The Jedi are a core part of the Star Wars universe, with many main protagonists embracing and becoming followers of the Jedi philosophy. These characters are often some of the most popular in the series, partially for their wisdom and prowess in battle. Through combat, age, or other factors, some Jedi die in the films, but often not before leaving fellow characters and the audience with a few words.

While some characters turn to the Dark Side of the Force, the words of any former Jedi who turns back to the Light Side before dying are worth considering as well. In addition, some Jedi appear as spirits for a large portion of the films, but as they are technically deceased at that point, they have already spoken their last words. On-screen deaths can be important to the story, and some final words are incredibly memorable.


“He Is The Chosen One. He Will Bring Balance. Train Him.” — Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber duel against Darth Maul was one of the things from The Phantom Menace that holds up today, and it ended with Qui-Gon’s death. After Obi-Wan defeated the Sith apprentice, he rushed to the Jedi Master, who pleaded with him to guide the young Anakin Skywalker.

The film featured much foreshadowing about the future Darth Vader, but Qui-Gon believed in Anakin. This insistence that Obi-Wan train the boy led to disaster, but Qui-Gon had the best intentions, even going against the Jedi Council’s wishes for Anakin because of his beliefs.

“He’s Too Dangerous To Be Left Alive.” — Mace Windu.

After besting Palpatine in a fight, albeit with the help of three other Jedi, Mace Windu decided to kill the Sith Lord. When Anakin Skywalker tried to talk him out of it, Windu explained his reasoning with his final words, leading to Anakin grievously injuring the Jedi Master before he could strike. Palpatine then used Force lightning to harm Windu and throw him out a window to his death.

While he was not shown as dead on-screen, his electrocution and subsequent fall are enough to confirm his death. This cemented Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader. Regardless of whether or not Windu’s attempt to immediately kill Palpatine was morally admissible, his warning came to fruition with the Sith Lord’s rise to the status of Emperor.

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“Come On!” — Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Ki-Adi-Mundi’s last words may be less poetic or heartfelt than many others, but they came at a significant point in the story. The Jedi Master epoke them as he was leading troops in battle. Almost immediately after he encouraged them to follow, the clone troopers executed Order 66, killing Ki-Adi-Mundi.

He was the first Jedi shown in Revenge of the Sith to die as a result of the order, which set a terrible precedent for the scenes to come. His final words, brief and nonspecific, were juxtaposed with the clone troopers immediately turning against the Jedi.

“If You Strike Me Down, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Could Possibly Imagine.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi.

While facing former apprentice Darth Vader in battle, Obi-Wan Kenobi sacrificed his life. This bought his friends time to escape from the Empire’s presence. Before allowing Darth Vader to kill him, however, Ben spoke one of the most iconic lines from the entire franchise.

Obi-Wan’s presence as a Force ghost confirmed his statement, as he helped Luke through the remainder of his journey. This noble sacrifice is part of what makes Obi-Wan one of the bravest characters in the original Star Wars trilogy.

“Luke, There Is Another Skywalker.” — Yoda.

Yoda is partially known for his quotes, often imparting wisdom to protagonists who need it. As Yoda was dying in his home on the planet Dagobah, he gave Luke several pieces of advice and stated that the young Skywalker had another relative. He was, of course, alluding to Leia, and he died immediately after finishing his statement.

Like Obi-Wan, Yoda appeared as a Force ghost after his death, but these final living words were surprising to characters and fans alike. The familial bond between Luke and Leia carried throughout the remainder of the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy, and Yoda was important in Luke discovering this connection.

“You Were Right About Me. Tell Your Sister You Were Right.” — Anakin Skywalker.

After turning to the Dark Side of the Force and becoming Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker seemed to be beyond any form of redemption. However, his son Luke believed that he could change and turn back to the Light Side. This was confirmed in Return of the Jedi when Anakin saved Luke’s life, though he suffered fatal injuries in the process.

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As he was dying, Anakin was proud of his transformation and spoke his final, joyful words to Luke. He had fulfilled his purpose in bringing balance to the Force, even if this balance lasted for only a short time.

“See You Around, Kid.” — Luke Skywalker.

By using Force projection, a power used only once in the Star Wars movies, Luke Skywalker sacrificed himself and bought the Resistance enough time to escape from their previously hopeless situation facing the First Order. While talking with Kylo Ren, Luke dismissed the new Supreme Leader’s claims that the Jedi would soon cease to exist. Luke then referenced Ren’s father, Han Solo, and said his final words, which sounded much like something Han would say.

After killing his own father, Kylo struggled with guilt for some time, but then seemingly fully embraced the Dark Side during The Last Jedi. Luke’s last words mocked Ren while also expressing hope that he would turn back to the Light Side. The toll of the Force projection was ultimately too much for Luke, leading him to die and become one with the Force.

“Ben…” — Leia Organa.

Although she is more well-known for her other achievements in the films, Leia Organa was also a Jedi, having trained after the events of Return of the Jedi. In The Rise of Skywalker, she used her Force abilities to communicate with her son, uttering only his name. This act weakened her and she died soon after as a result. However, Leia then became one with the Force.

Her final quote was brief, but it had a profound effect on Kylo Ren. Leia, the most intelligent member of the Skywalker family, knew he needed to hear his name, and this dramatically altered the course of the film. Leia was one of the most significant figures in the Resistance and the Rebel Alliance before it, and her final moments were spent sacrificing herself to help yet another person.

“Dad…” — Ben Solo.

Kylo Ren was previously a Jedi pupil of Luke’s before turning to the Dark Side. After hearing Leia’s voice and talking with Rey after she bested him in combat, Ren visualized his father, Han Solo, speaking with him. After saying his final word with a trembling voice, the vision of his father reassured him. This led him to throw away his red lightsaber, abandoning the Dark Side and once again becoming Ben Solo.

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His death did not come until much later, but since he did not speak with anyone else on-screen and he did not seem to have the opportunity to speak with anyone else off-screen, this was his last word. Ben sought to return to the Light Side, and he did so, even heroically giving up his life energy to save Rey, ending his own life in the process.

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