Angela Martin is one character in The Office that had one of the most vibrant transformations throughout nine seasons. While she’ll always be known as the rudest one in the office, fans have to admit that she’s a different woman by the series finale. She started joining the office shenanigans, made more small-talk with Pam, and dare we say smiled more.

But it wasn’t just Angela’s personality that updated as time went on her, her clothing choices did too. While she’s still conservative and propper, she let her hair down, so to speak. To see Angela’s slow transformation over the years, keep scrolling!

10 Angry In Season One

With the first episode of The Office appearing in 2009, it’s obvious some things are going to be dated. Angela’s style is very conservative and practical for the office. Here in “Diversity Day,” She’s wearing a black, high-neck dress with a dress shirt underneath. Likewise, her personality is equally as rigid.

In season one, Angela was very focused on work and didn’t care much about those in the office. Just looking at her in this picture proves she wants nothing to do with whatever business Michael Scott has up his sleeve.

9 A Rule Abiding Citizen In Season Two

As much as Angela judges those in the office and calls Pam “The office mattress,” Angela is more crooked of a person than her co-workers. She bullies Phyllis, she downgrades Kevin, she throws jabs at Pam, and she played two men in the office. Angela works on herself in the later seasons but that doesn’t really happen until after she meets the senator.

To match Angela’s judgemental tone, she wore a few different braided hairstyles (which matched her quote in the ninth season about loose braids reflecting a loose character) and opted for turtlenecks and long sleeves.


8 Smitten In Season Three

In season three, Angela let loose a tiny bit in the fashion department. She started wearing more colors, wore looser shirts, and literally let her hair down. By this point in the series, Angela and Dwight were in a full-on relationship off-camera, which could mean Angela’s love life reflected in her wardrobe.

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She was smitten and care-free, resulting in fewer braids. Even at Phyllis’s wedding, she gave Phyllis (of all people) a compliment. Season one and two Angela would never think of such a thing.

7 Angela’s Breakdown In Season Four

In season four, Angela’s style modernized with the times. She wore a ton of lacey and transparent tops with shirts visibly underneath. She also started wearing more makeup. However, after she found out Dwight killed Sprinkles, it was downhill for Angela.

She became depressed that she lost both her cat and her boyfriend, but she wasn’t going to let herself go. She immediately told Pam she wanted to be set up “with a man” and later began a relationship with Andy. Angela wanted to prove to herself that she was moving on from her dead cat and secret ex-boyfriend but she wasn’t doing a good job of it.

6 Living A Lie In Season Five

By season five, Angela is an engaged woman but she’s sleeping with Dwight on the down-low. She’s clearly tormented by her longing feelings for Dwight but is trying to move on after he killed her cat. And while Angela is living in sin, she’s also tormented by the fact that Phyllis took her job as head of the Party Planning Committee.

The PPC was another way Angela had control over the office. Without controlling things, how was Angela supposed to enjoy her day? And while Angela was living a messier life than she let on, she always looked ready to take on the day. She wore less bulky sweaters in this season and played around with different hairstyles.

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5 Straight Edged In Season Six

You don’t want to mess with Angela in season six of The Office. She’s single and annoyed but her fashion choices were on point. She also wore her hair more relaxed and straight in the sixth season. There weren’t too many fancy ponytails or knots — just loose and relaxed.

Her style remained the same in this season but when Dwight asks her to join him in a baby-making contract, she obliges. It wasn’t after the fact that Angela realized Dwight was losing interest in her that she started wearing clothes and doing things that appealed to him in the next season. But after Dwight stood her up one too many times, she threw the contract in the trash and moved on with the senator.

4 Prim & Propper In Season Seven

Now that Angela was dating a new man who was in the public eye, her style changed subtly. She always dressed like a professional woman but dating the senator changed her. She loved the prestige and power that came along with dating a political figure. She started wearing sweaters and blazers that matched a presidential figure’s partner.

Now that she was in a happy relationship that appealed to her, Angela let loose a little bit. She was nicer to her co-workers and smiled more than we’ve ever seen her. If her husband wasn’t actually gay, Angela would have loved to live her life by his side.

3 Her Pregnancy In Season Eight

At the beginning of season eight, fans find out both Angela and Pam are pregnant at the same time. (“It’s little preggs and big preggs!”) While Pam’s pregnancy style shifted dramatically (probably because Jenna Fischer was pregnant in real life), Angela’s style remained the same.

She consistently wore business-casual dresses and sweaters that fit her growing bump. She also wore more ponytails and smiles. By this point in the season, Angela has everything she wants: a job, a husband in power, and a baby on the way.

2 Ups & Downs In Season Nine

By season nine, Angela is a mother to her son Phillip and Dwight swears he’s the father of her baby, not the senator. Sadly, unbeknownst to Angela, her co-worker and desk-mate was sleeping with her husband. She may have thought she had it all but it was crumbling around her without her even knowing.

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Before she found out about her husband and Oscar, this was the happiest and brightest we’ve seen Angela. She was actually pleasant to be around. That is until she finds out her husband’s dirty secret

1 Everlasting Love By The Series Finale

Fans thought Angela was at her happiest when she was with the senator but as it turns out, she’s an entirely different kind of happy when she was engaged to Dwight. As we saw in the series finale, Angela said she felt “so at peace.” She was finally with the man she wanted to be with all along; he was also the real father of her child.

To show how much Angela changed, she kissed Dwight openly in the parking lot! This is something season one Angela would never have done. To be so openly in love and happy sounds more like Pam — not our favorite accountant!

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