It doesn’t take long for new The Office fans to realize that many (many) accidents go down on company grounds. In fact, most of the shenanigans that happen at Dunder Mifflin Scranton would never be accepted in the modern-day workplace.

It’s actually shocking that more people weren’t fired throughout The Office’s nine seasons but that just proves that Michael Scott never wanted to let go of his workers (or his “family” as he calls them) for the mistakes they made. Nevertheless, we found 10 of the worst accidents that happened on company grounds that should have at least got somebody fired.

10 Pam Slapped Michael

In the episode “Double Date,” Michael is dating Pam’s mother Helene and the two of them go on a double date with Jim and Pam. It’s Helene’s birthday and Michael made sure it was a special occasion until he found out how old she was.

Michael then turned into a child who broke up with her because he still had a life to live and she did not. Pam and Jim knew, of course, that this day would come but to make sure it never happened again, she slapped Michael in the office parking lot. Let’s just say hitting an employee (especially your boss) would be a lawsuit for many people outside of Dunder Mifflin.

9 A Snowball Fight That Turned Bloody

In the episode “Classy Christmas,” Dwight and Jim have a hard time enjoying themselves because they’re too consumed with a snowball fight war. Jim surprised Dwight with a snowball sneak attack first but from there, Dwight took it too far.

Dwight accosted Jim with so many snowballs to the face that he turned bloody. Seeing one salesman attack another salesman so hard that he bleeds is anything but a classy Christmas.


8 Andy Tried Running over Dwight

To be fair, Andy just found out that his fiance was sleeping with another man (an ex-boyfriend no less) from the office throughout their entire relationship. He was filled with so much rage that he challenged Dwight to a dual for Angela’s affections.

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Instead of fighting man to man, Andy created a plan that would allow him to easily run Dwight over in the parking lot of Dunder Mifflin. As Dwight was reading Andy’s letter on the bush, Andy slowly drove behind Dwight with hopes of crushing him.

7 Dwight Got A Concussion On Company Grounds (& Continued To Drive With It)

If an HR rep sees an employee in a car accident in the company parking lot and then proceeds to drive away (even though he vomited on his car), he would be sent him home or to the hospital to get checked out immediately. But not at Dunder Mifflin.

Instead of making sure Dwight was okay, they all watched in horror and then acted like nothing had happened when he and Michael got back to the office. It shouldn’t have taken until later in the episode for everyone to realize that Dwight wasn’t acting like himself and probably had a concussion.

6 Meredith Got Hit By A Car In The Company Parking Lot

If we look back to all the times Michael was in a car, it’s safe to assume he wasn’t a good driver. He drove his car into a lake, he can’t parallel park, and by all the trash and fish-filet wrappers in the car, it’s obvious that he tends to be distracted while driving.

It gets worse though. While pulling into the office parking lot, Michael runs over Meredith. We see her body tumble over Michael’s windshield as he sits in shock. She eventually went to the hospital where she remained for a couple of days.

5 Dwight Shot A Loaded Gun In The Office

When Dwight finally has his moment as Dunder Mifflin Scranton’s acting manager, the job title goes to his head. It’s sad really; he wanted that job so badly but he screwed it up in the end. To impress Jo, Dwight wears a holster and keeps a gun on him during work. He’s clearly showing off his holster but it makes everyone else in the office uneasy.

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Just as everyone convinces him to put the gun away, Dwight accidentally shoots it by Andy’s head. The bullet hit the wall but caused temporary deafness in Andy’s ear. Even worse, Dwight was hoping no one in the office would tell Jo about his mistake, which was never going to happen. Dwight almost killed a man!

4 Michael Kicked A Ladder Out From Darryl’s Legs

As the person in charge of the warehouse, Darryl takes his job and the safety of his employees very seriously. It enrages him when Michael ignores his safety warnings because if anyone is prone to accidents, it’s Michael.

In one episode, Dunder Mifflin is partaking in a safety training day. At the time, Darryl was relying on crutches to walk. When the camera crew asks him what happened, he said Michael kicked the ladder out from under him, causing him to fall and hurt his ankle. As he fell, Michael screamed, “Hey Darryl, how’s it hanging!”

3 A Fake Suicide

In the same episode as about, Dunder Mifflin is learning more about safety in the office. Seeing how commanding and strong Darryl was with his presentation in the warehouse, Michael wanted to prove that office life can be just as dangerous.

Naturally, Michael wanted to pretend to kill himself by jumping off the roof, and he would land on a bounce-house hidden in the back. Obviously, the plan doesn’t work the way he had hoped. Nevertheless, pretending to be depressed enough to jump off office property is not the way to teach about mental health.

2 And A Fake Fire (Along With A Real One)

Every office should have a fire plan in place and it’s smart to review it every so often so that everyone knows the drill in case of a fire. In The Office, we saw two fires: The one Ryan created in the office kitchen, which forced everyone to wait outside in the cold as the firefighters cleared the situation, and the fake fire started by Dwight.

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Dwight was annoyed that no one seemed interested in his fire safety presentation so he caused a fake fire (smoke and warm door handles) to get people’s attention. With all the phones being out of order and “fire” in the hallway, they were trapped like rats. Dwight eventually told them it was all fake but he was too late — Stanley had a heart attack, Kevin broke the vending machine, and Oscar was crawling throughout the ceiling tiles.

1 Dwight Tranquilized Stanely

In an effort to have Stanley join Dwight on his sales call, he tranquilized him with tranquilizers made for a small bull. Even worse, Dwight shot three of them into Stanley while he was in the lunchroom! Dwight was hoping that with a passed-out Stanely, he’d be able to get him in the car and to the sales meeting by the time he woke up.

While Stanley was unconscious, Dwight wrapped him up like a torpedo to slide him downstairs and get him to the car. There are so many things wrong with this it’s hard to pick just one!

Next10 Forgotten Sci-Fi TV Shows That Deserve A Second Chance

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