The popular mockumentary sitcom known as The Office gave viewers a lot to laugh about over its nine-season run on NBC. While scenes featuring Creed’s creepy remarks or Mose’s overall insanity were definitely amusing, we can’t ignore how hilarious Angela was when it came to her cat obsession.

Though Angela carried many titles throughout her time on The Office including “accountant,” “head of the party planning committee,” and “the senator’s wife,” “cat lady” triumphs them all. Because of this, we thought it was time to take a look through a handful of Angela’s greatest cat-captivated moments.

It’s time to head out to Scranton and get ready for some kitty-love; Here are 10 times that Angela Martin proved herself to be the ultimate cat lady.

10 When Angela Took Comstock’s Adoption Seriously

Angela decides to put one of her cats up for adoption in the Season 9 opener, “New Guys.” Though she is at first hopeful that Oscar will take Comstock, he apparently didn’t “pray hard enough” to turn himself into a cat person.

We love Angela’s serious dedication to making sure Comstock ends up somewhere nice. She decides to conduct 20-minute interviews for the staff and tells them that she aims to give Comstock to a cute and wealthy couple.

9 Every Time Angela Sported Cat Memorabilia

While it’s revealed in “Customer Survey” (S5E7) that everyone (except Jim and Dwight) have mugs with their faces on it in, courtesy of Kelly, this isn’t the only notable mug that Angela possess. She can also be found sipping out of a mug that appears to have Bandit on it.

Let’s not forget the cat sweater Angela loved to wear or the cat calendar she used. This woman knows how to keep her pets’ spirits alive in the workplace.


8 When Angela Sold Her Cat Stuff

In “Garage Sale” (S7E19), Dunder Mifflin’s employees set up a public sale in the warehouse. While Dwight gets busy trying to trade his way up to the most expensive item there, Angela occupies her time by selling ceramic, fabric, and metal cats.

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We can’t help but notice the large number of items she’s trying to get rid of. It makes us wonder how much more cat stuff she has at home. Also, $30 for a tiny white cat statue? We see what she values.

7 Every Time Angela Dressed Up Like A Cat

Angela loved to show appreciation toward her pets by dressing up just like them. In fact, Angela wore a cat costume for Halloween in multiple-episodes including “Halloween” (S2E5), “Employee Transfer” (S5E6), and “Spooked” (S8E5).

Her white kitty outfit is adorable and totally fitting. At the very least, it was a lot better than the outfit Andy wore during Season 5’s Halloween episode, which referenced the musical Cats.

6 When Angela Named Her Son After Her Cat

When Pam and Jim have a second child, they decide to name him Philip (spelled Phillip by some sources) after Pam’s grandfather. Angela also chooses to name her baby Philip, though this wasn’t to honor a family member; It was actually to pay homage to one of her cats. Could anything be more fitting?

We later see Angela caring for the child at home, and he is surrounded by her kittens. Naming a kid after a pet is definitely a move if we’ve ever seen one.

5 Every Time Angela Exhibited Cat-Like Qualities

If you pay close attention throughout the series, you’ll notice that Angela doesn’t just like cats; She’s actually like a cat.

Though every kitten has its own personality, they’re oftentimes stereotyped to be crafty, cute, and a little self-centered. If this doesn’t sound like Angela, what does? Every time she made a snide remark to Pam and Phyllis on the party planning committee or that time she was glad to see Dwight and Andy engaged in a battle over her, Angela was definitely summoning her cat-like superiority.

4 When Angela Mourned Sprinkles’ Death

It’s always sad when a pet dies, but Angela took the murder of her cat Sprinkles more seriously than most.

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In “Fun Run” (S4E1), Dwight admits that he mercy-killed Sprinkles because he believes she was suffering and because it’s how things go on the farm. Angela is understandably upset and is also very worried that due to Sprinkles’ cause of death, she won’t end up in cat heaven.

Angela continues to mourn her cat’s death in the following episode, refusing to accept Dwight’s cat Garbage as a replacement. She knows that Sprinkles can’t be replaced.

3 When Angela Set Up A Nanny Cam

In the second part of “Lecture Circuit” (S5E17), Angela sets up a nanny cam so that she can watch over her cats from work. Having just bought a new cat with the money from Andy’s engagement ring, she wants to make sure the gang is getting along and staying out of trouble.

After one of the cats start messing around with another, however, Angela rushes home to keep them apart. She can be seen cleaning her cats by licking them and eventually coughs up a hairball when she gets back to work.

2 When Angela Complains About Maternity Leave

Angela vents to Oscar that Dunder Mifflin doesn’t recognize cat maternity. Why on earth would the company let employees take off when they have a baby if it doesn’t let people take off when they get a new cat? Insane, right? Angela thought so.

Though Angela usually used vacation days when she took in a new cat, the accountant had maxed out. This is what caused her to set up the nanny cam in the first place.

1 When Angela Tried To Save Bandit

When Dwight stages a fire in the first half of “Stress Relief” (S5E14) to teach his co-workers a lesson about ignoring his safety seminar, Angela is frantic about keeping her kitty safe.

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Angela reveals that she’s been keeping her cat Bandit in a drawer at work. When Oscar decides to crawl through the vents, Angela screams at him to “save Bandit” and throws the cat. Unfortunately, he comes crashing down. Nevertheless, we admire the dedication.

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