Nowadays, it’s hard to meet someone who’s NOT a fan of The Office. You’ve either been watching from the beginning and are a self-proclaimed “Dunder-file” or jumped on the bandwagon a few years later but have grown to cherish the characters of that small Scranton paper company.

The show, which ran for eight years and nine seasons, has attracted writers who delve into the psychoanalysis of relationships between characters. While the obvious friendships have been covered, there is one remaining: Michael and Jim. Their friendship is largely overlooked and underexplored. However, they supported one another through uncertain, unsteady times and always had each other’s back.

10 When Jim Lets Michael In On His Joke

Jim Halpert is the prankster of the office, and while his antics often come at Dwight’s expense, it’s nice to know he doesn’t exclude Michael. When the “What’s Up, Dog?” joke circulates through the office, Jim introduces it to Michael and lets him in on the fun. Although Michael spends the morning desperately trying to deliver the joke, it never lands. Jim doesn’t aim to alienate Michael from his coworkers; in fact, the only times Jim makes jokes at Michael’s expense are when Michael is being oblivious or rude.

9 When Jim Honors Michael For Closing On His Condo

In the third episode of the second season, “Office Olympics,” Jim and Pam organize a series of games for the staff to play while Michael and Dwight are gone. Michael is proud of becoming a homeowner, but when he goes to sign the closing paperwork, he gets cold feet. Dwight nit-picks at the condo and makes a laundry list of flaws, and Michael gets nervous when his realtor explains his mortgage will last a whopping 30 years.

When he returns, Michael hides in his office. Jim notices Michael’s depressed mood and convinces Pam into drawing office Olympics to a close with final ceremonies. He awards Michael a medal for closing on his condo, and Michael tears up as Pam’s paper doves “fly” across the podiums. He’s touched at Jim’s gesture and seems to gain some reassurance.


8 When Jim Confides In Michael On The Booze Cruise

Jim is absolutely crushed when Roy makes a sweeping declaration and insists he and Pam finally set a date for their wedding, a decision three years in the making. Jim breaks off his casual fling with Katy soon after and goes for some fresh air on the deck where he finds Michael. Jim tells Michael he used to have feelings for Pam, and Michael offers surprisingly thoughtful advice. Michael encourages him to “never, ever, ever give up.” The episode’s storyline is beautifully ironic; Michael spends the entire day attempting to boost office morale with over-the-top antics, but it’s his honest, down-to-earth conversation with Jim that inspires the most genuine connection.

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7 When Jim Tells Michael The Real Reason He Transferred

When Pam tells Jim she’s still going to marry Roy despite their intimate kiss and admission of feelings for each other, he is undoubtedly devastated. At the start of season three, we find out Jim has accepted a promotion at another Scranton office, Stamford, and Pam has broken off her engagement. During “The Convention,” Michael is upset that Jim is hitting it off with his new boss, Josh Porter. When Michael confronts Jim and reveals he is threatened, Jim explains that he didn’t leave Scranton to get away from Michael, nor does he think Michael is a bad boss. Once again, he confides in Michael that he moved because being around Pam after she rejected him was too painful and heartbreaking.

6 When Michael Gives Jim Career Advice in Survivor Man

When Michael is excluded from a company-wide nature retreat, he attempts to prove his wilderness survival skills by having Dwight drop him off in the middle of the woods. With Michael and Dwight out for the day, Jim is left in charge and naturally assumes the manager role. His plan to incorporate multiple birthdays into one party irritates his coworkers and he realizes being a boss is harder than it looks.

Michael and Dwight return just in time for Creed’s party and join as the office sings “Happy Birthday.” Jim shares his idea with Michael and talks about how it failed, and Michael empathizes in a heartfelt manner. He gives Jim refreshingly honest, professional advice, and Jim realizes ending up like Michael wouldn’t be the worst thing.

5 When Jim Supports Michael At “Cafe Disco”

Michael is a relatively innocent character, however, there are several scenarios where he manipulates his coworkers into spending time with him. In “Cafe Disco,” Michael “remodels” the utility closet-turned-Michael-Scott-Paper-Company into a dance house with a fun, funky vibe and all-you-can-eat espresso.

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Jim and Pam plan to leave early that day to get married in secret, but as they pass through the lobby and hear the music, Jim suggests they stop in, telling Pam it would mean a lot to Michael. Sure enough, Michael rejoices when the couple shows up. This is another example of Jim putting his friendship with Michael before his own desires and supporting him no matter what.

4 Michael Has “Shipped” Jim and Pam From The Start

There’s no bigger supporter of true love than Michael Gary Scott. In the episode “Dunder Mifflin Infinity,” Toby finds out Jim and Pam are dating and public ally exposes their relationship before they disclose it to HR. Michael comes to the rescue and expresses his unwavering joy for the two of them. He thought “PB&J” was cute from the beginning; through early episodes, Michael and Jim talked about Jim’s crush on Pam, and Michael encouraged him to stay the course.

Despite the reoccurring joke that they aren’t dating (Michael forgets multiple times), Michael’s love for Jim and Pam never falters and even grows stronger. No one can top the epic balloon bundle he brings in “The Delivery” when Pam gives birth.

3 And Jim Returns The Favor By Giving Michael Relationship Advice

In “Weight Loss: Part One,” Michael is having trouble navigating his blossoming feelings for Holly Flax. As earlier episodes show, Michael doesn’t have the best track record with relationships and tends to torpedo every romantic situation. Jim has witnessed enough of Michael’s trainwrecks to know this relationship will not end differently unless he intervenes.

He also senses Michael’s feelings for Holly are different than Jan or Carol; he genuinely feels a connection to Holly, and it appears the feeling is mutual. Jim encourages Michael to learn about her life, develop a friendship first and romantic relationship second. He also advises Michael to speak respectfully and not objectify Holly; focus on her personality, not physicality.

2 When Jim Joined Michael For A Karaoke Duet of “Islands in the Stream”

Heartfelt moments were rare at the beginning of the series, but this sincere exchange between Jim and Michael at the end of “Email Surveillance” demonstrates the show’s underlying emotional core. Michael feels like an outcast in every aspect of his life, especially at work, and his attempts to be “one of the gang” are usually gigantic misfires. The day of Jim’s barbeque is no different as Michael is the only one in the office who didn’t receive an e-vite.

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At the end of the episode, Michael crashes the party and grabs the microphone for some karaoke, but no one joins him for a duet. After watching Michael stumble through the first verse, Jim’s judgment melts and he joins Michael for the chorus. The gesture could be misconstrued as pity when Jim actually empathizes with Michael and recognizes his desire to be part of the office family.

1 When Michael And Jim Say Goodbye

The Office is a show that makes you laugh, cry, wince, and ultimately feelOn the surface, the show appears to be just a simple documentary-style comedy following the daily lives of paper company employees. But, it’s moments like this goodbye that illuminate the show’s deeper purpose: to shed a light on the most basic elements of humanity we may take for granted. As Michael prepares to leave Dunder Mifflin to move to Colorado with Holly, Jim holds back soft tears and confesses Michael is the best boss he’s ever had. It’s in that quiet moment, when both men look at each other with watery eyes, that we realize just how true their friendship is.

NextThe Mentalist: Where Are They Now?

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