The Weeping Woman (aka, La Llorona) is a 16th-century folk tale. Legend has it that a woman named Maria married a rich conquistador and had two children. When she discovered her new lovers’ infidelity, she drowned both of her children in a river. Consumed with monumental guilt, she drowned herself immediately after. As the legend has it, her crimes were so severe she was punished to an eternity in purgatory until she finds her lost children — or, at least, someone’s children. Director Patricia Harris Seeley (Caution: May Contain Nuts) and writers Cameron Larson (Jurassic Predator: Xtinction) and Jose Prendes (Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark) use that myth as the backdrop for their story of a grieving family in The Legend of La Llorona. It’s a tried and true formula for the genre, but more history and less CGI might have elevated the horror film. 


Jorge, a taxi driver played by Danny Trejo (Machete) greets the all-American Candlewood family in Mexico. He warns them that though they are on vacation, they should be on the lookout for cartel members, human trafficking, and something potentially worse than both. The Candlewood family consists of 3 members: Carly, played by Autumn Reeser (Entourage, The O.C.), her husband Andrew, played by Antonio Cupo (Bomb Girls), and their son Danny (Nicolas Madrazo). When Carly and Andrew learns about the legend of La Llorona, they fear it is related to the disappearance of their son. Cupo plays the non-believer while Reeser takes on the form of the concerned mother who is treated as crazy — even though the audience knows otherwise. As the weeping woman (Zamia Fandiño) comes closer into this plane of existence, the Candlewoods will need to unite their minds, bodies, and souls to exorcise the demon.

The great thing about horror movies is that if viewers are in for the ride, things like production quality and acting chops are more or less irrelevant. What’s far more pivotal is that Danny Trejo is shooting ghosts with a shotgun. That’s why we love a cheesy horror movie. When we finally see La Llorona herself, she is depicted as a towel that hilariously jumps out of the water to kidnap children. There are lines of dialogue so bizarre in The Legend of La Llorona that it makes one question if this is, in fact, a R-rated horror movie. 

What The Legend of La Llorona offers in place of quality production value is a sincere retelling of a chilling Mexican folktale. Halfway through the film, a devastatingly beautiful historic retelling of the legend takes place, giving the current timeline stronger roots. The filmfeels like itself when it lives inside the legend and not the script. And unlike the current timeline, the actors in the past are chewing up scenery and feel more in touch with the soul of the movie. One could even argue that the flashbacks are at the core of what makes the movie worthwhile.

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The Legend of La Llorona is not special by any means, nor is it ever particularly scary, but fans of B horror movies know what to expect from a film like this one. And The Legend of La Llorona is a true representation of its trailer, delivering what is expected. The Legend of La Llorona is short, fun, and — perhaps most importantly — knows what kind of movie it is and it doesn’t try to overplay its hand. Trejo’s presence provides levity and charm while the flashbacks are the film’s dramatic backbone. All in all, The Legend of La Llorona is a kooky movie with more laughs than scares, and is best watched after midnight alongside like-minded friends. 

The Legend of La Llorona released in theaters on January 7 and will be available on-demand January 11. The film is 98 minutes and is rated R for some violence and language.

Our Rating:

2 out of 5 (Okay)
Key Release Dates
  • The Legend of La Llorona (2022)Release date: Jan 07, 2022
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