Dwight Schrute is one of the leading salesmen at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. Although he’s just selling paper, he’s passionate about what he does and revolves his life around it. It doesn’t matter how many times Jim messed with him or how often he was undervalued, Dwight stayed at Dunder Mifflin because he loved it.

Over the years, The Office fans have seen Dwight make plenty of phone calls. From sales calls to personal calls, nothing with Dwight ever seems to be normal. His phone calls always have a twinge of aggression and heat to them, but that’s part of what makes fans love Dwight Schrute.

10 “Our Prices Have Never Been Lower!”

In an attempt to do sales call training, Michael had Jim and Dwight roleplay in the conference room. With phones in their hands, Jim was the client and Dwight was the salesman. Jim being Jim, pranked Dwight and said his name was Bill Buttlicker. He treated Dwight rudely as a way to agitate him more. Dwight began to sweat because he was losing this fake sale. He tried being endearing through the phone but it went south. Michael eventually had to step in to show him how it was done.

9 “Sensai, Hello, It’s Senpai.”

At the opening of “The Fight,” Jim overheard Dwight on the phone with someone who wasn’t related to Dunder Mifflin. Jim immediately stopped what he was doing to hear what Dwight was saying. “Sensai, hello, it’s Senpai,” he said.

Dwight had a question but appeared to be cut off on the other end of the phone. When Dwight hung up, Jim instantly knew he needed more information on  Dwight’s extracurricular activities outside of the office.


8 “My Resignation?! No! I’m Just Following Orders!”

When a radio host, Iris Black, wanted someone from Dunder Mifflin to do an interview on local business issues, Dwight jumped at the opportunity. However, Black canceled the interview shortly after when another story broke.

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The office decided to keep Dwight in the dark and let him think he was still being interviewed. Instead of Black asking the questions, Nellie changed her accent and ran Dwight through a series of questions that only escalated as the interview continued. By the end of the interview, Dwight was half-dressed and under the impression that he saved the company from plummeting stock prices.

7 “Please, You Must Do One Thing: Kill Mose Before He Kills You.”

In “Tallahassee,” Dwight will do anything to look like a standout to Nellie and become the new vice president. Sadly, he suffered stomach pain throughout his time in Florida.

The pain was deep enough to make Dwight faint. When he woke up he was on a stretcher going to the hospital. Before he left, he left a memo for Philip and told him to “kill Mose before he kills [him]” because he was the rightful heir to Schrute Farms.

6 “So, Sounds Like You’re Too Sick To Go Into Work But You’re Well Enough To Go To The Pharmacy.”

When Oscar calls in sick, Michael and Dwight suspected he wasn’t sick at all. Being sick on a Friday was too coincidental. Dwight made it his mission to get to the bottom of Oscar’s “lie.” He called him every couple of minutes to make sure he was at home. On one phone call, he even questioned how he was well enough to go to the pharmacy but not into work. It all came to a boil when Dwight went to Oscar’s house to catch him red-handed.

5 “And You Make Sure To Get Down There And Check Out The Harry Potter World!”

In the seventh season, Todd Packer came back to the Scranton branch when his time as a traveling salesman came to an end. The only problem was that no one could stand Packer — he even took Dwight’s desk! To make Packer leave Scranton for good, Jim and Dwight teamed up to get him out of town.

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They pretended to be someone from corporate and offered him a job in Florida. Packer took the bait and left Scranton for his fake job in Florida. It was so much fun to see Jim and Dwight team up for this phone call.

4 “Pam, I’m Obviously Gonna Get The Stuff For You, So Just Shut Up.”

In “The Search,” Michael got left behind at a gas station and ended up lost in Scranton without his wallet or phone. Dwight, Erin, and Holly teamed up to bring him home.

In the meantime, Dwight called the office to see if Michael checked in but he hadn’t. Before he hung up, Pam asked him to stop at the store and grab a few things before coming back to work. He hysterically told her it wasn’t a shopping trip, it was a “manhunt/rescue mission.” Adorably, before he hung up he told Pam he’d get her what needed, which was a sweet moment in their friendship.

3 “This Man Is An Imposter! Don’t Do Business With Him!”

One can only imagine how much money and time Jim spent on pranking Dwight. If he worked as hard at work as he did at pranking Dwight, there’s no telling where he’d be at in his career.

In one scene, Dwight’s phone rings but when he answers the call, no one is there. Jim suddenly answers the phone on his Bluetooth device, proving that he played around with the settings so that only he could answer Dwight’s phone calls. While Jim was on the line, Dwight screamed into the phone that Jim was an imposter. It’s hilarious seeing how uptight he got over a silly prank.

2 “Hi, Dwight Schrute Calling, Acting Manager Of The Scranton Branch. Listen, I Needed Your Permission To Fire Jim Halpert.”

In “Healthcare,” Michael couldn’t take the pressure of choosing a healthcare plan for the office. He instead hired Dwight to make the decision on his behalf. As usual, Dwight took the duty too far and asked inappropriate questions to find out what healthcare plan was best. When Jim gave him fake diseases, Dwight called Jan for permission to fire Jim. Jan was irate that Michael gave Dwight this duty and reaffirmed that he didn’t have the means of firing anyone.

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1 “Ugh, Jim I’ve Given You This Information Like 20 Times.”

In the cold open of “The Fight,” Dwight walked into the office and found his desk missing. Jim eventually played a game of Hot and Cold to help Dwight find his desk, which led him to the bathroom. Lo and behold, in the bathroom was Dwight’s desk, perfectly set up as it was in the office.

As Dwight sat down to answer the phone, Kevin hilariously exited a stall with a candle in his hand. Meanwhile, Dwight told Jim what he was looking for on the phone before hanging up to tell Kevin to wash his hands.

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