Klaus Mikaelson wasn’t always a good guy throughout The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, let alone a good dad. The Original hybrid initially arrived in Mystic Falls as a devastating, all-powerful antagonist for Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and the Salvatore brothers. Klaus led a bloody path as he left Mystic Falls to reclaim his kingdom in New Orleans and found dominion and fatherhood in the French Quarter.

Despite his countless atrocities, Klaus loved his daughter Hope more than anybody else in the series. The hybrid tried to be a good father, though made several glaring mistakes along the way.

10 Good Dad: Giving Her To Rebekah

In true Mikaelson fashion, Hope’s birth brings a wave of drama that has near-fatal consequences for the Tribrid. Klaus takes drastic measures to protect his daughter from the warring factions of supernatural figures in New Orleans by giving his newborn child to his sister, Rebekah.

Klaus reconciles with his sister, recognizing that she can protect and love Hope like nobody else. Rebekah spirits Hope away from the city for her safety, while Klaus and Hayley fake their daughter’s death.

9 Bad Dad: Rejecting Pregnant Hayley

Klaus isn’t initially thrilled with the revelation of Hayley’s pregnancy. The Original hybrid rejects Hayley and their unborn child, opting to pursue supremacy over the city instead of fatherhood. Elijah is forced to step in, leading to a gradual romance with the pregnant werewolf.

Elijah manages to convince Klaus to commit to his child and remarks that the hybrid could find salvation through parenthood. Klaus eventually relents, proclaiming that his kingdom in the French Quarter needs an heir.


8 Good Dad: Helping Hope Through Her First Transformation

Klaus and Hope reunite in season 5 after a five-year absence from each other’s lives. In “The Tale Of Two Wolves,” the young Tribrid faces her first transformation into a wolf as the full moon approaches. Hope struggles to survive the harrowing experience, but luckily, Klaus is there to coach her through it.

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The other hybrid tells his daughter to embrace the pain of her werewolf transformation instead of denying it. Hope successfully turns into a wolf and has the Hollow extracted from her by Lizzie and Josie Saltzman.

7 Bad Dad: Depriving Hope Of Her Mother

Sometimes, Klaus was an excellent father. Other times, his pettiness got the better of him. During season 2, Klaus momentarily allies with his evil aunt Dahlia to place the Crescent Curse on Hayley and her pack. The werewolves are forced to remain in wolf form, tearing Hayley away from her daughter.

Klaus acts out of anger to prevent Hayley and Jackson from running away with Hope. His actions lead to Hayley missing out on her daughter’s first steps and deprive Hope of her mother’s presence.

6 Good Bad: Shows His Soft Side

Klaus shares a multitude of emotional scenes with his daughter throughout The Originals. In season 2’s “I Love You, Goodbye,” the hybrid has a loving moment with baby Hope in her crib. Season 4 sees the father and daughter duo bond more over a shared love of painting, with Klaus showing a rare softer side.

Despite his countless evil actions, the Original hybrid truly loved his daughter. Their scenes together from Hope’s childhood reflect their shared natures and highlight the tragic relationship they could have had.

5 Bad Dad: Attacking Her Boyfriend

Klaus’ reunion with his daughter doesn’t get off to the best start. The Original hybrid attacks Hope’s boyfriend Declan when Declan goads him about his absence from Hope’s life. The Tribrid swiftly arrives and uses magic to save her boyfriend from Klaus’ rage.

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Hope struggles to reconcile with her father in season 5. During their last meeting, a nine-year-old Hope witnessed Klaus killing another person, leading to the hybrid omitting himself from her life.

4 Good Dad: Sacrificing Himself

Klaus made the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter in the series finale “When The Saints Go Marching In.” Having taken the Hollow from Hope, Klaus struggles against the darkness consuming him. The Original shares a teary farewell with his daughter and the rest of his family before sacrificing himself alongside Elijah.

Klaus remarks that Hope taught him “unconditional love,” highlighting his growth from the first season. In the end, the biggest villain in The Vampire Diaries gave his life to save his daughter and the rest of the Mikaelsons.

3 Bad Dad: Accidentally Revealing His True Colors

From his first introduction in season 2 of The Vampire Diaries, Klaus was an unapologetic killer. The Original vampire forged a fearsome reputation as a merciless killer. Throughout TVD and The Originals, Klaus kills countless people and rarely expresses remorse for his actions.

Hope witnesses her father’s brutality while trying to contact him via magic. Despite his best efforts, the hybrid is unable to conceal his true nature from the person he loves most.

2 Good Dad: Absorbing The Hollow

Klaus absorbs the Hollow from Hope twice throughout the Originals to keep her safe. In season 4, the Mikaelson siblings each take a piece of the Hollow before separating from the rest of their family. Hope and Klaus are separated once more, though the hybrid’s efforts ensure his daughter’s survival.

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The Original siblings show an unwavering love and dedication to Hope throughout the series. Despite their past atrocities, the family seeks redemption by sacrificing themselves for their youngest member.

1 Bad Dad: Leaving Her For Five Years

Klaus left Hope for her own good, but ultimately the Original hybrid wound up missing the majority of his daughter’s life. In season 5, it is clear that Hope resents her father for his absence. To make matters worse, it is revealed that Klaus chose to stay away from her after she witnessed him killing someone.

The loss of her father significantly affects Hope in many ways. Despite his best efforts, Klaus failed to be there for his daughter during crucial moments of her life. Klaus loved Hope and did his best to be a good father, though he made his fair share of blunders when it came to parenthood.

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