Warning! Spoilers ahead for Justice League #65

In the latest issue of DC’s Justice League, Black Canary calls out Green Arrow for having way too much control and power. Not only is Green Arrow paying for the Justice League out of his own pocket, but it’s been revealed that he’s also bankrolling the intelligence group known as Checkmate due to the dismantling of DC’s intelligence community thanks to the efforts of Leviathan. Regardless, for a hero as progressive as Oliver Queen combined with his recent rhetoric about new voices being needed to prevent single-minded thinking, this seems awfully hypocritical.


In previous issues of Justice League, it was confirmed that Green Arrow is now the Justice League’s new financier with the governments of the world no longer being able to pay after Leviathan and Batman became broke after The Joker War. However, Green Arrow did ask Batman to help keep him in check, wanting him to step in and intercede if he saw something he didn’t like about Green Arrow’s new position as a dual leader and financial backer. However, paying for the League’s operations is apparently only the tip of the iceberg (which is concerning).

Now, Justice League #65 from Brian Michael Bendis and Steve Pugh sees Black Canary discovering that Oliver Queen is also secretly paying for the operations of Checkmate as well. Originally created as a division of Task Force X and the Suicide Squad, Checkmate would go on to become its own intelligence organization sponsored by the United Nation, monitoring metahumans across the globe with its operatives fitting into a chess-inspired hierarchy. However, with Green Arrow serving as its new financial backer, that may also make him the secret King of the organization while also helping to lead the Justice League. Cleary, this major consolidation of power and control feels super hypocritical for someone like Oliver Queen, and Black Canary tells him as much in this new issue.

While Black Canary is absolutely right, it’s not as if Green Arrow’s actions are inherently wrong for wanting to help keep the lights on for these particular organizations. Groups like Checkmate and the Justice League should exist to help keep the world safe and secure. However, to have both of them under the control of one person is extremely risky no matter who they are. While Oliver Queen is arguably a better guiding hand than most, it’s still hypocritical. Oliver was just saying only a few issues earlier that the League needed new faces and perspectives introduced to combat a singular mindset from being formed, which lead to the Justice League’s new roster. However, here he is wielding major influence over two hugely significant groups in the DC Universe behind everyone’s back.

Furthermore, it looks as though Green Arrow will soon be facing some dynamic consequences as a result, seeing as how he and Black Canary have just been attacked by an unknown assailant wearing Deathstroke’s armor who was after the former ARGUS agent known as the Daemon Rose. This agent claims to be the brother of Lois Lane, and he’s looking for Checkmate’s help. However, the resulting brawl led to all four fighters being knocked out, all while the Justice League and the Hall of Justice were being attacked. Clearly, Green Arrow’s control over both teams is already proving to be a bad idea, and it’s more than likely that it’s only going to get worse as the series continues.

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