The Chitauri made a huge impression on fans in the first Avengers film, but their comic book counterparts are much more twisted. In 2017’s Thanos #13, by writer Donny Cates and artist Geoff Shaw, readers are treated to a brief, but horrifying, glimpse at the Chitauri only comic fans know.

The aliaen race first appeared in 2002’s The Ultimates 8 and were created by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch. Intended to be the Ultimate universe’s version of the Skrulls, the Chitauri then made the leap to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2012’s The Avengers, where they were stormtroopers for Thanos. The Chitauri finally entered the mainstream Marvel Comics Universe in Nova #3 and have been part of the cosmic scene ever since.  A number of changes were made to the Chitauri upon their debut, and readers get to see some of these changes on display in Thanos #13.


The issue opens with Thanos – who has no connections with the Chitauri in the comics at this point – attacking their homeworld. Before he does, an unnamed narrator describes the Chitauri in horrifying detail, describing their “vast” armadas of starships stolen from other races. The narrator describes their bio-engineered weapons as well; readers also learn that, for years at a time, the Chitauri homeworld drops several hundred degrees below freezing—and they do not care. The Chitauri also capture and enslave other species, forcing them to fight in gladiator-style matches. The blood spilled in these contests freezes mid-air, creating what the narrator describes as “beautiful red snowflakes.” The Chitauri then collect these little snowflakes, which they call “War Snow” and feed it to their young, serving as a form of initiation into this warrior culture.

The Chitauri as they were seen in the MCU were terrifying enough – they were seemingly mindless brutes in the service of Thanos. When the decision was made to bring them to Earth-616, the Chitauri were altered greatly, making them even more scary. They were still brutal warriors, but now they enslaved people, forced them to fight and then used the blood as nourishment for their young. Fans heard how vicious the Chitauri were in the movies, but the comics show just how evil the Chitauri truly are. The MCU films are also held back by PG-13 ratings, limiting what they can show. Comics, which are not beholden to such a system, can explore the true depths of Chitauri brutality.

The Chitauri cut a path of destruction through New York City in The Avengers, and the Chitauri of the comics do the same. However, the comic book version of the Chitauri also enslave other species and feed them to their young, making them much more vicious and terrifying.

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