Han Solo would fit in well with The Mandalorian‘s bounty hunter and criminal story, and here’s where the famous smuggler is during the events of the show. As the first live-action Star Wars TV series, The Mandalorian took the galaxy far, far away in a slightly new direction. Instead of focusing on the Jedi and Sith conflict, the show revolves around the bounty hunter lifestyle of Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) after he finds The Child aka Baby Yoda.

The Mandalorian‘s ability to explore the underbelly of Star Wars is one of many reasons why it stands apart from other content in the franchise. The original trilogy of films scratched the surface of this world with Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, and others, as the criminals of the galaxy were seeded throughout the films. These characters have yet to appear in The Mandalorian (although that will change with Boba Fett returning in season 2), which is within the realm of possibility thanks to the show’s setting. The series picks up five years after Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – or in the year 9 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin). Thanks to this placement in the timeline, The Mandalorian could include any number of original trilogy characters.


The lack of original trilogy characters includes Han Solo not making an appearance in The Mandalorian. The show takes place 25 years before Han dies at the hands of Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but only a few years after he was shown building a relationship with Leia. Canon materials for Star Wars have revealed that they get married and have a son not too long after, which accounts for Han’s whereabouts during The Mandalorian. At the exact time of the Disney+ series, Han would be doing what he can to help raise a four-year-old Ben Solo and was still in a committed relationship with Leia.

Han’s life when The Mandalorian takes place hasn’t been fleshed out much, but the next few years of his life are a bit more interesting. It is sometime around the events of The Mandalorian that Han loses the Millennium Falcon. The exact year of this event isn’t known, but Han is still relatively young. He loses his prized ship to Gannis Ducain after bringing him aboard a mission and doesn’t see it again until 34 ABY in The Force Awakens. The setting of The Mandalorian is also near the time that Solo begins becoming a racing pilot and the owner of a successful trading company.

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As The Mandalorian‘s story continues, it will be fascinating to see if Han is mentioned at any point or even appears. A reference to him would be easier to pull off, possibly even coming from Boba Fett during season 2. There’s also a chance that Han could have a small role in the series, either by de-aging Harrison Ford (which seems unlikely) or letting Alden Ehrenreich play middle-aged Han after Solo: A Star Wars Story.

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