The Office’s Todd Finch Packer is called many things. Packer, the Pack-Man, Packster… he’s one of those guys that thinks he’s hilarious when everyone else finds him irritating. The only person who doesn’t find him to be a horrible human being is Michael. Then again, Michael likes anyone who likes him and wants him around.

Packer is the antagonist throughout The Office. He pops up every so often as a traveling salesman and wrecks havoc on Scranton before leaving yet again. Although he’s not a main character in the series, he sure has left his mark on the group. Let’s take a look at 10 of the worst things the Pack-Man has ever done.

10 Zero Acknowledgement For Proper Workplace Etiquette

It’s fascinating that Packer has been working as a traveling salesman at Dunder Mifflin for over 20 years. His delivery skills are so out of touch, it’s shocking he hasn’t lost more business with the company over the years. He humps his co-workers, he curses, he shows up announced… Really, his behavior is more reminiscent of someone who works in the late-night industry instead of a salesman.

9 He Bad Mouthed Holly To Michael

In the seventh season, Michael and Holly were hot and heavy and finally became a couple. To Michael, the only thing better than a day with Holly is a day with his best friend Packer and Holly.

After meeting Packer, Holly hired him to be a stay-at-the-office salesman. The only problem is that Holly didn’t realize what an unstable human being Packer really was. To save Holly and the entire office, Jim and Dwight created a fake job for Packer down in Tahalasse, Florida. But, before Packer left, he told Michael that Holly was “uptight.” Hearing him say something mean about Holly was enough to let Packer go.


8 Empty Apologies

In season nine, Packer had a come-to-Jesus moment, and he sought help for his tumultuous past. He joined Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous and part of his homework was to apologize to those he wronged. Although he didn’t work with the Scranton branch often, he did some shady things to them when he was in town, but more on that later.

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The apologies he tossed around were filled with insults and proved he wasn’t really apologetic at all. He was there to fulfill a duty and be done with it.

7 Packer Is The One Who Suggested Hiring A Striper

With Phyllis and Bob Vance about to be married, Michael acted like he was paying for the wedding since he essentially gives Phyllis her paycheck. To honor Phyllis and Bob, he threw a bachelor party for him in the warehouse.

The afternoon was supposed to be a small group eating steak and having some drinks, but it turned R-rated when Packer suggested hiring a stripper. Now, Michael had never been to a bachelor party before, so he had no idea what to expect. Hiring a stripper, however, was the worst idea he could have done because it made everyone uncomfortable and got him in trouble with Jan.

6 One Word: Tallahassee

We saw Packer’s true colors come out in Tallahassee. After Sabre bought Dunder Mifflin, a group of the Scranton folk was sent down to Tallahassee to work on a special project for the company. When people like Jim and Dwight got down there, Packer was already there trying to wheel and deal with the Special Projects Manager, Nellie. He was essentially trying to sleep his way to the top. Seeing that there wasn’t one thing he wouldn’t do to land the vice president job was pretty gross.

By the end of their time in Tallahassee, Packer was fired but he went down swinging and dragged Dwight through the mud.

5 He Fat-Shamed Kevin

When Holly hired Packer to be a salesman in Scranton, he quickly showed his true colors within minutes of being in the office.

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While in the kitchen with Holly, Kevin, and Dwight, he called the “Three Musket-queers” while simultaneously calling his daughter a b*tch. To be polite, Kevin noted how insane Packer’s life was and that he should write a book. Packer responded with a joke about Kevin only knowing how to read a menu, which made Kevin fans shed a tear for the poor guy.

4 His Gay Slurs

Many fans—and even Steve Carell himself—said that The Office would never make it on TV in 2020. The jokes, talking heads, and mispronunciations would never make it on TV for longer than an episode. The world is a different place these days and far too sensitive, and, as hard as it is to believe, gay marriage was only legalized in Pennsylvania in 2014.

This led to offensive gay slurs made by Packer to literally any man in the office, as openly gay people and relationships weren’t as common as they are today at that time.

3 His Sexist Point Of View

Along with spewing gay slurs every which way, Packer is also incredibly sexist, which shouldn’t be too surprising. He views women as dumb sex objects and doesn’t take them seriously. He tried sleeping with Nellie to move up in the company, he hit on Karen after being in the office for two minutes and asked Jim at the Halloween party if he was looking for someone to “bang” his wife. He’s atrocious, especially in an office setting.

In one episode, Packer told Michael why the former CFO, Randall, resigned. He said Randall was sleeping with his secretary who was “blonde and incompetent” and that most of the dumb people in the world were women. Again, he said this in front of women at the office. This solidified what a horrible person he was.

2 He Left A “Package” In Michael’s Office

In the second season, Micahel walks into his office to find an “unidentified object” in his office. It smelled horrible—so much so that people were gagging. Michael tried to endure the smell but couldn’t stomach it. He called the maintenance crew to clean it, but the smell only got worse. The only thing left for Michael to do was to cut up the carpet and bring in a new one. Throughout the episode, no one knew what “it” was. That is until Packer called and said he left Michael a “surprise” in the middle of his office… #Gag.

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1 He Poisoned The Cupcakes

It doesn’t get much worse than a despicable human being poisoning other human beings out of resentment. In the ninth season, Packer showed up to Scranton to apologize for his wrongdoings. While the office was reluctant to forgive him, he made things better by bringing cupcakes for them.

The entire office was excited about the cupcakes but didn’t eat them until he left. As it turned out, he poisoned the cupcakes with legal and illegal drugs to get back at them for getting him fired. Packer has said some horrible things over the years, but poisoning people is by far the worst.

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