It’s pretty cool as it details plenty of information about new powers that were not shown in the trailer and it gets me a little more excited to see this movie. You can see it by clicking on the link a bit further down the page.

You’ll notice that the very first power listed in the top left is that of pusher which when clicked, shows and describes the power of that lady from the trailer which the plot of the movie seems to revolve around. The site reveals the name of that character to be Kira Hudson.

I’m guessing the title of the film relates directly to that specific power and character. The website describes a “pusher” as one who can essentially control the thoughts and memories of others. The character Kira they describe seems to be the Professor X of this movie with incredible power. However, unlike Professor X of the Marvel Universe, she is the result of lab experiments and not solely a genetic mutation. The “good” and “bad” guys want to use her for their purposes.


Each power corresponds with a character of the film, most of which we have seen in the official Push trailer and most of the powers seem to be psychic in nature. Pusher is listed twice as Djimon Hounsou’s character also possesses that ability.

Click on the image to check out the powers:

You’ll see some interesting tidbits of backstory relating to Chris Evans’ character and the others. And if you have a few minutes, I highly recommend re-watching the trailer. I’m really digging the action sequences in the second half of it.

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Their are plenty of obvious similarities to Heroes – and not just from the powers but from the story of this secret organization. On its own Push looks to be a fun action movie that I’ll definitely see in theatres.

What do you think of the world and powers we’re being presented with in Push?

Push hits theaters February 6 2009 and stars Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Camilla Belle and Djimon Hounsou.

Source: Superhero Hype!

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