Many of the games in The Legend of Zelda franchise are connected pieces of ongoing stories, their scenarios taking place prior to or after the events of other titles. However, strange entries like Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland can be difficult to place in the series’ established canon. The game, which acts as an origin story of sorts for the character Tingle, raises just as many questions as it provides answers.

Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland on the Nintendo DS stars Tingle, a recurring character in Zelda who has appeared in many games in the series. First appearing in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Tingle can usually aid Link by providing him with helpful maps and charts, as well as other services. While Tingle has explained bits of his background and motivations in the past, Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland seeks to shine a light on the character’s history. With such an odd character at the forefront instead of other major Zelda characters, it can be difficult to see the game as part of the canon.


The story of Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland is not only strange, but it also gives Tingle different goals compared to his appearances in other Zelda games. Usually, Tingle displays a fascination with fairies, often mistaking Link for one because of his green clothes. Tingle’s greatest wish is to have a fairy of his own, even believing that he was once a fairy himself despite being a 35-year old man. In Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, Tingle is not a fairy enthusiast but a man bored of the mundanity of life. His ultimate goal is acquiring rupees in the hopes of entering Rupeeland, a paradise described to him as being full of pleasures. Additionally, he does not start out as Tingle at all; it is only after being struck by a curse that binds his Rupees to his life does he come to bear the name Tingle.

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While Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland shows the beginnings of Tingle, a number of games in The Legend of Zelda feature characters named Tingle. Following his first appearance in Majora’s Mask, Tingle makes appearances in games like Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages, and Wind Waker. Each of these games takes place in totally different locations and time periods, meaning that even if Rupeeland was canon, its story would likely not apply to every version of Tingle.

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More than likely, Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland is not a canon Zelda game. The game was never localized in North America, only ever seeing release in Japan and Europe. Still, the unorthodox adventure is one of the few Zelda games where Link is not playable, and the only game featuring Tingle as the main character, which makes Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland a special entry in the series.

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