The fan-favorite bounty hunter Boba Fett made his triumphant return to Star Wars in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 6, “Chapter 14: The Tragedy.” With the Sarlacc evidently finding him indigestible, Boba Fett somehow escaped the Great Pit of Carkoon and was separated from his signature suit of Mandalorian armor, which he reacquired from Din Djarin on Tython. The armor – which Boba reveals that he has a rightful claim to – once belonged to his father, Jango Fett, and was briefly owned by Tatooine Marshal Cobb Vanth, who used its various features to protect his home of Mos Pelgo.

In addition to their armor’s built-in weaponry, the Fetts both use distinctive weapons. Jango’s signature blasters were a pair of Westar-34 pistols that produced bolts hot enough to melt most other blasters. Boba used a variety of blasters and grenade launchers, including his father’s pistols and disruptors (which earned him a grisly reputation for disintegrating his quarry), but his signature weapon was an EE-3 blaster. As seen in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba’s blaster left torso-sized craters in a Cloud City wall, when used on a higher power setting. Boba also inherited his father’s vessel, the Slave I. While details about the ship are fairly vague in the current canon, Legends reveals that it’s the last surviving Firespray Pursuit Special, a prototype police ship used on the asteroid prison Oovo IV before being stolen and heavily modified by Jango. Outfitted with crew quarters, holding cells (including ones designed to restrain Force-users), and as many hidden weapons as Boba’s armor, Slave I became one of the most feared ships in the galaxy.


As shown in the Star Wars saga films, The Mandalorian, and other non-movie material from both the current canon and the original timeline, the Expanded Universe (aka Legends), the signature Fett armor is jam-packed with gadgetry and weapons, in addition to being a protective suit. This is why it is highly sought-after; not only for cultural and sentimental reasons, but also for its sheer versatility. Here’s every function of Boba Fett’s suit of armor.

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Beskar Plating

Like all suits of Mandalorian armor, Boba’s is made of beskar, a unique Mandalorian alloy and one of the most durable metals in the galaxy. Beskar is not only impervious to blaster bolts, but also one of the few materials that can resist the blade of a lightsaber. Given the many conflicts between the Jedi and various Mandalorian factions, beskar armor is invaluable to Mandalorians, who pass down their armors through generations. Beskar armor also makes the armor ideal for bounty hunting, as even the armor-piercing blaster bolts of Imperial weapons can’t penetrate it.

Unfortunately, Mandalorian armor is not without its weaknesses. For the sake of articulation and mobility, areas of the armor are left unprotected by the metal – specifically, the joints and neck. Because of this, Mandalorians can be killed or injured by well-aimed blaster bolts, a weakness exploited by Clone Troopers during the Siege of Mandalore, where they defeated the Death Watch. Lightsaber users like Ahsoka Tano and the former Sith Lord Maul also strike at these weak points, and it was one such decapitating strike from Mace Windu that killed Jango Fett.

Survival Suit

Underneath the beskar plating, Boba wears a light and flexible survival suit of power armor liner. According to Legends-era sources, the liner protects Boba against corrosive and poisonous chemicals, as well as intense heat and cold. The liner also projects a micro-energy field that disperses energy-based and physical blows (similar to Stormtrooper armor). The effects of this are seen in Return of the Jedi, when Luke Skywalker deflects a high-powered blaster cannon bolt to explode near Boba, only knocking the bounty hunter unconscious for a few seconds instead of killing him.

While Jango had additional beskar plating on his thighs, shins, and boots, Boba replaced them with additional pouches, which contained jetpack maintenance tools, anti-security lockpicks, a sonic stunning device, and a survival knife. Boba’s were also armed with spikes. Whether they were for melee attacks or could fire at opponents (like Aurra Sing’s did in The Clone Wars) is unknown. Like Jango, Boba also wears a utility belt on his waist to carry explosives, sidearms, a knockout gas sprayer, and even several lightsabers taken from Jedi he’s captured or killed.


The iconic Mandalorian helmet that Boba Fett wears is, of course, also made of beskar, and its unique antenna (also known as a “rangefinder”) tapped into bounty databases such as the Holonet to track and mark bounties (as seen in the 2002 video game Bounty Hunter). The rangefinder also allowed Boba to zoom in on distant beings or objects, intercept and unscramble communications. Most notably, the rangefinder is used by Boba (and Cobb Vanth) to target vehicles with their jetpack-mounted rockets.

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Inside the helmet was a filtration system that keeps Boba safe from airborne poisons or contaminants, as well as two hours-worth of emergency oxygen. The helmet’s iconic T-shaped visor allowed Boba to see in infrared, gave him a 360-degree field of vision (using data from his rangefinder), and featured a heads-up display that feeds Boba information about his environment. The helmet is also linked to Boba’s weapons, jetpack, and Slave I, allowing him to disable, activate, or summon them in emergencies. The helmet also picked up on nearby sounds and magnified them. This is likely why Boba was aware of Luke Skywalker when the latter arrived on Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back.


Like his father, Boba famously used a jetpack for offensive, defensive, and mobility-related advantages during combat and pursuit of his quarry. Boba’s Mitrinomon Z-6 jetpack (a popular model among Mandalorians) also came armed with a powerful anti-vehicle rocket, which Cobb Vanth and Boba both used in The Mandalorian.

The jetpack was not without its drawbacks, however, as a hard impact to the Z-6 would cause it to activate and potentially propel its wearer into danger. Boba Fett was infamously defeated in Return of the Jedi when Han Solo accidentally struck his jetpack, sending Boba flying out of control before falling into the Sarlacc Pit. Din Djarin used this same flaw to propel Cobb Vanth to safety during their conflict with a Greater Krayt Dragon.

Gauntlets and Kneepads

Most of Boba Fett’s weapons are built into his wrist gauntlets. Boba’s right wrist contained retractable blades, his famous fibercord capture cable launcher (used for ensnaring opponents such as Luke Skywalker, as seen in Return of the Jedi), and a dart gun (famously used by Jango to shoot lethal Kamino saberdarts). The left wrist gauntlet carried a flamethrower, a powerful blaster, and a miniature launcher that could fire rockets that explode or release gases to sedate or kill targets. It also contains a chain code, proving that the armor was rightfully Jango’s and now Boba’s. Like Jango, Boba Fett also carries additional dart launchers on his kneepads, which he notably used in The Mandalorian Chapter 14, simultaneously firing two explosive darts from his knee to dispatch a pair of Stormtroopers.

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