After so many seasons of Dwight Schrute doing everything he could to become Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton, Dwight ends the series getting this very thing. While he does briefly have the job as acting manager earlier in the series, he finally achieves what he’s always wanted in the final episodes.

However, there are many reasons why it doesn’t make any sense that Dwight would ever be given this position.

10 Overall, he never acted professionally

On the one hand, Dwight always showed up to work on time and was very dedicated to his job. He surely cared more than any of the other employees, but, on the other hand, he was also really unprofessional.

He didn’t really dress very well or know how to act around other people, and his social skills were severely lacking.

9 He had sexual relations in the office multiple times

Most of the characters on the show do a lot of inappropriate things that would get you fired in real life.

While maybe you could have these kinds of relations at work as long as you never got caught, the fact is that everyone knew about Dwight and Angela’s affair and that they used the workplace as their bedroom. It’s shocking that they both weren’t fired.


8 Attacked Jim with snowballs

Make no mistake, Jim could also act inappropriately. He would sometimes take his pranking of Dwight too far, but it’s not as if Dwight was innocent either.

Dwight was rude and obnoxious, and he could get too intense about things. While Jim shouldn’t have thrown snowballs at Dwight either, Dwight took things to a pretty extreme level and needed to calm down.

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7 He almost burned the building down

While Dwight claimed to be all about safety and trying to keep the office up to code, he was totally irresponsible. In an extremely iconic episode, he nearly builds down the entire office building because of a “fire safety drill.”

After purposefully starting a fire that could have meant hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages and potentially lead to injuries, he should never have kept his job. In fact, he almost killed Stanley because of this.

6 How was he such a good salesman anyway?

While Jim is known to be a good salesman and clearly has more people skills that are needed to do well in a management position, the series also makes it clear that Dwight is the best salesperson at the office going by pure numbers. But, this doesn’t make sense.

While he might have been dedicated to his job, the series also shows over and over that he’s not good at working with people. There’s even an episode that shows how he can’t sell to women.

5 Because of all the problematic comments he made

The only reason why it makes sense that Dwight was able to get away with all the backward and inappropriate things he said is that Micahel Scott was the same way.

This is clearly part of the humor of the show, but sometimes it’s just too unbelievable. Dwight could be extremely sexist especially, but he also had moments of racism and homophobia.

4 He used to try to take over Michael’s job

Dwight spent a lot of the earlier seasons intent on getting the job of Regional Manager from Michael, and he was willing to throw Michael under the bus to do so.

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He went behind Michael’s back to Jan, and there were a lot of things he did that would have shown upper management that he couldn’t really be trusted. The main explanation here is that Sabre was a different company, but it’s strange Dwight wasn’t fired before the acquisition.

3 He was known to keep weapons around the office

It’s no secret that Dwight kept multiple different weapons around the office. While he was able to use pepper spray in a way that actually made sense when he stopped Roy from attacking Jim, he also turned around and accidentally used it on Andy.

This showed that he couldn’t really be trusted to use any of these weapons, even a less deadly one like pepper spray.

2 The CPR class incident

After nearly burning down the building and triggering Stanley’s heart attack, Dwight continues to show he is a risk to property and to others around him.

When the CPR training woman comes, he ends up cutting the face-off of the dummy and destroying it. This costs the company a few grand to replace. Yet, even after all of this, he still kept his job.

1 He shot a gun at work

The main reason why it makes no sense Dwight becomes manager at the end is because of what happened when he was acting manager. While he did all right at some things, he brought a loaded gun into the workplace and accidentally let it off because he didn’t have the safety on.

There’s just no world where he could really even have a gun in an office like that, and he would never have kept his job. It just was too much of a stretch even for a comedy series.

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