Never one to be unprepared, Batman has a custom made suit to deal with just about any villain or obstacle he may face during his quest for justice. From his Rainbow Batman Days, to the 1920’s Citizen Wayne reinterpretation, to his maligned Bat Nipple Suit. Point is he’s got quite an extensive wardrobe. But what was it that resulted in Zebra Batman in 1960’s Detective Comics #275? Short answer: it’s weird. But here’s the long answer.

On a routine patrol with Robin, The Dynamic Duo happen upon a robbery at the Gotham Art Museum, a heist being headed up by a a zebra suit wearing gang leader. Zebra Man seems to have some Force like powers that allows him to move large objects at will. After escaping the scene, he explains to one of his thugs through nonsensical comic book science that the lines on his suit are magnetic “lines of force” and that his special belt allows him to funnel that force and manipulate objects. It’s best not to think about it too much.


A brawl ensues once Batman and Robin find the hideout and in the scuffle a machine is activated that blasts Batman with the same lines of force, imbuing Batman with the same pattern and powers. But without Zebra Man’s regulating belt, the power is uncontrollable and every person and object around him is sent flying. Zebra Man and co. escape, again, and Batman warns Robin to keep away (as if he has a choice) as a nearby tree is uprooted and launched into the distance. Zebra Batman chooses to isolate himself and instructs Robin to continue the case as he exiles himself to avoid damaging the people and things around him.

Batman walks away sad and alone like Bruce Banner at the end of an episode of The Incredible Hulk when he notices a powerful electromagnet in a junkyard and hatches a plan. Reuniting with Robin, who’d found the gang’s next target, the pair remain responsibly socially distant as they approach. When they find the crew robbing a fur warehouse, Zebra Man charges at Batman, knowing his inhibitor belt gives him the upper hand. But he’s shocked to find that he’s actually being pulled toward Batman, who is able to subdue him and remove the belt. In a plot that’s even convoluted by comics standards, Batman had apparently used the electromagnet to charge a nearby manhole cover, essentially reversing their polarities. Again, don’t think about it too hard.

With the belt in hand, Batman is somehow able to remove both his and Zebra Man’s force stripes and the gang is arrested. While this was the only comic appearance of the now somewhat infamous suit, its legacy has endured and Zebra Batman even got his own LEGO figure as an exclusive for 2019’s San Diego Comic Con. Just maybe keep them away from magnets?

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