fashion. Pitt’s twin brother, Timmy, is shown in this story to have some form of reality-bending powers and finds himself in a universe shared with the Hulk. In that reality that is seemingly controlled by Timmy, Pitt and the Hulk are in an eternal fight, with their first bout taking place in the distant past, then resuming in the present and bleeding into the future. 


There is no clear winner in the fight between Hulk and Pitt, and many other characters in the one-shot, including the Hulk’s Rick Jones, believe the whole thing is just Timmy’s imagination. However, by the end of the issue, it seems as though everyone learns the violent truth of the two titans’ eternal struggle. The plot of the comic is a bit hard to follow as it takes the reader out of reality and has them questioning what is real, but in a Marvel/Image Comics single issue such as this one, the plot is secondary to the hardcore action that is taking place between the speech bubbles. 

Pitt is a human/alien hybrid created by an alien race known as the Creed. Pitt’s powers, aside from immense strength and stamina, include telepathy, superhuman speed, and gnarly Sabretooth-like claws. Bruce Banner, on the other hand, is fully human, just with the power to transform into the nearly indestructible and immortal Hulk. Hulk and Pitt are the perfect pair for a blood match with both able to take as much carnage as they can give. 

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Since Pitt and the Hulk are so evenly matched, it only makes sense that a fight between the two would never truly end. Aside from Pitt’s incredible strength, he can anticipate his foes’ attacks by reading their minds, a power that is all but useless while fighting the Hulk who is a pure instinctual monster when in full rage mode. nIn a brutal battle such as this, there would be no clear winner, so the comic doesn’t try to write one and instead throws the two warriors into a reality where their battle is ageless and even shapes the reality in which their battle rages.

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