They call him Grogu, The Child, and even Baby Yoda, but, no matter what name the galaxy assigns him, he continues to be the most adorable creature in the Star Wars universe. Be they bounty hunter, Jedi, or Mon Calimari merchant, everyone wants to get their mitts on this little green munchkin.

Throughout the saga of The Mandalorian, a number of characters have had the title of babysitter thrust upon them, willingly or otherwise. It’s a dangerous galaxy, and the little guy can’t always go along for the ride. From keeping him stimulated or just out of firing range, looking after Grogu isn’t a job for everyone.

10 The Bike Troopers

The only reason these guys get a spot on the list is simply due to the need for comic relief during the final episodes of the first season. That being said, due to their rough treatment and recapturing of the Child, the bike troopers receive a rather dishonorable mention.

With all of that in mind, the guys did at least keep Grogu safe long enough to be recovered by the reprogrammed IG-11. A fun distraction from the chaos, but they’re not going to win any medals.

9 Dr. Pershing

He might have been using Grogu for evil Empire experiments, but Dr. Pershing seems to be a pawn under their control rather than a willing antagonist. Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for Pershing, the Client would have had Grogu killed and autopsied episodes ago.

Give the doctor a little bit of credit; he might not be on the right side of the Force, but at least he has heart enough to care for the Child when under their charge.


8 The Protocol Droid on Nevarro

A technicality for sure, but the droid at the new Nevarro school did at least attempt to give the Child an education. Truth be told, it was more of a set-piece than a character.

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Seeing Grogu in a school environment provided not only a relatable sequence between him and his Mandalorian friend, but a bit of smart humor, as well. Who else knew he was going to get one of those macarons one way or another?

7 Ahsoka Tano

One of the biggest reveals in the saga’s story has to be the appearance of Ahsoka Tano on Corvus. While she didn’t assume the role of babysitter as defined by previous entries, she was able to tap into that Jedi mentor role as easily as another certain green Force-user.

Call it fan service, call it completing some grand and mystic circle in the grand scheme of the Force, but Grogu’s reunion with another Jedi is a pivotal moment in the series. Honestly, fans are just thrilled Ahsoka finally made her first live-action appearance.

6 The Frog Lady and Her Husband

The amphibious couple gets a special mention due to the familiar scenario and environment Grogu gets to experience. So what if he ate half a dozen of her eggs, he’s cute and adorable. With eyes like that, Grogu could get away with murder.

Joking aside, it was still kind of the frog couple to take the Child into their home on Trask. Only the heartless and cold wouldn’t find the image of Grogu in a family unit heartwarming.

5 Luke Skywalker

His appearance might only be last minute, but there’s no possible way Master Skywalker should be left off the list. He’s possibly the most famous and powerful entity to appear in The Mandalorian.

While it pains viewers to see him leave his armor-clad friend, they all know he’s in the best of hands. That is, of course, if the little guy doesn’t have to become roommates with Ben Solo. Might want to have Mando on speed-dial, then.

4 Unknown Jedi Masters

Although this happened long before the events of the series, one has to assume that due to Grogu’s bond with the Force, mental strength, and mystic aura, that he was trained and cared for by the best and brightest in the Jedi temple.

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Before the events of Order 66, Grogu was practically a prodigy of the order, maybe even trained by the likes of Yoda himself at one point. It’s up for debate, but his former mentors cannot be forgotten.

3 Peli Motto

She might be a little rough around the edges, but, if there’s one character in the series that absolutely adores Grogu, it’s Peli Motto. Looking after the little green bundle of joy on multiple occasions will certainly earn one a top-tier ranking on this list, and Peli is always happy to do it.

Mos Isley might be a wretched place of scum and villainy, but this quirky mechanic certainly knows a thing or two about raising a youngling. Even the hard and weathered Mando took notes.

2 IG-11

Not the most conventional entry on the list, but the reprogrammed and reformed IG-11 took to the nanny-droid programming exceptionally well. Not only is IG-11 successful in caring for Grogu and keeping him safe from harm to the best of his abilities, but he’s probably the only one in the series who literally dies while protecting the Child.

There’s a sort of Force-like zen to his sacrifice. He goes out nobly protecting the heroes but also fulfills his new prime directive in caring for his charge.

1 Din Jarin/Mando

Was there any doubt that the Beskar-clad protagonist wouldn’t win first prize? Going from hardened bounty-hunter to father-figure is quite the character arc, especially in this space-samurai-western.

The child’s endearing adorableness is what wears the Mandalorian’s strong and silent exterior away. The relationship between Grogu and Jarin is one that will forever be cemented in the Star-Wars universe, as well as in the hearts of fans across the galaxy. This is the way.

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