Fans of the original Watchmen comic knew that Doomsday Clock would prove to be a controversial story no matter how it ended. But what they didn’t expect was for Dr. Manhattan to examine the future… and describe a coming event uniting DC and Marvel’s greatest heroes.

Yes, the final issue of the Watchmen sequel comic may not have delivered on the Superman/Dr. Manhattan battle for the fate of the entire universe, but it did explain how Manhattan altered DC’s reality. Manhattan learned that Superman was the heart of DC’s reality. Meaning no matter how Manhattan changed history, Superman’s arrival was an event the universe would always will into being. And looking into the future, an event that would always take place — even if Marvel’s heroes collided with DC’s Universe, leading to yet another massive reboot.


It’s the Marvel crossover readers will be eager to see described, so for simplicity’s sake we’ll skip over explaining how Dr. Manhattan interfered with the DC Universe. In the final chapter delivered with Doomsday Clock #12, Manhattan sees the persistence of Superman echo through history, and thanks to his perception of time, through the future as well. And while reality might reboot like it did Post-Crisis, and with the New 52, and Rebirth, the Multiverse would preserve every prior (and future) reality.

Manhattan rattles off several future Crisis events coming to DC’s Universe, with writer Geoff Johns using vague references and cosmic jargon for each, except for one that will be unmistakable for fans of Marvel Comics. The event known only as… Secret Crisis:

No matter how many times Superman’s existence is attacked, he will survive. Even if change is a constant… On July 10th, 2030, the “Secret Crisis” begins, throwing Superman into a brawl across the universe with Thor himself… and a green behemoth stronger than even Doomsday, who dies protecting Superman from these invaders.

Playing on the traditional “Crisis” term for DC events and “Secret” for Marvel’s, the crossover storyline is clear. According to this tease, 2030 brings a threat or invasion that sees the Man of Steel test Thor’s hammer, and the Incredible Hulk sacrifice himself to save Superman. Both believable twists, considering the past battles between the Justice League and Avengers. The real question is just what Geoff Johns is playing at, suggesting Marvel and DC Comics will join forces for a cross-company event in a decade’s time.

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While the first instinct may be to brush off the reference as a joke, or a wink to the fans, it’s not the usual way that DC throws jabs (or shade) at the competition. And when someone as instrumental as Johns has been in guiding the vision for DC’s future events gives a name and date, fans would be wise to take note. Now, will it happen? Is the prospect too good for Marvel or DC to pass up? Only time will tell. But with Kevin Feige now overseeing Marvel Comics — an executive with history brokering mutually beneficial deals with ‘competing’ studios — stranger things have happened.

For now, fans can read this bit of (preemptive) comic history in Doomsday Clock #12, available now at your local comic book shop.

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