Mindy Kaling’s The Mindy Project ended in 2017 after six incredible seasons, but fans of the show can’t stop re-watching to find hidden Easter eggs, create theories, and yes, even catch some head-scratching continuity errors.

We saw Mindy on her quest for love and how her role changed once becoming a mother. We also saw her thrive as an OB-GYN and woman of color in the medical field. Mindy Lahiri could do it all and wasn’t afraid to make mistakes along the way. However, over the course of six seasons, fans noticed some errors in the writing, characters, and beyond. Keep reading to see 10 continuity errors in The Mindy Project. 

10 Didn’t Mindy Give Casey Back His Ring?

Mindy has been engaged a few times on her quest for happily ever after, and one of those engagements was to a man named Casey. When Mindy first met Casey, he was a pastor with an entirely different vibe from Mindy, but the two fell for each other. He proposed when the two were in Haiti, but in “The Other Dr. L,” the couple were doing long-distance, and Mindy was having doubts. She ended up calling off the engagement and gave her ring back. But later in the series, Casey claims Mindy never gave him the ring back…

9 How Old Is Mindy, Exactly?

According to Mindy’s Fandom page, at this moment Mindy Lahiri is 38 years old. This means back in 2012 when the show started she was 30 years old. Of course, as time goes on, Mindy ages gracefully but she wasn’t keen on being truthful about her age.

In the first season in “Mindy’s Birthday,” Mindy claims to be 28 years old but by season four (“The Departed), Mindy says she’s 27 years old. Is Mindy this afraid of age or did the show get sloppy with age continuity?


8 Gwen’s Broken Arm

Gwen is Mindy’s best friend from college. The two moved to New York around the same time but unlike Mindy, Gwen found her husband soon after. In the episode “Thanksgiving,” Mindy heads to Gwen’s house to spend Thanksgiving with her and her family and Gwen’s arm appears to be broken. She’s in a cast throughout the entire episode. However, five episodes later, we see the bunk bed collapse and break her arm… Clearly, the network had to have played around with the episode segments because those two episodes were definitely out of order.

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7 Danny Has Already Seen Mindy In The Buff

Fans of The Mindy Project either love Mindy and Danny’s chemistry or they think they’re better off as friends. Either way, these two have a special bond and share a son together that will keep them connected forever.

In the first season’s “Danny Castellano Is My Gynecologist,” Mindy puts Danny to the test of being her gynecologist. The whole thing unravels after Mindy opens her gown and Danny walks out. But later in Season 2 when Danny becomes her personal trainer, the two have an awkward encounter in the sauna, and they both freak out about being nude. But they’ve already seen each other in the buff, so why panic?

6 Whatever Happened To Gwen?

Mindy is a social woman with many friends, but Gwen seemed to be her best friend. Even after Gwen gets married and becomes a mom, Mindy learns to include her daughter, and still has a close relationship with everyone. But as seasons go on, Gwen disappears. Mindy slowly starts only hanging out with her co-workers, and we watch her dating life fall apart and come together again. But what happened to Gwen? What happened to Mindy’s relationships with the people outside of the office?

5 Danny & Jillian’s Timeline

Another continuity error revolves around Danny’s relationship with Jillian (aka Eyepatch Girl). Apparently, their relationship was supposed to happen much earlier in the season, but the network shuffled episodes around, which messed with important continuity aspects.

The two met in the episode “Bunk Bed” after waiting in the ER together but two episodes later, they were dunzo. Jillian broke up with him for being too selfish but Danny took it way harder than was normal for him. It was as if the writers wanted these two to last longer but it never ended up that way, making this breakup more dramatic than it had to be.

4 Danny’s Mother’s Beliefs

Danny is a devout Italian Catholic with a tight-knit family. He’s also very close to his over-protective mother, who came off a little judgmental of Mindy at first. When Danny and Mindy began dating, his mother pretty much said they were living in sin before marriage, but if she was so religious then why didn’t she care about her other son being openly gay? She didn’t seem to even care about that part but she was beside herself regarding Danny and Mindy’s living situation. We’re not saying every religious person has the exact same beliefs, but this seemed out of character for Danny’s mother.

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3 Seth Meyers Was Both Himself And Matt?

Back in the first season, Seth Meyers portrayed Matt in “Hiring and Firing,” in which Mindy and Danny go head-to-head over hiring a new nurse, but later in “Will They Or Won’t They,” Seth Meyers actually portrays himself. Were writers expecting viewers not to notice Seth Meyers twice in a series? Why not just have Seth play Matt, and leave it at that?

2 When The Writers Didn’t Check The Calendar

In the episode “Princeton Charming,” Mindy is heading back to her alma matter at Princeton University for a speech. The whole gang accompanies her for support, but they realize the date of the presentation is on Saturday, May 2, 2017. However, if you look on the calendar, that date of the presentation is actually on a Tuesday, not a Saturday… whoops.

1 A Slight Slip In A Scene

There’s bound to small errors in editing when producing a show like The MindyProject, but fans caught on to a small blooper in “Dinner at the Castellanos.” While at dinner, Mindy and Danny are talking about their day when she puts her knife down and starts eating with her fork in her right hand. But as the camera changes its position, she’s once again holding both the knife and the fork. It’s as if Mindy went back in time to use both utensils without fans (or Danny) even realizing.

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