Netflix’s hit show The Politician has been a hot topic for the past couple of months since its debut in September. Ben Platt and the rest of the cast really bring something special to the screen in this over the top, high school drama.

The show, and setting of the show, are anything but ordinary. Everything is over the top, emotional, and dramatic. The subtle hints of real political situation in each episode are genius, and really if you blink you’re bound to miss something! Every episode is jam packed with crazy moments, and even crazier quotes. Here are 10 of the best quotes from the show.

10 “I don’t care about what fancy school you went to or how many boys you didn’t bang while you were there”

This quote from Hadassah Gold (aka Bette Midler) is so sassy it hurts. When McAfee strives to really make a difference in politics, more specifically the well known Dede Standish, Gold tells her that it really doesn’t matter how hard she thinks she worked in high school or college, she just needs to sit down and do her job.

Senator Standish has been on a winning streak for years, and the campaign that McAfee thought was so strong, is really just super lazy at this point.

9 “Life isn’t a train; it is a sh*t tornado full of gold”

Gwenyth Paltrow plays one of the most unique characters on the show. Georgina Hobart is the mother to overly ambitious Payton, and diabolical twins Luther and Martin. She has a hard time really being in love, and is constantly having little affairs (that her husband is well aware of). Aside from having a very skewed vision of how to love and be loved, Georgina is the queen of quotable moments.

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Throughout the series, she is mainly trying to get Payton to slow down and just be a normal teenager. She is constantly giving him advice on how to enjoy life and what the real world is really like…but this one just has to be the best. A sh*t tornado full of gold seems like a pretty good analogy or life if you ask us.


8 “From now on, I only want fancy things in my life”

If anyone deserves the fancy things in life, it is Infinity Jackson. After finding out that her Nana has been faking Infinity’s illness her entire life, she is fed up. She moves out of the house and demands only the finer things in life.

Considering her Nana also poisoned her mother, it is safe to say that Infinity deserves to be as fancy and selfish as she so pleases. And who doesn’t like fancy things, really?

7 “Being lame was liberating”

Astrid Sloan was used to having the best in life, until she decided the only way to truly live was to be a commoner… or rather, a tourist in New York City.

After running away from home and causing a frenzy at school, Astrid lives like any other tourist, shopping at chain stores, and eating at Bubba Gump’s. Astrid felt that nothing in her life was really holding her together anymore, and that the only way to really feel her life was to be, well, lame.

6 “You can’t teach kindness”

Although The Politician is filled with lots of hilariously sassy moments, it’s equally filled with great life lessons. Georgina delivers this one while talking about the twins. It is true, the twins are anything but kind.

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Georgina realizes that even though she could have showed them more love, they were never going to end up being kind, no matter how hard she fought for it. The same can be said for some people in this world, you really just can’t teach someone to have a kind heart.

5 “It’s so hard to have to try so hard all of the time”

Well isn’t that relatable! Payton Hobart tries harder at life than anyone else in his world. And boy is he tired. It makes sense. Being a perfectionist, Payton is constantly trying to make everything picture perfect instead of just going with the flow.

While most of his stress comes from his own unrealistic expectations, he’s not wrong in saying that it is extremely hard to always be trying so hard.

4 “People like to think of their presidents as characters they see on TV”

This show subtly makes a mockery of the way our real presidential race is run, exposing the seedy underbelly of true politicians and their not-so-nice motives.

Payton is no exception, in that he wants everything on the surface to appear perfect, like he’s a TV character, but behind closed doors things are constantly falling apart. I mean, we all put up a front like this, but Payton more than anyone has trouble trying to make everything in his life appear idyllic.

3 “Music gives us permission to feel”

First of all… River Barkley deserved better. He of all people did not deserve to be dealing with all of the internal struggles that seems to haunt him so deeply.

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Although we didn’t get enough of him, the parts we did were magnificent. River was caring, insightful, and incredibly deep. He was the only person who could get Payton to feel things when he struggled, and he just had an inspirational air about him. And when he played piano in Payton’s daydreams, well we cried.

2 “Believe what? That I’m a stone cold b*tch with ice water in my veins?”

Alice Charles has to be one of, if not the most, iconic character on the show. Not only is her style impeccable, but she is Payton’s ride or die (even though she may have cheated on him…oops!)

Alice is willing to lie to protect Payton at all costs. She even lies her way through a lie detector test, and she does it with ease. Should those around her be worries that she can lie so easily? Eh, maybe. Nevertheless, Alice knows exactly what she wants and what she needs to do to get that.

1 “I’m warning you, don’t screw with my dream”

No matter what happens to him, Payton remains resilient. There’s no question that Payton is going somewhere big, and he will do everything in his power to get himself where he belongs.

He knows that he has more drive than the average Joe, and it’s that drive that is going to take him all the way to be POTUS. So, don’t mess with him.

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