As a regional manager in an office setting, Michael Scott is on the phone a lot. He’s not making as many calls as the sales team is but viewers can find him calling corporate, ex-girlfriends, and even the employees that are right in front of him. When it comes to phone calls, Michael loves them. Michael is fond of anything that can distract him from work.

For seven seasons of The Office, Michael Scott has made some of the most hilariously awkward phone calls known to man. No question or statement is off-limits, and impersonations are sometimes necessary. The people on the receiving end of the phone call don’t always appreciate Michael’s phone calls, but viewers sure do.

10 “You Can Tell That SOB That He Is Fired”

Jim has been at the company for a long time but has never been given the amount of respect he deserves when it comes to sales. He eventually had a good idea that would promote him to regional manager and promote Michael to a higher title at the company. Jim wanted to talk to David Wallace about it first, but Michael couldn’t deal with the secrets. He wanted to know what Jim and David were talking about, so he entered the conference room (unannounced) and pretended to be on the phone.

9 “He Told Me Where His Kids Go To School. I Call The Scool, I Tell Them I’m Their Pediatrician…”

During an office Christmas party, Michael finds out that the office is in jeopardy and that everyone could lose their jobs. Michael wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about what David Wallace said but Michael never has been good at keeping secrets.

When the office forced Michael to call David to get to the bottom of the situation, he knew David wouldn’t pick up his calls. He instead acted as David Wallace’s daughter’s pediatrician and told the school to connect him to David. Michael then used a “little girl voice” to David’s secretary until he was finally connected to David. 


8 “Pam, It’s Michael. I Need You To Go In My Office And Check Some Data For Me”

When Michael and Jan plan a business meeting with a potential client, Michael stirs the pot by changing the location to Chili’s. While at the dinner table, Jan tells Michael that he can tell one joke to the client just to get it out of his system. However, only telling one joke was hard for him. He called Pam and told her to grab some “data” from his office to assist him. The data ended up being a folder full of jokes, and he needed her to read a few of them to her so that he could tell the funniest one. The client ended up loving the joke but Jan hated it. 

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7 “This Is Mike Tyson!”

When Ryan was still a temp at Dunder Mifflin, Michael had him do an important task: collect everyone’s emergency contact information. Before Ryan goes, Michael asks Ryan for his cell phone number, which he instantly regretted.

As soon as Ryan left Michael’s office to do his job, Michael began prank calling him. He transformed from Michael Jackson to Mike Tyson in a matter of minutes. This was not, however, the first time that Ryan wished he’d never given Michael his number.

6 “I Have A Disease For Which There Is No Known Cure…”

Michael becomes embarrassed when he had a zit by his lip. He tried covering it up but it didn’t work. Everyone noticed it. When Meredith got a closer look, she told him it was a cold sore but Kevin quickly chimed in that cold sores were a form of herpes.

Thanks to Dwight, Michael tried to do the right thing and inform his former lovers of his disease. (Mind you, he has never had it professionally looked at.) His first phone call was to Donna. He told her there was no known cure for his disease and that she had to get tested before hanging up on her. For such an uncomfortable conversation, Michael always finds a way to make it more uncomfortable. 

5 “Wendy — Hot & Juicy Redhead”

When Michael becomes a single man, free from Jan’s devilish grip, he decides to get back in the dating game. He asked everyone at work to nominate a single female that he could go on a date with. The only problem is that no one wanted Michael dating people they knew. At the end of the day, Michael grabbed the sheets of paper and made the appropriate phone calls. The first call was to a “woman” named Wendy. She was described as a “hot and juicy redhead.” However, when Michael called, he found out someone gave him the phone number to Wendy’s, the fast-food restaurant… Before feeling disrespected enough to hang up, he ordered a baked potato and a frosty. 

4 “Hey, What’s Up, Cynthia?”

After learning about Stanley’s mistress, Michael told most of the office because he loved knowing something others didn’t. But when he realized that spreading rumors about Stanley’s marriage could ruin his life, Michael had a change of heart. Sadly, it was too late. He left a message for Stanley’s wife and told her to call him back. When she eventually called him, he called her “Cynthia,” Stanley’s mistresses’ name. So, at the end of the day, he made Stanley’s marriage more dramatic anyway

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3 “Hello, Mr. Buttlicker, How May We Help You?

In an effort to each Jim and Dwight the art of a sale, he creates a fake phone call between the two. Jim was the client and Dwight was the salesman. In a classic Jim move, he transforms into the worst client in the world and doesn’t want anything to do with Dwight. To settle the “client” down, Michael takes the phone from Dwight to show him how making a sale is done.

2 “I’m Just Calling To Say That We Need A Little Break. Permanently”

Michael and Jan’s relationship got to a point where it was more toxic than romantic. With the help of the women in the office, Michael knew it was time to break up with her. With Phyllis, Pam, and Karen by his side, he called Jan to break up with her. But instead of hanging up when the phone went to voicemail, he left a breakup voicemail. He said he wanted a permanent break and “it’s not me, it’s you.” As he’s breaking up with her through a voicemail, Jan walked into the office! He switched gears and pretended to be talking to someone else when he’s actually leaving a voicemail on her phone. 

1 “No, Dwight. You Were Stuck In Traffic”

When Michael created his own company, he assumed Dwight would help him with paperwork and clients while he was still working for Dunder Mifflin. The only problem was that Dwight became close friends with Charles Miner and was now loyal to him. 

In one scene, Dwight missed a business lunch with Michael Scott Paper Company on purpose so he could ransack their office. When Michael and co. got back to the office, Pam knew right away that it was Dwight, but Michael was unassuming. The phone call that ensued between Michael and Dwight was so ridiculous yet amazing TV.

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