Avatar: The Legend of Korra is very mature and emotional for a children’s show. There are family deaths, relationship breakups, and multiple different traumas that numerous characters have to deal with. Because of this, there are many sad moments within the show, and often these moments are epitomized by a single quote.

Many of these quotes have become somewhat iconic for the emotions that they can pull from the audience. Sometimes, a single line is more upsetting than the entire rest of the episode. Overall, these quotes are incredibly sad to hear and stand out for just how impactful they are.


Tonraq – “Venom Of The Red Lotus”

“Korra, Sweetheart, It’s Me, Dad. Please Hang On.”

Korra and her father Tonraq are very close to one another, so when Tonraq is forced to watch Korra die in his arms, it is heart-wrenching to see. In the aforementioned quote, he tries to simultaneously comfort her and beg her to stay alive. This is a situation that no parent should ever have to witness, but for a moment, it really seems as though Tonraq will lose his daughter.

What makes the quote even sadder is the expression on Tonraq’s face, which the animators did a great job of creating. Overall, the quote can’t help but pull at the viewer’s heartstrings. And while Korra doesn’t die, the trauma she has undergone causes further sadness for both father and daughter.

Tarrlok – “Endgame”

“It Will Be Just Like The Good Old Days.”

Tarrlok is one of The Legend of Korra‘s best villains, mainly due to his tragic history with Amon. As brothers, their childhood was filled with abuse and suffering, which has hardened the two into criminals. But when Tarrlok tells Korra about his childhood, he mentions how there were also good days, when the two brothers fully loved each other.

As the siblings escape Republic City, Tarrlok electrocutes the boat that they’re on, killing them both. But before he does, he calls back to the good old days that they used to have together. It is incredibly tragic that he felt that the only way the two of them could ever be happy was to die together.

Mako – “The Earth Queen”

“I’m Sure They Would Want You To Have This.”

Mako and Bolin have always had a pretty rough life. Growing up as orphans, they never knew anyone else from their family. That is, until season 3. In Ba Sing Se, they meet their grandmother, and she tells them all about their late father, whom she misses greatly. To comfort her, Mako gives her his father’s scarf.

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Up until this point, Mako had worn the scarf constantly, and it was an iconic part of who he was. Seeing him give the scarf away was a moment of growth for him, but it is still sad to see it go. The quote is also emotional since it shows just how much pain the entire family has gone through.

Tenzin – “The Ultimatum”

“As Long As I’m Breathing, It’s Not Over.”

While Tenzin and Zaheer’s battle is the best airbending fight in Avatar, the fight’s end is one of the saddest moments in the entire franchise. When the Red Lotus gang up on Tenzin, they tell him to give up, but he states that he won’t stop fighting until he’s dead.

Since this is a children’s cartoon, many audience members probably weren’t expecting it to get too dark. But once Tenzin says the aforementioned quote, the potential consequences of this fight become all too real. Thankfully, Tenzin doesn’t die, but the quote still shows how far he is willing to go to protect those he cares about. It’s sad enough to even imagine Tenzin’s death, let alone witness it.

Amon/Noatak – “Endgame”

“Noatak. I’d Almost Forgotten The Sound Of My Own Name.”

Amon is arguably the most tragic villain in Legend of Korra, and this scene and quote is a primary example of why. After having left the person that he was behind, changing his name to Amon in order to lead the Equalists, Amon has forgotten the life he used to have. Hiding who he truly was must have felt incredibly isolating. And while his childhood was far from perfect, it’s sad that he has almost forgotten things like his name, his mother, and his brother, Tarrlok.

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Furthermore, this quote comes right before Amon’s death, meaning he never gets the chance to become Noatak once again. This moment is definitely one of the saddest moments in TheLegend of Korra.

Asami – “Endgame”

“You Really Are A Horrible Father.”

Asami and her dad Hiroshi have a very tumultuous relationship throughout the series. In season 1, Hiroshi is revealed to be working with the Equalists, so Asami estranges herself from him. The two end up battling in the season finale, and while Asami tries to show her father mercy, he continuously attacks her, leading her to believe that he is a horrible father, and nothing more.

While the two manage to reconcile in season 4, it is too little too late, as Hiroshi dies shortly after during a battle with Kuvira. The audience can’t help but mourn what could have been for their relationship. They could have had more time together, had Hiroshi not been so flawed a person.

Mako – “Light In The Dark”

“I’ll Always Love You, Korra.”

Korra and Mako’s relationship was a bad choice according to many viewers, but their breakup was still very emotional to witness. There’s a lot of confusion concerning their breakup, as Korra actually forgets their initial split. But when she regains her memories, the two break up again, and while it’s not as explosive as their first one, it is much sadder.

Korra solemnly states to Mako, “It’s over. For real this time,” and Mako responds with the aforementioned quote. Some viewers wonder if Mako’s feelings for Korra actually never went away, which makes the scene all the more tragic since they stay split up.

Tenzin – “Turning The Tides”

“Yes, She Is.”

Lin sacrificing herself to save the airbending family in season 1 is one of the bravest, most epic, and saddest moments in the show. While everyone is running away from the Equalists, Lin decides to stay behind to hold them off. Meelo states, “That lady is my hero,” to which Tenzin responds with the aforementioned quote.

Tenzin and Lin’s previous failed relationship is quite a sore spot between them during season 1, and this is a culminating moment between the pair. Tenzin’s recognition of Lin’s bravery shows how he still cares about her, which makes it even sadder that he must leave her behind to protect his family.

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Asami – “Endgame”

“I Care About You, Too.”

While Asami and Mako’s relationship seemed doomed from the start, it was still incredibly sad to see it end. As the two part ways with their respective teams to go and fight Amon and the Equalists for the final time, the two finally talk clearly about how their relationship is officially over.

The two obviously still care about each other, as shown by Asami’s quote, and the two remain friends for the rest of the show. But the fact that they care so much about each other honestly makes the situation sadder, as neither one wants to hurt the other. Their relationship simply wasn’t meant to be, which is a tragic but common situation.

Korra – “Korra Alone”

“I’m Tired, Katara. I’m So Tired.”

After the traumatic events that Korra had to go through with the Red Lotus, she is left unable to walk, has constant nightmares, and is clearly suffering from PTSD. She has to learn how to deal with this under Katara’s guidance.

While Korra makes progress, all her suffering occasionally proves too much for her, and she breaks down to Katara about how trying to remain strong has worn her down to the bone. It’s heartbreaking to see a character as tough as Korra be so physically and emotionally tired, and while the circumstances of her pain are fantasy-based, many viewers can surely relate to how much she is struggling.

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