Warning! Spoilers ahead for Amazing Spider-Man #81

While there may be drawbacks to working for a mega-corporation, the new Spider-Man certainly gets to use some pretty cool toys which now include an upgraded version of a classic spider-suit feature. In the latest issue of Marvel Comics’ Amazing Spider-Man, Ben Reilly is heading out into the city on his newest mission for the Beyond Corporation. However, he gets to travel in style using a new gadget that takes Spider-Man’s traditional web-wings to a whole new level.

Featured in Amazing Spider-Man #81 from writer Saladin Ahmed and artist Carlos Gómez, Spider-Man has received quite a few new gadgets and tools in his spider arsenal courtesy of the Beyond Corporation. While working as their officially sanctioned Spider-Man, the new Webslinger has been wearing an impressive armored suit, powerful gauntlets, and more unique items. However, his newest gadget is certainly the most exciting as he heads to fight a monster in Brooklyn known as Rhizome (as well as a meeting with Miles Morales’ Spider-Man).


In the new issue, Ben Reilly is seen en route to Rhizome’s last known location. However, rather than his usual mode of transportation, the new Spider-Man is flying courtesy of a jetpack connected to his web-wings which help him glide, a classic Spider-Suit feature dating back to the very first Spider-Man costume worn by Peter Parker. However, the jetpack is an exciting and costly upgrade as confirmed by Spider-Man’s main Beyond Corporation point of contact named Marcus.

While Marcus does reveal that Spider-Man’s new jetpack is more for emergency use due to the cost of the fuel, it’s still an impressive tool as an alternate means of getting around beyond the usual webslinging Spider-Man is known for. Should his web-shooters become damaged or ever run out of fluid, Ben now has the perfect backup at the ready. Furthermore, the fact that it takes a feature that was already a part of the original Spider-Man suit and improves upon it is pretty cool as well.

While fans shouldn’t expect to see Ben Reilly’s Spider-Man to be flying more than he swings, the fact that he has a jetpack prepped is pretty cool all the same. In any case, it’s going to be interesting to see how long Ben has access to all of these new toys and gadgets, especially as he continues to clash with his corporate bosses and defies their wishes (such as not confronting Miles about having the Spider-Man name). Regardless of how Ben’s time as a corporate-sponsored superhero might end, it would be cool to see him use his jetpack again in future issues of Amazing Spider-Man.

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