The story of Denis Villeneuve’s Dune arises from the political conflict and chaos occurring in this epic odyssey. For a noble house like House Atreides to survive, they must rely on certain traits in battle and politics, and bravery is undeniably a key component of that.

Threats are in every corner, from the dangerous habitats in Arrakis to the galactic imperialism and oppression. Of course, courage in the story is boundless because so many characters have to face and conquer the dangers and fears that this world has to offer. But who are the boldest characters in the sci-fi saga?

10 Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

As one of Villeneuve’s best villains, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is the head of House Harkonnen, and he desires complete control of the spice in Arrakis. He is a greedy and conniving villain who would do anything to get things his way.

Baron is a manipulative and corrupted man who knows how to create the perfect schemes to attack enemies like House Atreides. He is dishonest and sneaky. Even after he makes a reluctant promise to The Bene Gesserit to keep Paul and Lady Jessica alive, he devises a plan of “accidental” death as his attempt to exterminate the whole family. Therefore, his acts are anything but brave.

9 Dr. Wellington Yueh

As the primary physician for House Atreides, Dr. Wellington Yueh was not an evil person. He only committed his traitorous acts to save his wife. He tried to do what he believed was right, even if it meant betraying the family who employed him.

However, he tried to redeem his acts by protecting Lady Jessica and Paul. He even supplied them with equipment to survive the harsh desert as a way to overcome his guilt. He was naive to trust Baron and that led to his demise, but he showed some courage by secretly devising a plan to kill Baron too.


8 Chani Kynes

Chani mostly appears through visions and the last 20 minutes of the movie. So, she has yet to demonstrate her abilities and skills, although that will likely become more central in Part 2.

Regardless of her limited appearance, Chani already showcased her bravery as means of surviving against House Harkonnen, who waged violence against her and her people. Even when tension ensued after Paul and Lady Jessica’s arrival, Chani showed no hesitance to kill Paul if necessary and expressed this to him, which presents her fearlessness in facing enemies.

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7 Stilgar

As a Fremen leader for the Sietch Tabr tribe, Stilgar did not showcase many fighting skills in Dune Part 1, but his people’s history hints at his hardship. His group dealt with subjugation and fought against House Harkonnen in many violent battles.

Despite the Fremen’s struggles, he tries to be diplomatic when House Atreides arrives in Arrakis. He is not afraid to confront them when it comes to harvesting the spices and keeping boundaries. He even allows Paul and Lady Jessica to seek refuge with his group, despite the danger it poses. Because he is not afraid of his enemies or taking risks, he showcases a different side of bravery that is not exclusive to just fighting ability, but is largely about his intelligence in Dune.

6 Gurney Halleck

As a weapons teacher to Paul and chief officer of House Atreides, Gurney Halleck is devoted to protecting House Atreides. He is almost always guarding Leto Atreides and defends him at all costs.

He is cautious when Leto is around strangers outside of his house. This is understandable, as any enemy could strike Leto dead at any point. Of course, like any skilled fighter, he shows no fear when going into battle. Although Gurney plays it safe and shows reservation with unknown people, he is nevertheless a ruthless and skilled fighter ready for war, so it is no surprise that he is one of the bravest characters in Dune.

5 Dr. Liet-Kynes

Like Stilgar and Chani, Dr. Liet-Kynes suffered through oppression and merciless power under House Harkonnen when they invaded Arrakis. Unlike most Fremen people, she worked closely with House Atreides to harvest the spices.

Much of her bravery stems from defending herself for her survival, even swearing allegiance to the Emperor. Even then, she showed her defiance by helping Paul and Lady Jessica. Although her altruism led to her death, she didn’t even fear death itself, which presents her courage in her acts and values.

4 Duke Leto Atreides

Considering Leto Atreides is the leader of House Atreides, he has a diplomatic mentality and uses his intelligence and wisdom to get around Arrakis. He already knew that his task in Arrakis was a trap, yet he accepted it, hoping that he could somehow outsmart his enemies, which is one brave decision.

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Unlike his colleagues, he was not fearful of the Fremen and showed them compassion. He wanted to ally with them and even risked his life to rescue Fremen harvesters when a sandworm was on their path. His last courageous act was when he sacrificed himself by breaking a poison-filled tooth in an attempt to kill Baron. Every one of his actions showcases how courageous he was when facing his worst enemies, yet he was willing to encounter them when necessary. Not only did he do this to protect his family, but he was genuinely caring, which makes him one of the best Dune characters overall.

3 Lady Jessica

Lady Jessica faced many obstacles to not only survive for herself but also to protect her son. As a member of the Bene Gesserit, she already defied one of their most sacred rules -which is to give birth to daughters- by birthing a son for Leto Atreides. She already had to showcase her bravery by facing ridicule from the sisterhood for breaking the rules.

Regardless, she displays innumerable skills, including fighting abilities and using the “Voice.” It comes in handy when she and Paul escape captivity from Harkonnen’s men after the attack in Arrakeen. However, her biggest obstacles were to survive the harsh deserts of Arrakis, and unlike Paul, she had no experience. Nevertheless, Lady Jessica quickly learned and dealt with the desert brutality, and gained respect from the Fremen when showcasing her combat skills. Therefore, nothing beats the challenges that Lady Jessica faced, and much of her strength stems from her motherly instinct for her and her children’s survival – because she is also pregnant.

2 Duncan Idaho

As one of the most likable characters, Duncan Idaho is a skilled swordmaster and one of Leto’s most trusted men. He was one of the first people to arrive in Arrakis and fearlessly adventured through the deserts as he met the Fremen groups.

Unlike Gurney, Duncan was not afraid to befriend the Fremen people, even feeling like he was one of them. When the Harkonnen army ambushed Arrakeen, he singlehandedly fought many of their soldiers with valiance and proficiency. Having rescued stranded Paul and Lady Jessica, Duncan’s final courageous act was to defend them, even if it meant his demise (but not without killing dozens of Harkonnen men). In many ways, he showcases an Arthurian level of chivalry, given his altruism, honor, loyalty, and proficiency in fighting. Therefore, he depicts unspeakable fearlessness and courage and ranks as one of the bravest characters in Dune.

1 Paul Atreides

Paul Atreides is still a young man who has a lot to learn about, like his mother’s powers and his father’s leadership skills as future heir for House Atreides. Unfortunately, the attack at Arrakeen left an inexperienced Paul to overtake the leadership of a fallen House Atreides and survive the Arrakis’ harsh weather. Luckily, he inherited his parents’ bravery.

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He managed to overcome the pain when Gaius Helen Mohiam tested his powers, and killed a person for the first time to protect his mother and gain the Fremen’s respect. Overnight, Paul became fearless with his wits and determination, which allowed him to survive. He quickly grew to adapt and overcome the harsh conditions, such as the walking movements, and avoided being eaten by the sandworms twice. He slowly feels more confident and showcases his bravery in all spectrums.

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