Part of The Office’s genius is its precision in non-verbal comedy. The characters’ looks at the camera and facial expressions are what gets most of the laughs on this mockumentary. Some of the things done in the show are so outlandish that the good people of Dunder Mifflin can only react through silence.

But with nine seasons and over 200 episodes, there were countless silent scenes to giggle at; however, some are better than others. Jim Halpert, for example, is one of the kings of quiet communication. Viewers know exactly how he feels about a situation based on his eyebrows and the tilt of his head. But Jim wasn’t alone; silence and a glance at the cameras were what made The Office a giant in the TV world.

10 When Jim Can’t Speak Because Of Jinx

In season 2’s ‘Drug Testing,’ Jim and Pam find them in a game of Jinx when Jim had to buy Pam a Coke, and the Coke was sold out at the vending machine. This meant that Jim couldn’t speak until he found a Coke to buy for Pam. For the entire day, his silent moments were some of the best (and the most emotional).

In one scene, Pam is egging Jim on to speak and assures him that he can tell her anything he wants. The look on his face proved there was so much that he wanted to tell her but couldn’t. The truth was he couldn’t tell her that he loved her. Later, Michael holds a meeting in the conference room where Michael encourages the office to share personal parts of their lives. Jim stood up like he was going to say something, pretended it was too emotional, and took a seat without saying a word. It was one of the best Michael and Jim moments.

9 Charles Miner Spying On Jim

When Charles Miner came to keep an eye on the Scranton branch, Jim was mortified because he was wearing a tuxedo as a prank on Dwight. It was hard to stay professional while dressed in a tuxedo at work. Because of Jim’s tux, Charles loathed him right away.

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Charles quickly became a low-key villain when he watched Jim work from the conference room. With no words between them, Jim felt Charles’s eyes on him and silently tried working harder while trying to watch Charles watching him…


8 Jim And Pam Find Out They’re Pregnant

While Jim and Pam have some of the best quotes in the series, it was a silent moment in season 5 that fans love the best.

After twisting her ankle at the company picnic, Pam went to the hospital to have it checked out. During a series of tests before doing an X-ray, Pam and Jim found out they were unexpectedly expecting. With the cameras outside of the room, the scene appears silent as Jim and Pam hear the news, become teary-eyed, and hug each other. It was emotional and happy for all.

7 Michael’s St. Pauli Girl Moment

As unbelievably funny as ‘Dinner Party,’ it’s also one of the saddest episodes because it showed how deeply unhappy Jan and Michael were in their relationship and home.

After an awkward house tour, odd tension between Jan and Michael, and hours worth of waiting for dinner, by the time the food was ready, everyone was exhausted. Michael was yet again bothered by something Jan said, so to anger her, he pulled out an old neon St. Pauli Girl sign and hung it up on the wall behind him. While Michael dug out the sign and hung it, not one word was spoken. Everyone just watched him in horror and then ate silently with the neon light as their guide.

6 Mose Vs. The Car

Schrute Farms is one of those places on The Office that fans wish they could visit because of Dwight’s descriptions of it. Viewers finally saw it for themselves when Jim and Pam had their first-weekend getaway as a couple at Schrute Farms to lift Dwight’s spirits after Angela broke up with him.

While Jim and Pam are in the car driving up to the farms, Dwight’s cousin Mose pops up out of nowhere and begins jogging quickly next to the car. Jim and Pam watch Mose awkwardly in silence as Mose jogs quietly next to them without saying a word. And just as quickly as he appeared, he soon disappeared—all without words.

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5 The Entire Therapy Scene

In season 7’s ‘Counseling,’ Michael was forced to do a few sessions of therapy with Toby after he spanked his nephew (an intern at the time) in front of the office. Of course, Michael didn’t want therapy because it meant one-on-one time with Toby. Michael has said plenty of ‘I hate Toby’ quotes in the past, but this scene was hilariously uncomfortable.

Michael would rather sit in silence for six hours with Toby than talk to him. The cameras showed Toby smiling at Michael and waiting for him to say something, but Michael sat there like a child with his arms crossed. Both parties said nothing until Michael snapped.

4 The Quiet Game

The episode ‘Trivia’ started with a completely silent cold open. With a pad of paper and a pen, Jim showed viewers that the office was trying to see how long they could go without saying anything.

Their phones rang and rang, and no one picked up or said a word. It was an underrated moment that isn’t talked about enough. The non-verbal sequence eventually ended after Kevin at a candy bar and had no choice but to say “Oh, yeah!” due to how good it was.

3 The National Anthem After Michael Bought His Condo

In ‘Office Olympics,’ Michael and Dwight take the day off from work to look at a potential condo Michael was about to buy. Meanwhile, at the office, Jim was so bored that he created an office Olympics for everyone to partake in—including a closing ceremony.

By the time Michael came back to the office, he was stressed and tired from buying his first home. Jim saw that Michael needed a pick-me-up and gave him a gold medal. They all stood in silence as the National Anthem played in the background, and tears filled Michael’s eyes. It had been a long day, but he finally felt like he won in some kind of way. Michael could have pulled out one of his alter-egos when he took the podium, but he instead stayed true to himself and soaked the moment in.

2 Dwight The Time Thief

After a unique ethics seminar with Holly from HR, Dwight made it sound like he never wasted the company’s time or money. Jim, however, felt differently. While the two have joined forces in the past, this was not one of those moments. Instead, Jim timed everything Dwight did that wasn’t work-related. To prove Jim he was wrong, Dwight worked non-stop, peed at his desk, and even sneezed with his eyes open.

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As Jim watched Dwight in fascination, both were completely silent. The silent cues from Dwight were comedic gold.

1 The Dual Usage Of Michael Scott Paper Company’s Van

As The Michael Scott Paper Company gained some traction, they had enough money to buy a used van for their paper deliveries. However, the van said something in Korean that they weren’t sure what it meant. After a while, Pam figured it said something in regards to a local Korean church.

In a few scenes, strangers were trying to get in the van, and Pam had to steer them away because it was no longer for the church. Hilariously, one scene showed the van stopped at a red light, and a stranger opens the van and hops in. Pam and Ryan look at her as if it happens all the time and don’t say a word. The whole scene was silent. Pam shut the door, didn’t say a word to the new passenger, and drove off.

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