The Matrix presents many intelligent personalities. Some characters seem to have superhuman intellect like The Oracle, while others present conventional critical thinking like Tank. Some smart characters from The Matrix don’t return in the fourth film. In the first movie, the crew aboard the Nebuchadnezzar are forced to think quickly on their feet and keep their minds sharp.

The agents in The Matrix and the Sentinels in the waking world are on a perpetual hunt for Morpheus’ team. In their defense against their enemies, the characters showcase their intelligence. Some personalities like Trinity prove to be smarter than others.



Mouse is one of the less-developed crew members aboard the Nebuchadnezzar. He isn’t without intelligence. Mouse’s smarts are put on display when he explains to Neo that he coded the woman in the red dress.

Audiences see the woman who appears pristine, revealing Mouse’s coding ability. He isn’t stupid but shows himself to be less smart than some of the other characters. When Mouse falls for a trap leading to his death, he proves to be less bright than his peers.


Cypher is one of the least likable characters in The Matrix. However, he isn’t without smarts. He schemes to selfishly put himself in a position of power and luxury in The Matrix and nearly gets away with it.

However, by the end of the movie, he is revealed as less smart than some of the other crew members. Cypher botches his plan because he foolishly indulges in its unfolding. He taunts Trinity over the phone and lets his guard down. His short-sightedness causes his death.

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Tank shows his intelligence with his occupation within the Nebuchadnezzar. While his brother Dozer pilots, Tank is head of operating the ship. Audiences see him furiously type intricate code and act as a lifeline to the crew when they’re plugged into The Matrix.

Tanks couldn’t perform all of his duties without his brains. Fans see him think quickly on his feet when he ambushes Cypher in some of his last moments in the film.


Trinity is one of the main characters in the film, and as such, her character is more developed than others. Trinity shows her intelligence in the form of quick thinking and critical thinking. She often enlightens Neo with profound observations about The Matrix in some of Trinity’s best quotes.

Furthermore, she shows her brains in tough situations. When Neo notices a set of similar cats, Trinity is quick to ask about it and uncover a trap signaled by the glitch of the doubled cats. Her attention to detail highlights her intelligence.


Morpheus is the leader of the Nebuchadnezzar crew. However, his intelligence is perhaps showcased most when he and Neo first meet. Morpheus gives Neo insight into his world and that of The Matrix during his introduction. The infamous pill scene may not be as thrilling as The Matrix‘s fight scenes, but it is iconic nonetheless.

His monologue takes complicated concepts into understandable terms. Morpheus is presented as having an abstract enlightenment thanks to his working mind. Furthermore, he is the leader of the crew and uses his wits to oversee all operations.

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Agent Smith

Agent Smith is the main villain in The Matrix. He is a unique character, in that he isn’t human. He is technically a part of the Matrix’s programming, and as such, it is hard to quantify his intelligence. However, he takes on an individual personality. Smith shows his intelligence in his villainous behavior.

He knows he can scare Neo in an attempt to make him give up Morpheus. He puts a tracking bug into Neo’s body to scare him. He shows his other intelligent behavior in his pursuit of Morpheus’ team. Being a program, Agent Smith is presented as perhaps smarter than the human characters in that he lacks human common error due to emotion.


Neo is the protagonist in The Matrix. As such, he is one of the more developed personalities in the film. Audiences see Neo’s smarts through the way he deals with conflicts presented to him. His intellectual curiosity is consistent with his first appearance.

Neo seeks out Morpheus and the truth behind The Matrix. He listens intently when Morpheus tells him about The Matrix and chooses to learn more when offered in the film’s pill scene. He is enthusiastic about learning more and tries to absorb as much data as possible through Morpheus’ programs.

The Oracle

It is hard to argue that The Oracle isn’t the smartest character in The Matrix. She is presented as having supernatural knowledge about the world. It is implied she knows things that no other human could know and can foresee what will happen in the future. The Oracle’s intelligence is showcased in her first interaction with Neo.

She predicts things will happen before they occur. Before Neo knocks over a vase in her kitchen, she tells him not to worry about the broken vase. The Oracle’s predictions prove true, and her foresight highlights her place as one of the movie’s smartest characters.

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