The Star Wars universe is home to some truly bizarre species. While some are created with a totally original design in mind, other creatures from across the galaxy have their footing in a real-world animal, though ome of these connections are more obvious than others.

These animals may be vicious or extremely gentle and resemble species that can be found on Earth, but there are no beasts or creatures in the whole of the galaxy that are actually the same as those in real life—apart from humans, of course. Whether it’s the shape of their bodies or the way they behave, real animals are always a great source of inspiration for the fictional.

10 Kryknas

Fans of The Mandalorian will be familiar with Kryknas thanks to their terrifying appearance in episode two of the second season. If their many eyes and long legs aren’t scary enough, then the sheer size of them, alongside their sharp teeth ought to do the trick.

For arachnophobes, the episode wasn’t a pleasant one, as the Kryknas are the Star Wars version of massive spiders. They even spin webs in the same way, but it would probably be safer to come across a Tarantula than a Krykna.

9 Frog Lady

A much more docile animal, no one actually knows what the Frog Lady’s species is called, but the real-world inspiration is pretty obvious. She has been nicknamed the Frog Lady thanks to her amphibian design.

From her skin to her massive eyes and long tongue, there are many similarities. She has even produced eggs that hatch into tiny tadpoles. On top of that, fans were thrilled to see the Frog Lady actually leap around on all fours.


8 Quarrens

The Quarren have been known to be pretty untrustworthy, especially compared to their fishy neighbors, the Mon Calamari. These tentacle-faced creatures are known to hang around water for one simple reason.

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They all resemble squids! From their two teeth to the many limbs on their face, these creatures are indeed giant squids that happen to be able to walk and talk. They are pretty creepy, but no every Quarren is the epitome of scum and villainy in the universe.

7 Hutts

The Hutts are often thought to be mere clans or families, but, in actuality, the term “Hutt” refers to their species. They are a mafia of sorts, with Jabba the Hutt the most famous of the bunch. Fans have also been introduced to other family members like Ziro the Hutt and the Council of Hutts.

The Hutt species are just giant slugs. From the way they move to the slime that produces from them, it’s clear that someone working on Star Wars must have gotten the idea for Jabba by hanging around in their garden.

6 Porgs

Porgs are probably one of the cutest animals that have ever been created for the Star Wars universe. It may be their tiny build, the huge eyes, or just the way they act, but Lucasfilm certainly knew what it was doing when it brought the Porg to life.

Fashioned after various species of birds, it’s fair to say that there aren’t any fowl in the real world that look quite as good, though they share some similarities to puffins. They are starting to pop up everywhere, from the comics to Galaxy’s Edge, and their popularity is continuing to grow.

5 Ewoks

A moment that has been debated time and time again from the original trilogy, the arrival of the Ewoks is both controversial and adored. These tiny creatures may be a little silly, but they did help to defeat the Empire during the Battle of Endor!

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Based on bears, there’s nothing more loveable than an Ewok—although Porgs have provided some stiff competition. With small ears, furry bodies, and slightly creepy faces, they have somehow allowed this species to become endearing to a certain section of the Star Wars fandom.

4 Geonosians

The Geonosians have been an ally of the Separatists for an extremely long time. Their leader has even allowed for the use of their planet in order to produce battle droids. It’s the location that even kicked off the Clone Wars.

The Geonosians themselves are not well-liked. They are modeled after beetles and bugs, which perhaps contributes to the perception of them. What’s more, these creatures are actually hatched from a Queen, a legend that was finally confirmed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

3 Mudhorns

An0ther creature that fans of The Mandalorian may remember, the Mud Horn is actually the animal that allowed The Child to fully show off his force abilities. This huge creature can be known to large with lethal intent.

Based upon a Rhino, there are actually other creatures in the Star Wars universe with a similar design, such as the Reek which Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme once fought. The Mud Horn feels a little bit more prehistoric, however.

2 Ardennians

Solo: A Star War Story is starting to build traction amongst fans as an underrated addition to this ever-expanding galaxy of characters. One species that was introduced for the film, and which was later seen in The Mandalorian, was the Ardennian.

The original version of this species was portrayed as a pilot named Rio Durant, voiced by Jon Favreau. The character has multiple limbs and a furry face that showcases the design was based upon primates in the real world.

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1 Zygerrians

Zygerrians are creatures that can’t usually be trusted. They’ve built themselves a whole Empire on of the back of the slave trade and are quite formidable warriors if they have to defend themselves.

This species is actually based on cats, with their feline features dominating their face. From the fur to the nose, there are even a few whiskers on many versions. However, some also look a little like goats thanks to the addition of horns, showcasing the wide range of real-world animals that inspired this look.

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