Creed Bratton, played by Creed Bratton, is not one of the headlining characters of The Office. And yet, it is Creed Bratton who has some of the most memorable moments. Memorable not because they had any particular significance to the story or any particular relationship in The Office, but because they were so baffling that they’ve become unforgettable.

In fact, of all the other characters, it’s probably Creed who has the least to do on the main drive of the story. Everyone else has at least a glimpse into their family or personal life, but, for Creed, he’s just Creed Bratton, and that’s all he’s ever needed to be.

In honor of that, here are the ten best “WTF” moments from Creed Bratton.


In his brief foray as manager, Creed Bratton truly shines as the Creed Bratton that has always been known, but not often seen. In one of his creative brainstorming sessions, Creed writes the acronym “BOBODDY” on the whiteboard and frantically gestures in front of the rest of the Office, asking them what the first ‘B’ stands for.

His purpose in all of this? Why they’re creating acronyms of course. All good businesses have a healthy slew of acronyms, and Creed Bratton knows this better than anyone.

9 Dead Mama Jama

Staying on topic with his time as manager, Creed makes another strange decision to start his own paper company despite just inheriting the top spot at Dunder Mifflin. After connecting two of his biggest clients—both of whom Pam has to impersonate—Creed makes the bold declaration that he is starting his own paper company and asks if Pam is in. She says yes, and Creed’s next line is truly “WTF.”

“Cool. Let’s keep this on the QT okay? I want you to be a dead mama jama.” Yet again, there is the possibility that Creed has killed before and will kill again. But, more importantly, what is the QT?


8 Dog Food Company

Creed Bratton has said some truly baffling things, but nothing is more confusing than his analysis of what happens in the parking lot when Dwight tries to bike across a high wire. In fact, it was so off the cuff that it goes even beyond what we’re used to hearing from Creed. The only way to give it justice is to give the full analysis:

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“In the parking lot today, there was a circus. The copier did tricks on the high wire. A lady tried to give away a baby that looked like a cat. There was a Dwight impersonator and a Jim impersonator. A strongman crushed a turtle. I laughed and I cried. Not bad for a day in the life of a dog food company.”

The dots can be connected to what he was talking about, save for the dog food company which makes all of zero sense.

7 Helicopter On The Roof

When Robert California brings his wife into work, he creates a whole ordeal at the office. Andy is thrown into chaos, and, in his desperation, he reaches out to Jim for help. Jim flees the scene and goes to the roof, where he runs into who else but Creed Bratton. What is Creed doing on the roof? He’s flying a remote control helicopter.

Jim requests that Creed not tell anyone he was up there. Creed agrees, but then asks, “what about your friend?” To which Jim can only shake his head. As always, nothing stops Creed Bratton from being peak Creed Bratton.

6 Strike, Scream, Run

After Andy and Pam are assaulted by a bunch of young girls on bicycles, Toby is prompted to teach a self-defense class to help the employees of Dunder Mifflin better defend themselves from the menace that lives in the parking lot.

One particular strategy that Toby recommends is “strike, scream, run.” When he extends the invitation to try it, Creed leaps to his feet, slaps Meredith in the back of the head, yelps, and runs out of the conference room. Toby gets blamed, of course, and, once again, Creed gets away just fine.

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5 Chinese Food Thief

There is pretty much nothing that Creed Bratton won’t do. Michael Scott, however, has his boundaries… believe it or not. When Michael gets lost in Scranton without a phone or means of contact, he goes to a Chinese food restaurant. When he admits that he can’t pay, the restaurant owners take a picture of him to put him up on the wall of thieves.

As the camera pans over the wall, the numerous other polaroid pictures can be seen. No faces should stand out until the focus finds Creed Bratton, also a proud face on the wall of thieves.

4 The Very End

Throughout the entirety of The Office, it is hinted at that Creed Bratton is guilty of many things—selling and doing drugs, embezzlement, fraud, identity theft, even murder. But, it’s always been a joke, and he is never actually shown doing anything that bad.

However, that changes in the series finale, when a bald, bearded Creed, found grooming himself in the office bathroom, is lead away by police officers. At last, all of his crimes and vices have caught up with him. But he is okay with it. He goes along with it, and that’s what makes his character arc ending more satisfying than it seems.

3 Bloody Shirt

There are plenty of fan theories out there that Creed Bratton is a murderer and, as numerous WTF moments on this list can attest to, the evidence is certainly against him. Not least of all because he was, in fact, arrested at the end of it all.

Perhaps the most indicting moment comes in the episode “Here Comes Treble,” when Creed shows up to work in a blood-splattered shirt. It just so happens to also be Halloween, which grants Creed reprieve, since it appears as though he is in a costume even though he wasn’t. Maybe he’s just a butcher in his spare time, who knows.

2 There’s Been A Murder

Michael Scott, being the creative soul that he is, met potential catastrophe with a board game—Belles, Bourbon & Bullets. It’s a dinner mystery game where everyone assumes a fake, pun-based identity and they try to figure out who the murderer is. Only, Creed isn’t there for the start.

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When he shows up, he runs up to Michael and apologizes for being late. Michael tells him that there has been a murder, and he is a suspect. Creed, as cool and collected as only Creed Bratton can be, tells Michael he’s going to settle in and be right back, at which point he flees the office and drives away.

1 Quabity Assuance

The simplest question that anyone could be asked is what their position at work is. And that’s all that Holly Flax asked Creed Bratton to drive him to this unforgettable “WTF” moment. Seeing as how no viewer knows what Creed does, either, since it has never been established, Creed’s ignorance of his own job comes across rather hilarious.

Hiding behind the refrigerator, Creed tries to sound it out. He knows it starts with ‘Qua’ and ends up with “Quabity Assuance” before realizing that, while he doesn’t have it yet, he’s getting closer. It’s Quality Assurance, Creed. No worries.

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