The Hunger Games is still a widely talked-about series, and fans will always cherish the creation of this dystopian world. While breaking down the characters, there are a variety that find themselves in the titular Hunger Games and use their own tactics to fight for survival. While some use their brains, physical skills, and teamwork, they are all important. However, some characters stood out amongst the rest when it came to fighting ability, whether it was practiced or came naturally.

There are many characters who are known for their own tactics, but some are well versed in the ability to fight and deserve to be recognized.

10 Clove

Clove seems to be an underrated character in the 74th Hunger Games, but she holds a lot of skills when it comes to knife throwing and overall fighting. She shows herself to be a threat in training, and, in the scene where Katniss runs into her, Clove is the one who tackles her down and wins their fight until Thresh comes to Katniss’ rescue and dispatches Clove in one of the Hunger Games‘ most brutal death scenes.

She is small, but she is also fast, which aids her when fighting against others who are larger than her. Not only does she have great skills, but she has confidence. Being grown up in a District where training for the Hunger Games is popular, she has been raised for this moment, and no doubt her training shows.

9 Thresh

Thresh is known for sparing Katniss’ life after she saves Rue, but this does not mean he’s not a good fighter. Like Cato, Thresh has a large build, and there is no doubt he could take somebody down.

He shows this by shoving Clove away from Katniss and killing her with a rock to her head. While the act is violent, he does have a soft spot for Rue—who suffered one of the saddest deaths in the Hunger Games films—and a gratitude for Katniss. Unfortunately, his time came to an end by the hands of the creatures in the games.


8 Katniss Everdeen

While Katniss did not grow up training to fight for the games, she had to fight for survival for herself and her family. Her bow is her greatest weapon, but, over time, she learns to fight for herself and be a natural leader—something which came fairly naturally to the Hunger Game protagonist. Without her bow, she is an average fighter, but there’s no doubt that she is smart and can fend for herself.

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When it comes to physical fighting, though, she does not come out as number one. With her bow, though, she could be able to make it all the way through. Perhpas with more experience and training, she could be a great hand-to-hand combat fighter.

7 Gloss

One of the least likable characters in the Hunger Games movies, while Gloss does not have a main role in the games, he is a previous winner and ready to fight in the Quarter Quell alongside his sister, Cashmere. He gets shot in the leg by Katniss, but he survives and leads his Career pack with ease.

He proves himself to be a threat, as he is the one who slits Wiress’ throat right in front of Katniss, causing him to be killed by her. However, he and his pack are a threat to Katniss and her group, and he goes down with a fight during his last moments. He is known to be good with a knife, but his brutality is what makes him a reckless fighter.

6 Cashmere

Wicked with knife skills, Cashmere is an underrated character that is out for blood. Training with her brother, Gloss, all her life, they both volunteered for their first Games, and it is likely that they volunteered for the Quarter Quell as well.

In her first Games, Cashmere killed five tributes during the blood bath and made alliances that she ended up breaking. She wins her final by assassination. She truly fights during her first games, and she was only 15, meaning she has only grown in skill over time. Just as strong as her brother, she is a good fighter, but she dies from Johanna’s ax to her chest.

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5 Cato

Cato proves himself to be the leader of the Careers, and, with his confidence and skills, he deserves it. Like Clove, Cato has trained all his life for this opportunity. His training score of 10 reflects his ability and strength. Cato could hold any weapon and make due, but he is also physically strong and can handle a fistfight.

He proves this by snapping one of the tribute’s necks with ease. He also shows his strength when he fights both Katniss and Peeta in the finals. Cato is large and obviously strong, and, without Katniss’ bow at the last fight, he might’ve stood a better chance to win.

4 Johanna Mason

Johanna is a ruthless person, both tribute and friend. She portrays herself as weak in her first Games, but she ends up viscously killing the others during the end, proving herself to be a skilled tribute.

While she is known for her skills with an ax, she can hold her own when in a fight. Her ability to stay alive, especially after being tortured by the Capitol, is admirable. She holds a lot of personality and grit in her small body, and she is not one to mess with. Johanna shows power with her words and memorable quotes as well as her actions, and there isn’t a doubt she is able to fight for herself—ax or not.

3 Brutus

It is unknown how Brutus won his first Games, but, at the age of 40, he comes back into the Quarter Quell. Before this, he spent his time teaching careers and gaining more knowledge himself.

Since he is one of the oldest tributes, viewers didn’t know what to expect from him, but he is in great physical shape and proves himself to be a fighter. He’s able to kill multiple tributes until he falls victim to Peeta, and he’s actually the first person to be killed by the otherwise timid tribute. Brutus is the last person to be killed off in the games, further indicating his power.

2 Enobaria

Enobaria is not one of the main characters, but she is one of the few survivors from the Quarter Quell, and her story is compelling. She won her first Games by ripping people’s throats with her teeth. She receives sharp, shark-like teeth afterward, and she comes back for the next games ready to win.

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Enobaria is one of the underrated characters, and she’s much stronger than most perceive her to be. She stays alive till the very end, surviving two Hunger Games, Capitol torture, and the war; she’s easily one of the most dangerous tributes in the Hunger Games series.

1 Finnick Odair

Finnick won his Games when he was only 14, and many believed he was the one to look out for. While his charming personality helped him win people over, he could not only rely on that. He is a natural fighter and has a strong build, and he will do what it takes to win.

Finnick is the one to keep the Quarter Quell group alive with his knowledge and fighting skills, and he remains a strong character until he meets his end. Throughout the series, though, he proves himself to be one of the best fighters in almost all aspects.

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