There are so many elements that went into Game Of Thrones to help make it one of the greatest television shows of all time, obviously, all of the behind the scenes work from writers, directors, and crew, but also in terms of how the story itself is crafted. It is a human-story based narrative with political drama, friendship, romance, betrayal, quasi-medieval lifestyle, and layers of fantasy sprinkled throughout.

These fantastical elements, as well as some of the more evil and cruel characters and lifestyle of this time, can give way to some eerie, scary, and creepy moments, with a slew of quotes that likewise give off those feelings. Trigger warning: rape.

10 “The Night Is Dark & Full Of Terrors.”

One of the classic one-liners of Game Of Thrones repeated throughout the entire show alongside the likes of inter is coming” and “a Lannister always pays his debts, “the night is dark and full of terrors” is definitely a creepy line often spoken by Melisandre.

Related to the Lord of Light and Melisandre’s dedication to him through being a Red Priestess, this quote is one that rung true so often throughout the series. It is by far the creepiest in terms of recurring lines, especially with Carice Van Houten’s delivery and Melisandre’s general creepiness, if not cruelty at times.

9 “If I Fall, Don’t Bring Me Back.”

From a quote spoken so many times by Melisandre to one delivered to her, Jon Snow gives this quote that manages to incite a sense of dread, as well as a sense of sympathy for Jon.

The line is not creepy in the same way as the one above, not in terms of the words themselves, but rather the unease they put in the viewer. Jon Snow makes clear many times he does not exactly enjoy the life he is duty-bound to live, and his coming back from the dead did not change those feelings; when he dies, Jon wants to be at peace, not dragged back from the beyond again.


8 “I Grew Up With Soldiers, I Learned How To Die A Long Time Ago.”

Jon Snow’s adoptive father, Ned Stark, did not spend much time in the show, there for one season, but he was the central protagonist of that season and made a huge impact on the show and the in-universe future from that point.

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While locked up in the dungeons awaiting his fate, Lord Stark makes clear he does not fear death. Once again, it is the feeling this quote induces that makes it creepy; Ned got raised an honor-bound fighter who learned to die when he was but a boy, that is a cruel existence, and yet his lack of fear of death did not take anything away from the heartbreak of the moment.

7 “Chaos Is A Ladder.”

The verbal battles between Lord Varys and Lord Petyr Baelish were legendary, with the peak arguably being the famous “chaos isn’t a pit, chaos is a ladder.” exchange. However, it is not that version of the quote this entry is about.

When Baelish has made his way with Sansa to Winterfell and comes across Bran, he fleetingly mentions the word chaos in a one-on-one conversation with Bran when giving him the dagger that tried to kill him years ago. Bran replies with the famous “chaos is a ladder” in such a monotone, clearly no longer Bran, but something more. The deadpan delivery and close up, directly into the camera shot, make this another one of many creepy quotes from the Three-Eyed Raven version of little Bran Stark.

6 “Maybe I’ll pay you a visit after my uncle passes out. How’d you like that? You wouldn’t? Well, that’s all right. Ser Meryn and Ser Boros will hold you down.”

Sansa Stark is a character who, no matter how unlikable she proved herself to be at points in the show, went through hell and back, mostly due to controlling, psychopathic men and their families.

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During her and Tyrion’s wedding celebrations, Sansa is approached by Joffrey for a private conversation in which he threatens to rape her. Even after he has gotten a new betrothed and she is married to his uncle, Joffrey still torments Sansa, and with this threat – which thankfully never came to pass – he continued to prove his evil, cruel nature, as well as his creepy, perverted side.

5 “I Don’t Care.”

From one rape that never came to be to one that did, much to fans’ anger, Jaime Lannister’s rape of his sister Cersei remains one of the very few low points of the show’s first four seasons.

Happening while Cersei mourns Joffrey, whose dead body lies in front of them in the Sept of Baelor, Cersei begs Jaime to stop and that she does not want to do it there, only for Jaime to reply “I don’t care” after an angry insult. It is creepy, a bit scary, unnecessary, and cruel.

4 “If You Think This Has A Happy Ending, You Haven’t Been Paying Attention.”

Joffrey Baratheon may be the most despised character in all of Game Of Thrones, but even he was not as much of an absolute psychopath as Ramsay Bolton, a character who likely would have been more hated than Joffrey had he been as pathetic and cowardly as him.

During his seemingly endless torture of Theon, or rather, Reek, Ramsay says this iconic quote. Not only is this creepy, but accurate, Game Of Thrones was built on that subversion of expectation, and characters never being safe – before the final season, that is – if you mess up, you die, and this quote sums that idea up.

3 “Look At Me! Look At My Face! It’s The Last Thing You’ll See Before You Die.”

Joffrey is the most hated, Ramsay is the most psychopathic, but Cersei Lannister is the most consistent, hatable from the first episode of the show right to the penultimate one. But, there was one time where some fans felt even a flicker of sympathy for her.

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That is, of course, when she is captured by the Faith Militant. She says this quote to Septa Unella, and the delivery makes it all the creepier, with such sharpness and calmness, made even more so by the fact she got her revenge on Unella, using Ser Gregor to torture her.

2 “Nothing Isn’t Better Or Worse Than Anything. Nothing Is Just Nothing.”

Arya’s journey and development through Game Of Thrones are one of the most drastic, and one that made the Stark one of the most popular characters to come out of the show.

She is so innocent when we first meet her, but also fiery, hopefully, and full of life, that innocence gets stripped away by the world around her, and when she comes across a dying man, she says this quote, a line so eerie, and terrifying to hear from such a young person.

1 “You’ve Known Sansa Since She Was A Girl. Now Watch Her Become A Woman.”

Once again, we come back to not only Ramsay Bolton and his torture of Theon, but the hardships of Sansa Stark. Many people have issues with the entire Sansa/Ramsay saga; nevertheless, there is no denying how sickening it is at points.

This is pretty much epitomized by this entire scene in which Ramsay takes Sansa’s virginity by raping her. As if that is not bad enough, he makes Theon watch, with this quote, announcing what he is about to do and demanding Theon bear witness.

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