Over the course of nine seasons, The Office has seen its fair share of changes. Some fans even say that the series was on a downward spiral after Michael left in the seventh season. With a change in regional managers, breakups, makeups, and a whole lot of office shenanigans, Dunder Mifflin Scranton wasn’t the same paper company from Season 1. Likewise, neither was salesman and former regional manager, Andy Bernard.

The “Nard Dog” grew up in a wealthy family and genuinely thought things should be handed to him due to his family’s wealth and the fact that he went to Cornell. But after his stint in anger management and downfall from his parents’ divorce, Andy was also on a downward spiral. From meeting him in Season 3 to watching him lose his dignity time and again, here are 10 of Andy’s worst moments.

10 Left Erin (And Dunder Mifflin) For Three Months

Fans of The Office can see Andy’s anger issues coming back at the end of Season 8, and by Season 9, he was close to hitting rock bottom. After hearing that his father was divorcing his mother and taking everything their family owns, Andy went to see the family boat before it was ripped from him. That’s when he and his brother had the “genius” idea to sail the boat to the Bahamas themselves. What was supposed to be two weeks at sea turned into three months of being away from both work and Erin. Erin felt abandoned by someone who claimed to love her, and Andy’s colleagues lost all respect for him.

9 His Anger Management Issues

Viewers (and Jim) learned early on that Andy had some serious anger issues after Jim played a prank on him at the Stanford branch and it didn’t end well. Andy was not a fan of pranks, and ended up kicking his trash bin. Fast forward to his time in Scranton and similar issues erupted.

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He punched a hole in the wall after Jim hid his phone, he threw a box of pizza at the wall after Meredith insulted his manhood, and he got angry when Dwight lies about attending Cornell. Andy has a short fuse, and a tendency to retaliate like a 9-year-old.


8 Not Helping Nellie Adopt A Baby

Nellie and Andy didn’t get off on the right foot and because of that they’ve always had a tense relationship. While Andy was away at sea, Nellie took charge and became acting regional manager. But when Andy came back to Scranton, he wasn’t too pleased that someone took his job. Over time, Andy got his job back and used his new form of power to hurt Nellie. Sadly, when Nellie needed to have a serious conversation with Andy about a possible letter of recommendation so she could adopt a child, Andy wrote a horribly insulting letter. This was a low blow.

7 Tried To Kill Dwight

In “The Duel,” Andy figured out that Angela had been sleeping with Dwight throughout the entirety of their engagement. Andy and Dwight refused to back down from their relationship with Angela so they decided to fight it out in the company parking lot. But when Dwight went out to meet Andy, he was nowhere to be found.

All he saw was a letter attached to the bushes. As Dwight was reading the letter, we see Andy slowly creeping his car behind Dwight so he can pin him against the bushes and his car. Dwight never heard the car and became trapped. Knowing Andy’s anger issues, it wouldn’t be surprising if he followed through with running Dwight over.

6 Essentially Got Dwight Fired Out Of Jealousy

When we were first introduced to Andy in the third season, viewers found him obnoxious but tolerable. It wasn’t until he went the extra mile and tried to get Dwight fired that we realized how scummy Andy could really be.

Andy was trying to get on Michael’s good side, which meant getting rid of his competition: Dwight. To get Dwight out of his hair, he told Michael about Dwight’s tardiness, which led to the unraveling Dwight’s lies. Michael had no choice but to fire Dwight — a decision he later regretted.

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5 Lied About His Sexuality

The conversation of Andy and his sexuality has been brought up a few times. In Season 6, Michael made up a rumor that Andy was gay — a rumor that made Andy wonder if he really was. Later in Season 8, Andy drives down to Florida to bring Erin back to Scranton and breaks up with his girlfriend Jessica on the way. Instead of telling Jessica that he’s fallen out of love with her and has always had feelings for Erin, he takes the “easy road” and tells her he’s gay so she’d go easy on him. Even Erin was upset by his lack of honesty and courage.

4 His Pettiness Towards Erin And Pete

The way he treated Erin when they broke up speaks volumes about the kind of person Andy became by the ninth season. She broke up with him in an honest and truthful way and he retaliated by stealing her phone and reading her messages. After realizing that Erin had been seeing Pete, he acted like a sore loser and tried firing Pete because of it. Andy then wanted to get back at the new couple so he invited both their exes to the office on the same day to stir up some drama. For shame, Andy.

3 Groped Toby

By the end of the ninth season, Andy had completely lost it. He realized he had nothing for him in Scranton and wanted to chase his dream of stardom. He booked a talent agency, deciding to step down as regional manager and become a salesman while seeking acting work.

But in a moment of panic, Andy realized his job at Dunder Mifflin was too comforting of a back-up plan for him so he tried getting fired on his own. He tried groping Toby but it was all so pathetic and fake that it wouldn’t have been seen as justified. Toby didn’t fire him for the stunt but it sure did make him uncomfortable.

2 Ruined Pam’s Wedding Weekend

Now, we don’t want to say that Andy ruined Pam and Jim’s wedding weekend because there were a few things that got in the way of making their wedding day perfect — but Andy sure didn’t make Pam’s life easy for her.

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On the night before her wedding, Pam tried going to bed early while everyone else stayed up partying. In the middle of a dance-off, Andy broke out a split and actually ripped his scrotum. The only sober person to drive Andy to the hospital and wait for him was — you guessed it — Pam.

1 Tried To Impress His Parents

In the episode “Garden Party,” Andy is now the regional manager and is very eager about throwing a garden party for his office. Everyone seemed confused as to what a garden party actually was and why they were even having one. And as it turns out, Andy only wanted one to impress his parents. By trying to impress his mom and dad in front of his colleagues, it ended up making him look erratic and foolish.

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