“Blindside” is an important word in the Survivor dictionary. It means to vote out someone who has no idea that their elimination is coming, and it comes as a shock to members of the audience, the player’s own tribe, and the targeted castaway. Blindsides have made up some of the most memorable parts of the long-running reality TV series.

Every new Survivor player wants to add a blindside to their resume in order to go down in history as one of the best, most strategic and brilliant contestants to ever compete. However, it’s not always as easy, as sometimes the magic of it is how spur of the moment a blindside can be.


Baylor Wilson (San Juan Del Sur)

During the final five Tribal Council for San Juan Del Sur, Natalie Anderson cemented her winning game by saving Jaclyn (whose boyfriend Jon she had blindsided at the previous Tribal) and voting out 20-year-old Baylor Wilson.

While Baylor’s bad reputation was definitely underserved, her blindside was satisfying as it broke up the last pair of loved ones in the game. It also proved just how dominant Natalie’s game was, and that if she were to make it to the final Tribal Council, she would absolutely win. Redditor efinitelybroseph voiced their love for the blindside by writing, “The Baylor blindside is my absolute favorite of all time, I probably watch that tribal a few times a month.”

Ozzy Lusth (Micronesia)

Ozzy Lusth was a challenge beast and heartthrob when he returned to Survivor for Fans Vs Favorites, but was shockingly taken out by his former Cook Islands cast member, Parvati Shallow, shortly after the merge.

Ozzy’s blindside was iconic because of how unexpected it was, but also because of his reaction to the move. He was hurt by Parvati on a personal level, and wouldn’t let her forget it when he addressed her at the final Tribal Council. Many Redditors agreed that Ozzy’s blindside was one of the best, with Reddit user vvtox writing, “The hallmark blindside of Survivor will always be Ozzy’s for me.”

Aubry Bracco (Edge Of Extinction)

Aubry Bracco placed well during her first two Survivor appearances. During Kaoh Rong, she got second place, with many fans insisting that she deserved to win her Survivor season. On Game Changers, she made it to the final five, nearly making it to the final Tribal Council yet again. However, all that changed when she competed with a group of newbies on Edge Of Extinction.

Aubry met her match when placed in a tribe and subsequently swapped into another tribe with new player Victoria Baamonde. Victoria knew that in order to further herself in the game, she needed to take out her biggest threat. This came as a shock to fans and Aubry when she was eliminated prior to the merge. Redditor leadabae wrote of their favorite blindside, “Victoria with Aubry. Managed to completely pull the wool over her eyes and flush both an idol and an advantage … and one was a newbie and one a returnee.”

John Hennigan (David Vs Goliath)

John Hennigan was a likable competitor and part of the wholesome “Brochachos” Survivor bromance on season 37. He was also a member of the original Goliath tribe, who up until the point of his elimination, had been dominating the season and seemed like they were going to be able to pull off a win over any David member.

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But this all changed when the Davids had the brilliant idea to split the minority vote and play an Idol on one of their own. Davie correctly assumed that Christian would be the Goliaths’ target, and even after Dan saved Angelina, John was still sent packing. Reddit user NEPatsFan128711 commented on a thread, “I was absolutely floored from the John blindside in D v G. The first of its kind in terms of the minority split and had no idea John would be the target.”

Gretchen Cordy (Borneo)

Back in season one, when fans and castaways were still getting used to how Survivor was played, nobody knew what a blindside was or what it could do to the course of the game.

After the two tribes had merged for the first time, the Tagi alliance worked together to target Gretchen, while the Pagong tribe each voted for different people, including some of their own. The four votes for Gretchen ended up being the majority, eliminating her and shocking Pagong and viewers at home. Redditor XX_TR15T1NHO_XX recalled the moment in Survivor history, “Gretchen is the most iconic blindside because it was the first blindside. People will actually remember her blindside.”

Sarah Lacina (Cagayan)

The cast of Survivor: Cagayan made the season great from the very beginning, from the cursed Survivor “Brains” tribe to Tony’s various spying methods. But the thing that cemented the season as one of the best was the legendary merge episode in which Sarah Lacina, who was caught between two alliances, was blindsided.

After proving herself to be playing both sides, Sarah became the target. This shocked the former Aparri tribe, and the constant switch in who might be going home caused two Idols to be played for people who didn’t even need them. Reddit user LeafInTonysSpyShack wrote about their favorite blindside, “2 idols wasted. Kass flips. Sarah blindsided. Jefra crying. Tony clapping. Spencer’s iconic quote to Kass. I mean come on … This will forever be my No. 1..”

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Andrew Savage (Cambodia)

Kelley Wentworth was due for a Survivor redemption arc when she returned for Second Chance. Fans had pegged her as a big threat during her first season, only for her to get sent home before the merge. The second time around, however, Kelley came ready to play and ended up finding an Idol early on that saved her at a crucial moment, and provided the best blindside of the season.

Michaela Bradshaw (Millennials Vs Gen-X)

Michaela Bradshaw proved she was too strategic for her good when she competed in season 33. She scared her former alliance member, Jay Starrett, with her brilliant planning, causing him to flip on her and completely catch her off guard.

Michaela was convinced that the Millennials would be safe going into Tribal Council, only for Jay to mastermind her elimination. The vote-off resulted in an intense stare-down that was both parts awkward and thrilling. Reddit user rgflame12 commented on a thread asking for the best blindside by saying, “For me, it’s gotta be Michaela. Jay got her so good she forgot her shoes.”

JT Thomas (Heroes Vs Villains)

Heroes Vs Villains is regarded as the best all-star season of Survivor, mostly due to the iconic alliances and eliminations that took place. While some fans thought that the Heroes might win out and conquer evil, they were proven wrong when the Villains crafted a dominant alliance and incredible Idol plays.

After being gifted an Idol by JT, Russell gave it to Parvati (who already had one) in order to protect herself at the merge vote. Parvati then played both Idols to maximize protecting herself and her allies, sending JT home with the very Idol he had given the Villains. Redditor Notnot- praised the move, saying, “I think JT in HvV is a great blindside because Parvati whipped out both idols and JT realized he had been duped by Russell and the villains.”

Erik Reichenbach (Micronesia)

As if the iconic Ozzy blindside wasn’t enough, Micronesia got even wilder when Erik was convinced by the Black Widow Brigade alliance to hand over individual immunity to Natalie, only in turn be voted off by the remaining four women in the game.

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The moment went down in Survivor history, with Reddit user Julia-014 writing that Erik’s blindside is the one they think of as being the best, “Not only because of how shocking it is but all the events that lead to it make it even better (seeing the girls come up with a plan, Erik talking with Natalie then talking with Cirie, Parv and Amanda shitting him at Tribal Council).”

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